Saint Kateri School's Newsletter ~ April 19, 2021
Principal Newsletter
Saint Kateri School families ~
April showers brings May flowers and there is certainly enough rain recently to bring us gardens full! Thank you to 5th grade for cleaning up our school Rainbow Garden bed ~ making space for the new growth happening. Look in the newsletter for how one class made lemonade out lemons on a drizzling, gray day.
Thanks to a generous Saint Kateri Parish donor, all Kindergarten - 5th grade families received Matthew Kelly’s new book: I Heard God Laugh. Enjoy! If you want to share a book review with me ~ please do!
Congratulations to Giuliana in 4th grade for earning the 1st place ribbon for her poster artwork in the Prevention 1st-13th Annual Fire Safety Poster Contest. Ali in 4th grade and Wyatt in 5th grade also received Honorable Mentions. The posters will be exhibited throughout Monroe County for our community to enjoy. Thank you students for sharing your gifts and talents with us!
On Tuesday, April 20th Saint Kateri School students in third, fourth and fifth grade will be participating in the NYS Assessment in ELA. These tests provide us with a common measure to inform future instruction and do not factor into student's report card grades. This year the Diocese of Rochester will be administering only Session 1 of the ELA and Math test, which is the multiple choice section. We look forward to a positive experience for our students ~ get a good nights sleep and do your best!
Please consider applying for The Reddington Scholarship if your household income is less than $60,000. Applications will be accepted for the 2021-2022 school year until April 30, 2021. Please return completed application to Mrs. Connor, our School Counselor, as soon as possible as she has information to provide on the application. Information can be found on our website: http://www.saintkaterischool.org/wp-content/uploads/Reddington-Scholarship-2021-2022.pdf
Family Ambassador Program: The Diocese of Rochester is also continuing to provide up to $500 in tuition credit for families referring new families! Please follow the link below for more details https://www.dorschools.org/ambassador
Mrs. Terri L. Morgan, Principal
Email: Terri.Morgan@dor.org
Phone: (585) 467-8730
Upcoming Calendar Dates:
- 4/20: No Quiet Mass
- 4/20: NYS ELA Assessment grade 3-5
- 4/21: May Hot Lunch closes at 9:30am
- 4/21: Walk-A-Thon Meeting 6:00pm on Zoom
- 4/23: Spring Picture Day (Schedules are coming)
- 4/26: Yearbook Order DUE
- 4/27: QM 3rd - 5th grade
- 4/27: Spring Picture Day (Schedules are coming)
- 4/29: Q3 Report Cards go home
- 4/30: NO SCHOOL Superintendent's Conference Day
- 5/4: NYS Math Assessments grade 3-5
- 5/5: Spirit Shirt Day
- 5/5: Parent Association Meeting 6:00-7:30pm
- 5/11: NO Quiet Mass
- 5/13: K-5 School Mass (1st grade) 9:00am
- 5/18: NO Quiet Mass
- 5/20: May Day Prayer Service at 9:00
- 5/22: Walk-A-Thon
- 5/25: Quiet Mass 3rd-5th 9:00am
- 5/31: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Walk-A-Thon Sponsor Letter extended until 4/23/2021
* $50-$99 Bronze level – Business name listed on back of t-shirt in level order
* $100 -$199 Silver level– Bronze member benefit, PLUS business logo posted on our website
* $200-$500 Gold level– Silver member benefits, PLUS a link to your business on our website
* $501 + Platinum level– Gold member benefits, PLUS largest font size level on back of t-shirt
Our Second Graders lead their 1st School Mass
Reminders from the Main Office:
- COVID test results and Doctor Release paperwork should be sent to the SCHOOL email rather than an individual's school email. This will allow access for the staff that need that information. Please do not send it to your child's teacher or to the Main Office staff emails.
Please use: sksdcs@dor.org
- Kindergarten - 5th grade: Uniform shorts can be worn in September and October AND May and June. The weather is beginning to get warmer but students can only begin to wear uniform shorts beginning on May 1st.
WALK-A-THON 2021 - May 22
This year we will be having two distinct fundraising campaigns going on at the same time ~ Walk-A-Thon donations for walking and Silent Auction Items! Thank you to Mrs. Pellegrino who is working hard to get us able to accept donations online!
Walk-A-Thon Family Walking Event:
This year our Walk-A-Thon will be held on Saturday, May 22 from 11:00am - 1:00pm ~ Pentecost Weekend! Families can begin arriving at 10:30am to check-in. Due to COVID we will be walking in family groups ~ this is a change from Walk-A-Thon in the past when we walked during the school day as a classroom group. We will also wear face coverings and socially distance.
The schedule of the day:
- 10:30-11:00: Arrival and Check-in
- 10:30-1:00: Silent Auction Baskets and Experience Items available for bidding
- 11:00-1:00: Family Walk Together
- 1:00-3:00: Saint Kateri Parish Pentecost activities!
- 4:00: Mass at Christ the King
Family Scavenger Hunt: Lead by Saint Kateri Parish Youth Ministry and can be done throughout the Walk-A-Thon.
Gaga Ball: (tentative) Due to COVID, we will be scheduling times for classroom groups to play together.
A Silent Auction that includes Classroom Themed Baskets and a Silent Auction for Teacher Experiences and other items:
Room Parents are coordinating with the classroom teacher the collection of Silent Auction Baskets items for each grade level. This is new to this year's Walk-A-Thon and it is sure to pump up the excitement for fundraising for our school!
Some of the basket themes are ~ just to name a few!
- Cookie Monsters!
- Game Night
- Date Night
- Rainy Day Rochester
Teacher Experiences might be:
- Special Lunch with the Principal for student and classmate
- Ice Cream Date with a teacher
- Tutoring certificate
This is where FUN meets FUNDraising!
Business Donation Letter for Basket items
COVID Chronicles
Change to Daily Health Certification
You will notice that the Daily Health Certification has been updated. We have removed the question that pertains to travel and quarantining as it is not relevant at this time. There are now 4 questions instead of 5.
Umbrella Walk
Counting Worms
Share our NEW Virtual School Tour!
2021-2022 Registration is well underway!
- Reach out to family and friends who are looking for a school for their children next year
- Post on your social media accounts
- Share our school posts
- Comment on local Irondequoit groups your recommendations about attending SKS
- Recommend Saint Kateri School as part of a Google review
Saint Kateri School
Email: sksdcs@dor.org
Website: www.saintkaterischool.org
Location: 445 Kings Highway South, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: (585) 467-8730
Facebook: facebook.com/St.KateriSchoolIrondequoit
Twitter: @StKateriSchool