22-23 SMHS Cheer Weekly Preview
Last Week in the Knight's Realm
Our JV girls flexing!
JV performing at HOCO halftime!
JV mid air!
OUR very own Gabe and Miana!! Junior class royalty!!
Thanks moms!! We appreciate you volunteering to serve!
V Squad SLAYING as always!
Coach VanD and Melia! Coach VanD was beyond honored to be Melia's escort!
We love our SMCT Royalty!!
MONDAY 10/03/2022
- Comp Team Practice 5:00PM-7:00PM
TUESDAY 10/04/2022
- Padres Cheer Knight!
- Meet in Ghallager Square by 4:00PM-all participants are in charge of their own transportation. I encourage carpools as parking will most likely be rough!
WEDNESDAY 10/05/2022
- Comp Team Practice 3:30PM-5:30PM
THURSDAY 10/06/2022
FRIDAY 10/07/2022
- BOTH TEAMS TRAVEL-Bus leaves SMHS at 3:00PM
SATURDAY 10/08/2022
- Coach VanDeusen Saturday School 8:00AM-11:45AM
Join the Band!!
SMCT Community Outreach Project 2022-Below you will find opportunities to earn community service hours as well as promote our program's philanthropy!
The La Costa Meadows Elementary School Halloween Festival community service opportunity will take place on 10/22/22 at LCME! We have been invited to help with the cookie decorating station during the school's annual Halloween event. I strongly encourage you to fill out the google form and indicate which shift you are able to volunteer your time. The La Costa Meadows PTO is extremely excited about the prospect of our student athletes being able to volunteer!
SUNDAY-10/16 WASC Visit Cheer Performance
REMINDER!!! I fully understand that this event is on a Sunday...Please know that this is NOT mandatory and is only for 1 hour. We have been invited by our administration and I strongly encourage you to attend. With that said, you will not be penalized if you do not attend.
The event takes place on 11/06 in Balboa Park. We have formed a team that I would like you all to join! Just click on the View Team Page link below and register for the MORE THAN PINK Walk with the "Join Our Team" button. View Team Page There is no cost to join! We will walk as a team on 11/06! We have some super cute team shirts thanks to The Waffle Spot for sponsoring our team! This is a SUPER FUN event and it is for a GREAT cause! I encourage both parents and athletes to join the team!
*FUNdraising EVENTS*
Cheer with a KNIGHT! 10/13
This event is currently SOLD OUT!
First Annual San Elijo turkey trot
We have been asked to partake in the First Annual San Elijo Turkey Trot!! This is a great opportunity to get our name out in the community, develop partnerships with more sponsors/businesses, and make some money for our program!
Cheer program holiday party at the Gardner's!
OCtober birthdays!!!
Individuals born in the month of October are either born under the zodiac sign of Libra or on the Libra-Scorpio cusp. The individuals influenced by the sun sign of Libra are blessed with inner beauty as well as outer charm. These people are extremely motivated and achieve great heights in their career, owing to their beguiling personality and sense of diplomacy. Particularly firm and decisive, they are kind-hearted and are attracted to competitive individuals. Known for their suave and charming personality, individuals born in the month of October make a lot of friends and love to chat. These individuals have an extraordinary psychological aptitude and the best career options for them are interior designing, real estate, the stock market, marriage counseling and the food industry.
Rylie G. 10/16
Lauren H. 10/25
Sofia D. 10/27
Haylee M. 10/18
Maliya W. 10/21
Mya P. 10/02
Krista G. 10/12
MANDATORY COMP CHOREO 10/19-10/20 @ 3:30PM-8:30PM
THE following is in effect and will be strictly enforced
If you leave practice early: You will sit out for the same amount of time you leave early and collectively this can add up over time.
If one practice is missed= Verbal explanation of violation, warning against future consequence and cheerleader will show up at the next scheduled game in full uniform and sit out a portion of a game with her/his coach. However long will be up to discretion from the coach.
If two practices are missed= Verbal explanation of violation, warning against future consequence and cheerleader will show up at the next scheduled game in full uniform and will sit out the entire game and meet with the athlete and parent to discuss disciplinary action, probation, and action plan.
Continuous absences will result in removal from the program. Please do not commit to our team if you can not attend practice regularly
SMHS CHEER SPOTLIGHT: Charlotte Klemmer-Varsity
Charlotte is a senior member of the varsity cheer team and this will be her fourth year in the SMHS cheer program. Here are some interesting things to know about our girl Cha Diddy:
Favorite color: Hot pink!
Favorite food: Chipotle Burrito Bowls
Hobbies: Going to the gym, cheer, and going to the beach
Favorite sport(s): Gymnastics, cheerleading, football, and baseball
Someone I look up to is my dad.
When I grow up I want to be a Dental Hygienist or a Pediatric Nurse
Two words that describe you: Positive and Bubbly.
Kennedy is a sophomore member of the junior varsity cheer team and this will be her second year in the SMHS cheer program. Here are some interesting things to know about our girl Kennedy:
Favorite color: Dark green
Favorite food: Pasta
Hobbies: Dancing, hanging out with friends, reading, and cooking.
Who is someone you look up to most? I look up to my sister.
What do you want to be when you grow up? An actress
Two words that describe me: Ambitious and Funny
benefits of cheer
Being a cheerleader is so much more than standing on the sidelines, cheering on your team or performing on the competition floor, hoping to impress the judges and fans. You may not realize it at the time, but the benefits of cheer can help you navigate life in a unique and incredible way.
Aside from the physical skills it takes to stunt, jump and tumble, being a cheerleader teaches you practical life skills like discipline, teamwork and goal setting, all while building confidence. Cheerleading is more than the practices, games and competitions that fill up your schedule – it’s about developing to your fullest potential and becoming the very best version of yourself.
Here are 11 benefits of cheer:
1. Discipline
Cheer requires time, preparation and focus. Cheer training can help you learn discipline in a supportive, encouraging environment and will help you appreciate the direct correlation between preparation, practice and success.
2. Sportsmanship
Both success and defeat present important learning opportunities. Cheer teaches athletes to be proud of their successes, accept defeat gracefully, and maintain respect for fellow competitors, no matter the final score.
3. Hard Work
Hard work can make all the difference when it comes to being a successful athlete and team member. Cheer teaches young people how to work hard to improve their skills and reach their full potential.
4. Teamwork
The ability to be a team player is valuable in every stage of life. Through cheer, athletes learn to work together to set short–term and long-term goals and build strategies to accomplish them. Cheer offers a great model to learn the basics of collaboration, cooperation and compromise.
5. Physical Fitness
There are infinite reasons to take an active approach to maintaining and improving health and fitness. Cheer involves a balance of cardio, resistance, flexibility and endurance training.
6. Community Outreach
Cheerleaders participate in numerous activities both off the field and out of the gym to spread spirit at schools and within their communities. As ambassadors, cheerleaders have a number of opportunities to build character and leadership skills through community outreach.
7. Confidence & Self-Esteem
Standing on a stage or in front of a full stadium is no easy feat. From performing for a crowd, to serving as ambassadors at community events, to working a skill over and over to get it right, cheerleaders build confidence and self-esteem that will carry them through life.
8. Social Skills
Cheerleading opens the door to making new friends from outside your normal circle. Traveling to events means getting to experience new places and new people. Cheer also develops social skills like empathy, conflict resolution, showing respect for others, and keeping your cool, all of which are transferable to other aspects of life.
9. Leadership
They are called cheerleaders for a reason, as these individuals often emerge as leaders within their schools and communities. The leadership abilities gained from cheer are hugely beneficial when it comes to school projects, the workplace, and among peers.
10. Mental Strength
Mental strength goes further than powering through a workout. The mental strength learned through cheerleading lasts a lifetime, as mental toughness can be applied to everyday situations where the desire to give up is tempting.
11. Perseverance & Dedication
Cheerleading is often a year-round commitment. When joining a team, cheerleaders quickly learn that many people depend on them. As a cheerleader, these individuals are making a commitment, through the good times and the hard times, not only to their teams, but to their schools or gyms.
Hey There Knight Cheer Fam!
Welcome to Week 8!! WHAT AN AMAZING WEEK!!! JV and Varsity did an INCREDIBLE job at the 2022 Homecoming Pep Rally!! I couldn't have asked for a better first Hoco with the SMCT! Varsity taking the field at halftime and killing their performance was also a huge win for the SMCT...It is my understanding that it has been some time since the SMCT has been able to perform at a football halftime so cheers to us!! JV and freshman had a blast cheering at the JV homecoming game together! We may have started a new tradition?? This week we begin our routine competition practices...Please be sure to check the calendar and let me know if you notice any mistakes. Lots of community service opportunities coming up so please fill out the corresponding google forms and let me know your availability. JV and Varsity with be travelling together to Carlsbad this week so please be sure to send your athlete with food or money for food.
If you have not joined the BAND yet, please do so as soon as possible! The Band APP is officially our new mode of communication.
Looking forward to a great week!!
Remember to Keep it Classy and GOOOOO KNIGHTS!!