Saint Kateri School Newsletter - June 12, 2022
Principal Letter
Hello Saint Kateri School families!
As our school year is winding down we are very busy doing all the things that have been so sorely missed for the last two years of COVID ~ we are very excited to celebrate the end of a school year like no other with our students and families. We will share the memories in the next newsletter and over the summer on Social Media.
Families are welcome to attend the End of the Year Prayer Services in Church ~ Juneteenth Prayer Service (June 17th at 8:45am) and our Promise Prayer Service (June 22nd at 10:00am). All family visitors are asked to sit in the last three pews to allow for our K-5 students to sit in their assigned areas. You are also welcome to attend our Flag Day Prayer Service to be held outside, around the flag pole, on Tuesday, June 14th at 9:00am.
Thank you to everyone that handed in the flyer for the fall 2022 musical at SKS ~ Mrs. Dinsmore received over 30 interested responses. Stay tuned for more information and details when school begins next year. Exciting happenings!
The newsletter is filled with details and reminders for these last few days! Please take the time to read through the entire newsletter ~
Thank you for all you do for SKS and our students ~ our families are the heart of SKS!
Mrs. Terri L. Morgan, Principal
Email: Terri.Morgan@dor.org
Website: www.saintkaterischool.org
Phone: (585) 467-8730
Lord Hear Our Prayer
Please pray for the following people in our Saint Kateri community ~
- All those in our Saint Kateri School community
- Sra. Graciela
- Mrs. Wasnock's mother
- The family of Robert Frusci
Reminders from the Main Office
- June 30th is the last day for Early Bird registration for Extended Care. The registration fee will increase to $75
Milk and Hot Lunch Ended Friday, June 10
Field Day and K-5 Parent's Association Picnic
- Hot dogs
- Chips
- Watermelon
- Oreo Cookies
- Students will be able to use their water bottles for drinks
Your child will still need to bring a snack and drink for that day. Please pack your child a lunch if they do not like hot dogs and will not be participating in the picnic!
Support the Knights of Columbus
Upcoming Calendar Dates:
- 6/13: Preschool Field Day
- 6/14: Flag Day Prayer Service at 9:00am (outside ~ weather permitting)
- 6/14: Used Uniform Sale (2:00-3:30pm)
- 6/15: Kindergarten Celebration (10:00am in the Gym)
- 6/15: Used Uniform Sale (2:00-3:30pm)
- 6/16: Three Year Old Moving Up Celebration (10:00am in the Gym)
- 6/16: Used Uniform Sale (2:00-3:30pm)
- 6/17: Q4 ends
- 6/17: Juneteenth Prayer Service (8:45am)
- 6/17: Four Year Old Moving Up Celebration (10:00am)
- 6/17: 5th grade Luncheon (12:30pm)
- 6/17: 5th grade Ceremony (7:00pm)
- 6/20: No School Juneteenth Freedom Day
- 6/21: K-5 Field Day and Picnic
- 6/22: Promise Prayer Service (10:00am)
- 6/22: Half Day Dismissal at 11:30am
- 6/22: Last day of school for students ~ Happy Summer!
Last day for School Uniforms is June 10th
let's find out about scouts!
Walk-A-Thon Pledge Raising Winners!
Thank you to everyone in our SKS community for helping to raise the money necessary to fix our playground and provide materials for our P.E. classes. We couldn't have done this without your help and support. Thank you for sharing our fundraiser with your family and friends, and in our larger Irondequoit community! We are waiting for the final playground and physical education fund amount, after paying expenses and receiving all the monetary donations from the food trucks.
In the meantime, let's share the top fundraising efforts of some of our students and their prizes!
- Mrs. Garbach-Blakey's 1st grade grade class was the top pledge raising class in K-5, and will having a Pizza Party on Tuesday, June 14th to celebrate.
- As runner up for the top pledge raising class in K-5, Mrs. D'Aprix's 2nd grade class will get to choose a day to wear Hats and Sunglasses.
- Mrs. Gasic's Preschool 4's class was the top pledge raising preschool class, and they will be having a Pizza Party on Wednesday, June 15th.
- As runner up for the top pledge raising class for preschool, Ms. Valvo's PK4 class will get to choose a day to wear Hats and Sunglasses.
- Moira, 1st grade, was the top pledge raiser ~ she will get to be Principal for the Day on Monday, June 13th!
- There was a tie for runner up for the top pledge raiser ~ Molly in 2nd grade and Lucy in PKG will each have Lunch with the Principal and a friend!
The top pledge raiser in each class will get to paint a ceiling tile for the developing "Alumni Hallway" at SKS. Painting a ceiling tile was an event we began at SKS for Walk-A-Thon 2021 and those tiles can be seen if you "look up" in the hallway where the alumni class pictures are. The students that will be painting a ceiling tile this year are:
- PK3: Ellie
- PK4 Gasic: Lucy
- PK4 Valvo: Jorge
- PK4 Slocum: Reese
- Kinder: Sophie
- 1st: Moira
- 2nd: Molly
- 3rd: There was a tie! Noah and Joey
- 4th: Nathan
- 5th: Jenna
Walk-A-Thon Prize pictures
Lunch with the Principal
1st grade - Pizza Party
2nd grade - Hats and Sunglass
K-5 Ceiling Tile Painters
Lunch with the Principal and a Friend
Fun with the Principal
Molly (left): Lunch with the Principal and a friend
Ceiling Tile painter from Mrs. Slocum's class
from Nurse Trimaldi
Hello families,
It is hard to believe this school year is coming to an end. Thank you everyone for making my first year at Saint Kateri so wonderful! I have really enjoyed getting to know all the students and I am already looking forward to next year!! I also want to thank you for your patience. We were met with lots of challenges throughout the year, but we made it through…thank goodness!! I appreciate you trusting me to take care of your children while they are here, and I hope you all have a wonderful summer.
The health office will be closing for the summer on Wednesday June 22 at Dismissal. I am sending home reminders today and tomorrow about medication pick up. All medications must be picked up before dismissal on 6/22. Medications must be picked up by a responsible adult; students are not allowed to carry medication home in their backpack. Any medication that is not picked up, will be disposed of after dismissal on 6/22, in an appropriate manner.
I will also be sending home medication authorization forms for next school year for those students who currently keep meds in the health office. If you wish to have medication available for your child during the school year, please complete the enclosed form and return it to the health office, along with your Health Care Provider’s order and the medication. If you want to keep medications in the Health Office next year for your child, but don't currently do that, please contact me.
I will also be sending home reminders for physical exams. Any student entering Pre-K or Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 5th grade require a health examination. The exam must be completed by a NYS licensed physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner. I realize many have appointments already scheduled for this summer, so again, this is just a reminder. If your child will need a physical before school begins, this is a reminder to schedule that soon.
Have a great summer!!
Elizabeth Trimaldi, RN
Saint Kateri School
Email: sksdcs@dor.org
Website: www.saintkaterischool.org
Location: 445 Kings Highway South, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: (585) 467-8730
Facebook: facebook.com/St.KateriSchoolIrondequoit
Twitter: @StKateriSchool