Effective Grading Practices
Archived Webinars
Thank You for Learning With Us!
When we began this project, little did we know that it would extend beyond Genesee County, beyond Michigan, and even beyond the United States! We are grateful and honored by the participation and contributions of educators who took the time to share and grow with us.
Scroll down for information, links to previous webinar recordings, and handouts.
Reflecting Back:
The Road not Taken--and Then Some!
Our Goals for the Project:
- to guide the exploration of effective grading practices that are accurate, meaningful, consistent, and support learning.
- to support educators, buildings, and districts in developing transitional strategies relative to the implementation of new practices and policies.
Staying on Track:
Continuing the Journey
Professional Learning and changes involving practice and policy take time. We plan to continue hosting a variety of professional learning collaborative opportunities, and hope you will participate.
Want to get involved? Please contact us if you have ideas, questions, or topics of interest relative to assessment and grading practices. We also welcome potential presenters who would be willing to share their implementation efforts and practical strategies.
Recordings & Resources:
Viewing the Recorded Webinars
Webinar recordings are available below; while they have not been edited, we are sure you will find them extremely helpful. If you need to move ahead in the presentation, you may use the controls at the bottom of the viewing screen. The Lincoln presentation recording was delayed 10 minutes, but you will find the relevant information was captured. Thank you for your understanding!
Click here for access to handouts from the various webinars.
Watch "Retakes and Revisions"
Click here to hear Matt Townsley share information on how retakes and revisions support student learning.
Watch "What is the Purpose of Grading?"
Watch "Effective Practices in a Traditional Grading System"
Click here for our January webinar with Lincoln Public Schools staff. HS teachers share how they are transitioning their grading practices.
Watch "Shift Happens"
Click here to hear Dr. Darin Jolly share steps a high school took to gradually implement more effective grading practices.
Watch "Grading that Communicates Learning"
Click here to learn more about Swartz Creek Community Schools' journey to implement practices that communicate learning.
Education & Learning
Email: lmadden@geneseeisd.org
Website: www.geneseeisd.org
Location: 2413 West Maple Avenue, Flint, MI, United States
Phone: 8105916164
Twitter: @lisa_madden