Rebel Review
August 2023 - Back to School
Principal Message
South Families,
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. It is amazing how quickly the summer has passed! It is an exciting time of the year, as new experiences and opportunities are right around the corner for our students and community. My name is Mr. Suttell, and I am thrilled to introduce myself to you as the new principal here at Willoughby South High School. As a community member and father of a recent South High graduate, I can assure you that it is truly an outstanding time to be a part of the Willoughby-Eastlake Schools, and especially a part of Willoughby South High School. There are great things happening here. I am looking forward to getting to know you and working with you to make the 2023-24 school year meaningful and successful for our students!
My communication today is meant to give you some basic information as we begin to prepare for the school year. Over the next few weeks, I will communicate important information as needed. Once the school year begins on August 21, I will send this communication every two weeks to help you stay informed of what is going on at Willoughby South. I also encourage you to visit our school website anytime to view our latest updates. As always though, If you have any questions that you need answered directly, please feel free to call our main office for assistance (440-975-3648).
Andy Suttell
New Student Orientation
Orientation for our 9th grade students or any student new to South High School is on Thursday, August 17, 2023. Student times for the orientation are 1:00 PM, 3:00 Pm or 5:00 PM. Please use the Student Orientation Sign-up Form to indicate the time you would like to schedule to attend. Later in the evening, We will host a parent orientation at 6:30 PM. Orientation will allow you the opportunity to meet administration and counselors, receive an updated schedule, practice your locker, get to know the building and here other important information. Please plan to attend - we are looking forward to meeting you!
Important Calendar Date/Events
Mark your calendar for these important events during the first few weeks of school:
August 4 Student schedules available on Powerschool
August 14 Bus/Transportation information available in Powerschool
August 17 New Student Orientation
August 17 New Student - Parent Orientation - 6:30 PM
August 21 First Day of School (First Period begins - 7:45am)
August 30 School Pictures (Details to come)
September 4 Labor Day - No School
September 6 Parent Open House - 6:00 PM (Details to come)
September 8 Homecoming Football Game
September 9 Homecoming Dance - at South High School
September 27 Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30 - 7:30pm
October 2-6 North/South Spirit Week
October 13 NEOEA Day - No School
October 18 End of First Quarter
Administration and Guidance
South High Administration
The following are the school administrators for the 2023-24 school year. The administrative team is eager to work with you and our students to support student success in any way. If you have any questions, please feel free to email the appropriate grade level administrator:
Mr. Andy Suttell, Principal:
Mr. David Miller, 11th and 12th Grade Principal:
Ms. Jennifer Neumeyer, 9th and 10th Grade Principal:
Guidance Counselors
Our school counselors will be returning the building the week of August 7. Our counselors serve students based on student last name. If you have any questions regarding scheduling or any other concern, please reach out to you direct counselor.
Mrs. Allison Grant; Student with Last Names A to G:
Mrs. Celeste Duffy: Students with Last Name H to O:
Ms. Virginia Joyce: Students with Last Name P to Z:
Absence or Late Arrival Information
Anytime a student is absent, the office needs to verify the child's whereabouts. If you know your child will be absent, tardy, or leaving early, you can call (24 hours a day) to let us know. Then our office won’t have to call you! If we know you are picking them up you don’t even have to come into the building. Students will come out at the time you have requested for pickup! Thank you for helping us keep students safe.
- Attendance line: 440-283-2180
- Late/Early line: 440-975-3652
- Main Office line: 440-975-3648
Student Parking Passes
All students are required to display a current parking permit. Permits can be obtained from the main office. You can also access the form by clicking on the Parking Permit Form.
Homecoming - Early Information
- Date: September 9, 2023
- Time: 7pm - 10pm (Doors open at 6:45pm)
- Tickets: $20.00 per person (sale information available first week of school)
- Theme: Disco Nights
Join Our Boosters!
Willoughby South High School has 3 phenomenal Booster Organizations that support the students!
- Our BAND BOOSTERS support our Rebel music and band programs
- Our REBEL FAMILIES support our Rebel academic programs and provide scholarships
- Our ATHLETIC BOOSTERS support our Rebel athletics teams
Please support these fine organizations! They volunteer their time to give back to our kids in so many ways!
District Reminders
Bussing Information: The radius for school transportation widens from Middle School to High School. Transportation information will be listed in PowerSchool Parent Portal on August 14th. Transportation can be reached at (440) 975-3736.
School Fees, Lunch Accounts & Free/Reduced Lunch Application: Manage student meal accounts & Apply for free and reduced meals at
Open Positions at W-E Schools
Check out the Employment page to find opportunities for joining the Willoughby-Eastlake team: