Tiger Beat October 21st, 2022
Shane Marken- BHS Industrial Arts
Do you know a current Bandon staff member who has made a difference in your life, the life of a child, or to the community? It can be any employee: a teacher, or an educational assistant, a bus driver or a secretary or a food service worker, an administrator or a custodian. Our district is filled with great staff!
Visit our website at www.bandon.k12.or.us and click on the Bandon Distinguished Tiger Award Nomination Form link. Complete the fillable form, and add no more than one page to the form explaining why you believe this Bandon staff member deserves the Bandon Distinguished Tiger Award. Be persuasive! Give it your all! Tell us as many details as you can about the staff member and what makes them deserving of this award.
Return completed form and one page essay to the following:
Joseph Bain
PO Box 659
Bandon, OR 97411
#OneTeamOneMission #CommUnity #Valued
Speech Team Tournament
The Speech and Debate team had their first tournament this last weekend, and 16 of our 20-person team competed! All of the kids have been hard at work over the last four weeks preparing for this tournament and they gave their all against 6 other schools in Southern Oregon.
Some rounds were separated by first-time competitors (novice) and returning competitors (open), if an event is not listed as a novice or open below, it means first-time competitors competed against returners.
Here are the results from our first tournament:
- Sidda Radcliffe - 1st place Novice Prose
- Maya Tulles - 1st place Dramatic Interpretation
- Daniel Cabrera - 1st place Open Prose
- Daniel Cabrera - 1st Place Humorous Interpretation
- Kenny McMillen - 1st Place Extemporaneous Speaking
- Tyler Eickhoff - 3rd Place Humorous Interpretation
- Maya Tulles - 4th place Open Impromptu (previously misreported as 5th)
And then we swept Duos(!):
- Kenny and Felicia McMillen - 1st place
- CJ Kilcoyne and Matthew Stack - 2nd place
- Sam Tiffee and Georgie Brown - 3rd place
Congratulations to our BHS Speech Team and a huge shoutout to their dedicated and hardworking leader, Ms. Ashley Pearson!
Speech and Debate club is having a bake sale this Sunday, October 23rd, from 9 am - 1 pm at McKay's. All treats are by donation. All funds go towards hotel and tournament costs!
Homecoming Court
OSU Representative
BHS Volleyball Senior Night
Girls Basketball
You can also sign up for any other sport that your student may want to play later in the year. Boys Basketball begins after winter break.
Student hand book
Please fill out the below conference link no later than October 21st.
7th/8th Grade Conferences
Cell Phone Policy
School Sponsored Events
Lunch Time Group
Come to our Haunted Halls!
Wear your school colors!
Community Events
HLMS Staff participating in the district wide Pink Out
Wearing PINK for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Jog a thon!
Money will be collected starting Monday, October 17th before school (8:00am-8:25am) in the front office. Money can also be turned in at the office by an adult at any time during the day (8:15am-4:00pm).
The deadline for money collection to be eligible for incentive rewards is November 10th.
Character Strong
Bandon School District
Website: www.bandon.k12.or.us
Location: 455 9th St SW, Bandon, OR, USA
Phone: 541-347-4411