From the Principal's Desk
May 2023
Saint Vincent de Paul School, acknowledging its century-old Catholic legacy, excels in providing an educational environment where students take risks and challenge assumptions by embracing experiential opportunities, learning to think innovatively, and growing courageously in their relationships with Christ.
Today your 2nd through 8th grade student will bring home an envelope addressed to their parents. Inside you will find the STAR Progress Report that includes your student's PR scores from the past one to three years.
The STAR Renaissance assessment is one point of data that informs instruction in the classroom. It is used to identify areas of strength and areas of growth within a grade level and for an individual student.
There is a lot to celebrate at SVDP!
The pie charts below demonstrate that 73% of our students are at or above the diocesan benchmark in READING and 82% of our student are at or above the diocesan benchmark in MATH. Over the school year all of our classes have experienced a year's worth of growth for a year's worth of instruction if not more.
Marguerite Pini
STAR Scores - 2022-2023
The diocesan benchmark is a 65PR or higher.
When compared nationwide, this May benchmark has the school's average PR score in both READING (78PR) and MATH (83PR) solidly in the top quartile.
Renaissance STAR - Definitions
IRL - Instructional Reading Level informs the instructor at what reading level students should recieve instruction.
Lexile Range - Informs the instructor, parents, and students the reading level of texts students should be engaged with when reading independently. Use to learn more about your student's Lexile range and Just Right Fit books for your students to read this summer.
This summer...
Read, read, and read some more.
Model it. Practice it. And engage in reading with your student. Language acquisition is essential. The more a student reads (or is read to), the more words they are exposed to, the more confident students are when reading independently.