Flyer Nation News

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January/February 2024
Flyer Nation Newsletter!
Hello Fernbrook families and welcome to the Flyer Nation Newsletter. You will be receiving this newsletter monthly via email with all the news you need to keep you up-to-date with happenings at Fernbrook.
Highlights from December & January
Crazy Sock Bingo
D.A.R.E. Graduation
5th grade had D.A.R.E. Graduation on January 11th. Officer Smith presented the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program to the students over a 15 week period. All students wrote an essay taking a stand against drugs and violence. Six students read their essays for the families that came to the graduation. Congratulations 5th grade D.A.R.E. Graduates!
New Fernbrook Rug
Thanks to the Fernbrook PTO we have a new rug for the front entry. When you stop in be sure to check out Flynn the Flyer's new digs by the front office.
Hero Squad
January 2 thru January 11 Fernbrook participated in Hero Squad. Hero Squad raises money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Minnesota. The money raised is used by LLS to invest in life-changing and life-saving research and provides support for families living through blood cancers. Our very own Mr. Pearson is a 3 time survivor of Hodgkin's Lymphoma and helps drive the fundraiser. This year Fernbrook raised over $6000 dollars to go to LLS and help advance cancer research. Thank you to everyone who participated in Hero Squad!!
Winter Conferences
Winter conference scheduling will open on Tuesday, January 23 at 9:00 am and will close on Thursday, February 1 at 4:30pm. All conference scheduling will be done through ParentVue. If you have any questions please reach out to Kelli Wever in the front office at 763-420-8888 or weverk@district279.org.
Dates and Times
Winter Conferences will be held:
Tuesday, February 6, 2024 from 3:40 to 7:40.
Thursday, February 8, 2024 from 3:40 to 7:40.
Tuesday, February 13, 2024 from 3:40 to 7:40.
Front Office Notes
If your student is going to be absent or late to school call the attendance line at 763-420-8888 press #1. If we do not get a phone call the student will be marked unexcused.
Transportation Change
If your child is going home a different way than what their normal transportation is please contact the front office so we can let the teacher know. Emailing the teacher can be a good second step but if the teacher is out of the classroom that day it can be missed.
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is collecting items pretty quickly. We have multiple pairs of snowpants, boots, lonely tennis shoes and more mittens than even an octopus family would need. If your student is missing anything come check out our lost and found. Your items miss you!
Recess-Winter Gear ❄️
With the arrival of winter weather, please make sure your student is dressed appropriately to be outside for 30 minutes. Most days this will include boots, snow pants, winter coats, hats and mittens/gloves. Please mark all winter clothing items with the student's name. ALL students will go outside for recess unless they have a note from their physician stating the reason they need to stay inside and the duration of this limitation.
Indoor recess will be held when the real feel temperature at lunchtime is below 0 degrees.
Upcoming events 🗓️
- January 22: PTO Meet and Mingle 6:30-7:30
- January 23: Conference Scheduling Opens 9:00 am
- January 23: 5th Grade Field Trip
- January 25: Destination Imagination Practice 3:30-5:00
- February 1: Destination Imagination Practice 3:30-5:00
- February 5: Licensed Staff Workshop (No School for Students)
- February 6: NAEP Testing-4th Grade
- February 6: Parent Teacher Conferences & Book Fair 3:40-7:40pm
- February 7: Student Council Meeting 8:00am
- February 8: Parent Teacher Conferences & Book Fair 3:40-7:40pm
- February 13: Parent Teacher Conferences & Book Fair 3:40-7:40pm
- February 15: Destination Imagination 3:30-5:00
- February 19: President's Day (No School for Students)
- February 22: Destination Imagination 3:30-5:00
- February 27-29: Vision and Hearing Testing
- February 29: Destination Imagination
Yearbook Information
There is a change with our yearbook offerings for the 2023-24 school year. This year every student will receive a complimentary grade-level only photobook. This photobook will have the student's own grade level classes, 2 pages of candid shots (These candid pages will be identical for all grade levels) and a page for autographs.
Families, if they choose, will have the option to purchase a paper-back yearbook for $10/book. The purchased book will have up to 40 pages, will include all grade levels, activity groups, multiple pages of candid shots, and pages for autographs.
If you decide you would like a yearbook for your child you can place an order online for $10 per yearbook at yearbookmarket.com. Yearbooks will be delivered to your student's classroom at the end of the school year. All yearbook sales are done online only. The last day to order yearbooks is Sunday, April 14th, 2024.
If you have any further questions please contact Tracy Judge at Judget@district279.org
Volunteer Information
How do I volunteer at Fernbrook?
Volunteering is a simple, fun way to be included in your child's school. At Fernbrook we always have volunteer opportunities available from in the classroom to helping at a PTO family fun night. All we need from you is a volunteer application and your willingness and excitement to help out. If you have not done a volunteer application yet this year, click on the button below and start your volunteering journey. If you have any questions about volunteering please email Nichole Wurm at wurmn@district279.org
Please see below for Volunteer opportunities coming up.
Book Fair Volunteers
Come help at the Scholastic Book fair! Remember the excitement as a young child walking into the book fair? Keep that memory going for your children. There are multiple shifts available, click on the button below and sign up!
Conference Meals
This is a great opportunity if you can't make it in during school hours. Our teachers are here from 8:00am to 8:00pm on conference nights and they can get hungry. Click the conference meals button below to help bring them meals for their long days!
February 6 – Soup Night
February 8 – Pizza Night
February 13 – Taco Night
Vision and Hearing
We are required to do Vision and Hearing screening for 1st, 3rd and 5th grade students. This is a simple volunteer opportunity recording scores for students. Click the button below and sign up!
PTO Updates
Would you like to know more about PTO? Find your teacher's Favorite Things? Find out when the next PTO Meet and Mingle is? Click on the button above and visit the PTO webpage!