Learning Studios
Getting Started with Deploying Blended Learning
Free Learning Studio Guide
Blended Learning Studios increase student engagement and ownership by allowing time for the students to explore, enhance, and apply the learning objectives through relevant learning activities.
The Field Guide Belt Colors
Student Engagement
We offer virtual and on-site workshops on deploying high student engagement and ownership levels by implementing student voice and choice. Sign Up Today!
Coaching Workshop
We are offering a Coaching Workshop Series on generating sustainability of Blended Learning Studios in the classrooms using "Field Guide." Learn more and sign your team up today for this fantastic coaching workshop with Macia Kish.
Small Groups
The Small Group Instruction workshop showcases how to start deploying learning studios, how to begin collecting the data from formative assessments, online programs, and small group responses, and how to use the data to differentiate the small group instruction.
I am excited to announce that I have written a book showcasing a step-by-step guide on implementing student engagement and ownership infused in blended learning studios for the K-12 classroom. The "Field Guide" displays twelve elements to enhance the classroom delivery of content that promotes higher levels of student ownership and engagement.
12 Elements of Student Engagment and Ownership Infused in Blended Learning Studios
Contact us to book a keynote, one or two-day workshop, onsite coaching, or participate in Three Phases of Blended Learning Coaching Academy.
Email: marcia@Blendedlearningpd.com
Website: www.blendedlearningpd.com
Location: Kingston, TN, USA
Phone: 614-783-4643
Facebook: facebook.com/dsdPD
Twitter: @dsdPD