Peter Noyes Friday Flyers
Week Ending January 12th

Upcoming Events
January 15......No School (MLK Day)
January 19.......Food Pantry Collection
January 24.....No School (Professional Development Day)
January 31.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM
February 9.......5th Grade Hosts Movie Night!
February 14.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM
February 19-23.....February Vacation - No School
March 6.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM (Parent Conferences)
March 8.......Bingo Night (More details coming soon!)
March 13.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM (Parent Conferences)
March 20.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM (Parent Conferences)
From The Desk Of Annette Doyle - Principal
Dear Peter Noyes Families,
I hope your New Year has begun in a happy and healthy fashion. Our students certainly enjoyed some snow fun this week at recess among other exciting activities. Our fifth graders visited the Tea Party Museum in Boston on Tuesday and our kindergarten students enjoyed a Discovery Museum Force and Motion presentation today. Our fourth and fifth graders enjoyed an author visit from Derrick Barnes. All of us have also been creating unique art cards for Mr. C to celebrate the joy he brings to our school. It was a lovely surprise for him and he was so touched; they are posted on a bulletin board outside the gym. See the picture above.
Important Information about Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day will be here before we know it and I wanted to clarify how it will look at Noyes. In an effort to be more inclusive and equitable, we are asking families not to send in Valentine’s Day cards or gifts. This change in practice reflects our ongoing commitment to equity and inclusion. Messages of friendship will be part of our school-wide Kindness campaign and may be generated at the classroom level in a variety of ways. When we do projects at school, we ensure all students have the same access to supplies and we avoid placing any undue burden on families’ time or resources.
We understand for many of you this may come as a relief – no last minute CVS shopping on Feb. 13! – and for others it feels like a loss. It needn’t be. As a school and district, we recognize and celebrate Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to express friendship and our gratitude for family and community. This may look different from classroom to classroom, but the intent is to focus on the underlying Valentine’s Day themes of kindness and connection.
We will be kicking off our Kindness Campaign next month, which lasts all of February. The Kindness Campaign is all about friendship and caring and acts of kindness, which aligns well to our Core Values and the spirit of Valentine’s Day. Be on the lookout in the coming weeks for our Kindness calendar and other activities we do throughout February.
Sudbury Food Pantry Drive Next Week
Our January Food Pantry Drive day is this Friday, January 19. Students can bring in items any day next week. I know I say this a lot, but our participation really does make a huge difference.
The Food Pantry recently completed their annual year-end-client-visit analysis and they served 992 individual clients in 2023 (327 new for 2023) who picked up food for 3191 family members in 79 cities and towns. Client visits grew by 10% over 2022 and 54% over 2021.
They shared that while many economic indicators signal inflation is easing, food is not one of them. A recently released report by Consumer Affairs found grocery prices nationwide were 5.3% higher in November than a year ago, while prices in Massachusetts were 6.6% higher (#6 highest increase among 50 states). These numbers help explain why our work and collected donations are so important to serving those who may not be able to simply dig a little deeper into a pocket to make up the difference at the grocery store. Our efforts truly matter and are deeply appreciated.
Thank you so much for your support of the Food Pantry. The most requested items from the Food Pantry this month are listed below:
- TOMATO (sauce and diced)
- SALAD DRESSING (a reminder, includes marinades, mayo, mustard & ketchup)
- BOXED RICE (Near East, Rice A Roni)
SMILE Referrals
Several students participated in our summer SMILE program last year, but we received feedback from families that it would be more beneficial if they knew sooner if their child was recommended. SMILE is a four-week, free summer program designed to target numeracy and literacy skills in a socially rich classroom setting for students who are recommended by their teachers based on district assessments and classroom performance. Please know that we will be using our winter assessment data to make these recommendations this year and you will know by January 26 if your child is recommended for participation.
Catie’s Closet Clothes Donations – Includes Noyes Lost & Found SOON
During the Month of January, Maddie Stolper (a junior at LS and a Noyes graduate!) is running a clothing drive for Catie’s Closet. Catie’s Closet is a Boston-located organization that collects clothes, coats, shoes, and toiletries, and allows children in need to “shop” at rooms in their school. The goal of these closets, as they are called, is to make children more confident so they can focus on education instead of their appearance. A donation box is located in the Noyes front lobby for the entire month of January to collect new or gently-used clothes and new toiletries. Any clothes in our Noyes Lost and Found will be donated to Catie’s Closet at the end of January. If the item has a child’s name in it, we deliver it back to the student; however, if there is not a name, we will donate the item. Some of these items have been unclaimed for months. If your child is missing something, please check the Lost and Found located on the recess door landing before the end of January.
MPY Free Parenting Videos
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) has announced its new MPY Parenting Solutions Library. The MPY Parenting Solutions Library is offered at no charge, in partnership with Peace At Home Parenting Solutions, a non-profit located in Mansfield, Connecticut. Peace At Home Parenting Solutions is a dynamic hub of trusted knowledge and compassionate support that inspires parents to create positive change for their children, their families and themselves. Through this new partnership, MPY is pleased to offer proven resources to help students’ families thrive. Peace At Home Parenting Solutions specializes in empowering parents with evidence-based strategies to foster nurturing connections that safeguard their children’s mental well-being. We will also be adding this link to our SPS Social-Emotional Resources for Families page.
Annette Doyle
Lost & Found will be donated at the end of January.
Stop by before January 26 to check the Lost and Found.
All items will be donated at the end of the month.
Reminder- if you write names in your items- we will return them to you!
Peter Noyes 5th Grade Movie Night
Please wear your pajamas, bring blankets, bring pillows, and join us for a fun night together with family and friends!
(This is not a drop off Event)
5:30 PM
Peter Noyes Gym
In partnership, we're proud to offer English lessons to adults in our community.
Peter Noyes Elementary School
Email: kristin_moffat@sudbury.k12.ma.us
Website: http://bit.ly/PeterNoyes
Location: 280 Old Sudbury Road, Sudbury, MA, USA
Phone: 978-443-1085
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peter.noyes.3