At a glance
- Energy Assistance Resources
- Town of Milton, Community Health Social Worker
- Family Support Resources
- Food Assistance Resources
- Financial Assistance for Families in Need
- Resources for Families with Young Children
- Support and Resources for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
- LGBTQAA+ Support and Resources
- Milton Public School Liaison and Counseling Staff
Energy Assistance Resources
State of Massachusetts Energy Assistance Program Information
For families that have received gas or electric shutoff notices throughout the year or have depleted their fuel assistance during the winter months, but still are in need of a tank of winter heating oil or for those who may be just over the income eligibility requirements please reach out to Noreen Kearney Dolan at the Milton Residents Fund by phone at (617) 696-1214 or by email at miltonresidentsfund@gmail.com.
Town of Milton, Community Health Social Worker
The Town of Milton offers the services of a Community Health Social Worker, Anne Grossman, MSW, LICSW. Ms. Grossman works through the Town of Milton Health Department. Ms. Grossman is available to assist Milton families who may be in need of mental health and well being resources, case management, food insecurity services, check ins and employment resources, She is available 8-5 Monday -Thursday and Friday from 8-1:30 and can be reached via telephone at 617-898-4982 or via email at AGrossman@townofmilton.org
Family Support Resources
Tips and Resources
How do I find a mental health professional to work with me or my child?
While many families are experiencing frustration in their search for mental health professionals, it doesn't mean that you won’t find one, but you will have to be persistent and perhaps ask for help. Start by reviewing these tips and resources.
Try to be flexible with the timing of appointments.
Consider telehealth. Many professionals offer telehealth appointments and this can expand your search.
If it seems overwhelming, just try to make one phone call a day. Don’t give up.
For more information about finding the right professional to work with your child: How to Find a Children’s Mental Health Professional
Steps to finding a mental health professional:
Ask your primary care provider. If you are looking for services for a child, start with their pediatrician. They know you or your child best.
Reach out to your insurance company. Most have referral services built right into their websites.
Reach out to the school adjustment counselors.
Ask friends for referrals.
The Milton Coalition website has listings for mental health and behavioral health. www.milton-coalition.org
Resource Guide
Milton Coalition Resource Guide contains contact information to link families and youth to mental health, substance use and trauma hotlines as well as to emergency and outpatient therapy, family and group support programs, substance use disorder treatment, culturally competent care, and social services.
Translations of the Resource Guide are Available:
Therapy Matcher provides free, personalized, and confidential referrals to licensed independent clinical social workers across Massachusetts. It is a public service of the MA Chapter of National Association of Social Workers. There are 3 ways you can contact Therapy Matcher:
- Call 617-720-2828 or 800-242-9794
- Email info@therapymatcher.org
- Fill out online form here: https://therapymatcher.org/contact
Compass Helpline. The Compass Helpline at NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Massachusetts provides free information, ideas, resources, and support to help people across the state navigate the complex mental health system and related systems of care. Compass is staffed by people with first-hand experience navigating the mental health system for themselves or a family member.
call us at 617-704-6264 or 1-800-370-9085
email us at compass@namimass.org
learn more or schedule a call with us https://namimass.org/nami-mass-compass-helpline/#expect
Available Monday through Friday, 9 am – 5 pm
Aspire Health Alliance provides services for children, teens and adults experiencing emotional problems, behavioral issues, developmental disabilities, and substance use disorders.
Counseling intake: 877-382-1609
Crisis Line: 877-382-1609
Aspire Health Alliance’s Emergency Services Program (ESP) provides in-home, community, and hospital ER-based services to children, teens, and adults who are at risk of harming themselves or others. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, ESP’s master’s level clinicians provide psychiatric evaluation and treatment to support and stabilize clients while transitioning them to the appropriate level of care within the community.
New Directions Counseling Center, run by Interfaith Social Services and located in Quincy. NDCC provides counseling for all ages on a sliding fee scale if needed. Evening hours are available. Calls are returned promptly and they schedule an initial appointment within 2 weeks.
- Call 617-773-6203, ext. 12 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
- For more information: https://interfaithsocialservices.org/new-directions-counseling-center/
Quincy Family Resource Center
QFRC (including Milton) provides community-based, multi-cultural, support groups, parenting programs, assessment services, information and referral resources to community-based mental health services, and education for families whose children range in age from birth to 18. Serving all of Norfolk County. Call 617-481-7227 ext. 193 or 617-471-8400 ext. 100
For a list of free events and Educational Support Groups visit Quincy Family Resource Center
All services and groups at the QFRC are free of charge.
Food Assistance Resources
The Milton Community Food Pantry located in the Parkway Methodist Church, 158 Blue Hills Parkway, is open every other Saturday from 9:15 - 11:15am including February 3rd and 17th and March 2nd, 16th and 30th, with pre-bagged food ready to go for anyone that is in need. For specific dates visit their website above. The food pantry is currently not accepting food donations but monetary contributions can be made online at their website or mailed to Milton Community Food Pantry, 158 Blue Hills Parkway, Milton, MA 02186.
Interfaith Social Services Pantry Shelf provides fresh, healthy food to their client families. Interfaith Social Services is located at 105 Adams St., Quincy and is open Monday – Friday from 10-11:45am and Wednesdays from 5-7pm. For pick up directions and guidelines please click on the link above.
QCAP (Quincy Community Action Program) offers a Community Food Center which is available to Milton residents. The program is located at their Southwest Community Center. Families can call 617-471-0796 to complete an application and schedule an appointment to pick up food. Households typically receive one food order a month or more often in times of extreme need or crisis. Food orders typically contain a balance of meat, produce, fruits and vegetables, and grains.
Project Bread Making food accessible for families in Massachusetts. For details or access to their food resource hotline please click on the link above.
SNAP Food Assistance What is SNAP Food Assistance? SNAP, The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as food stamps), gives individuals and families money to buy food at grocery stores, convenience stores, and certain farmers’ markets. You have the right to apply for SNAP anytime you need help. If you have lost hours or your job or were laid off or lost income and need help putting food on the table, SNAP food Assistance is there to help you. To visit the SNAP website to learn if your family is eligible and how to apply click on the link above.
Brookwood Community Farm accepts applications for SNAP CSA shares. If you would like to use your SNAP benefits, please reach out to president@brookwoodcommunityfarm.org or call the farm phone which is 339-502-0826.
Financial Assistance for Families in Need
The Milton Residents Fund
The Milton Residents' Fund may be able to assist eligible individuals and families with the purchase of winter heating oil, preventing gas or electric shut off, rental assistance to prevent eviction, small medical/dental bills not covered by insurance, small car repairs to keep a car on the road, assistance to cover fees for professional development or education, and through the winter holiday gift program. To be eligible, applicants must be current residents of Milton, have a total household income less than 300% of the federal poverty level, and be experiencing a financial hardship. Please email the Milton Residents Fund at MiltonResidentsFund@gmail.com or call (617) 696-1214 with questions and to get an application.
Resources for families with young children
The Milton Early Childhood Alliance (MECA) is a community-wide group that seeks to support families and children and to expand access to affordable, high quality early childhood care and education. MECA offers a variety of programming including preschool and toddler playgroups. For information on programs and resources see their latest newsletter or visit their home page.
Contact Info: Susan L. Dolan, Director - email: cpcmecasld@verizon.net, telephone: 617-696-2262. They can also be found on Facebook & Instagram at: Milton Early Childhood Alliance.
Support and Resources for Grandparents raising Grandchildren
LGBTQAA+ Resources
Milton Public School Support/Counseling Staff
Marti O'Keefe McKenna, MPS Family Outreach Liaison
Email: mmckenna@miltonps.org
Website: www.miltonps.org
Location: 25 Gile Road, Milton, MA, USA
Phone: 617-980-2065