February 16

CMITN510 / February 16, 2024
Parent Teacher Conferences - February 20th - 2 hour delay for students
Good afternoon CMIT North High School Families,
Parent Teacher Conferences are Tuesday, February 20th from 8:00 am to 9:50 am. We will be holding all conferences through video call. We will be using a platform built for parent-teacher conferences.
Students have a 2-hour delay schedule for school on this day.
Attached is a guide on how to book appointments.
Key things to know:
Please use the following website to schedule with your student's teachers. Website: cmitnorthhs.meettheteacher.com
Appointments are on a first come first serve basis. If the teacher is fully booked or there is an issue, please reach out to the teacher directly via email.
You have until Monday, February 19th at 6:00 pm to make or adjust your appointments.
You can use this platform on a computer or smartphone or tablet.
When you log in, make sure to type your student's name exactly as it is in SchoolMAX. (For example, if your student's last name is Smith-Jones in SchoolMAX, Smith - Jones will not work. Make sure that the spacing and hyphen are exactly the same as SchoolMAX.) This needs to be done correctly because the platform will link your email to your student's classes and teachers.
If you have multiple students at CMIT North HS, please log in using one student's name and then you can add the other student's teachers on the Choose Teachers section.
If multiple parents want to be at the same conference with a teacher, it is possible now! One parent will schedule the appointment and then that parent will have the ability to grant access to an additional parent. This is further explained in the "how to attend appointments over video call" link.
All appointments are 10 minutes per teacher per student. When you join the call, you will notice a timer at the top. Once the time is up, the video will close out. Because of this, it is extremely important that you are on time to your appointments. If after the 10 minutes, you would like to speak further with that teacher, you will need to reach out via email to set up a separate time to talk.
Each time you go to the website, you will need to enter in your name, email, student's name, and student's date of birth.
How to attend appointments over video call: https://support.meettheteacher.com/article/803-video-parents-how-to-attend-appointments-over-video-call
If you are having issues with video appointments: https://support.meettheteacher.com/article/811-video-troubleshooting-camera-and-microphone-access
We look forward to seeing you!
All the best,
CMIT North HS Administration
Class of 2024 and Families,
The time has come to leave your mark with your Senior Quote and more. Please take the time to fill out the form for Senior Features. Information to purchase your yearbook and Senior Ads are also included in this email. Please pay attention to the deadlines for the links. Also, it is time to make sure you have turned in your publicity form to CMIT. We look forward to receiving your contributions.
Senior Features (Quotes, Pics, etc.)
Senior Superlatives (Most likely to...)
Yearbook 2024 Senior Ad Pages
Yearbook Recognition Ads are the perfect way to commemorate achievements and celebrate milestones. Did you miss the online deadline and still want to recognize your senior? There is still limited space available! Contact Ms. Houston for more information. khouston@cmitacademy.org
Yearbook 2024 - ONLY 100 Copies Left!
Yearbook orders for the 23-24 school year are live! ANYONE can purchase the yearbook: parents, students, or siblings for $75!
Go to https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01131026 to place an order!
We are printing limited copies. Order now!
[please add the attached Yearbook AD Poster to this announcement]
YBK+ – Make the yearbook your own!
Exciting news about the yearbook! This year, using cutting-edge new technology, you are invited to share your 10 favorite photos of the school year. When the yearbook comes out, you'll be able to scan the portraits in the printed book using your phone and digitally unlock each student's 10 favorite pics they submitted. Plus, you can add photos to a variety of School Life topics. Check out how it works here.
Upload yours today at ybkplus.com!
CMIT North Academy will be hosting a Culture Festival. We are looking for vendors to participate in the event. Students are also welcome to participate as a vendor if they have a small business! This will help to get more exposure. You do NOT need a licence in order to be a vendor.
Culture Fest will take place April 6 from 10AM-1PM right here at CMIT North Academy. If you are the owner of a small or large business and would like to either advertise or sell merchandise, please consider signing up for this event. It is open to the community!
Please follow the directions on the flyer in order to reserve your table. Should you have any questions please feel free to use the email from the flyer to contact Ms. Upshaw.
Dear CMIT Family,
Exciting news! We have a fantastic opportunity lined up for the summer from The NEED Project: the Youth Energy Summit and Exelon STEM Academy. Please take a moment to review the instructions and flyer provided below for more details.
This is an incredible chance for our students to engage with cutting-edge STEM concepts and immerse themselves in hands-on learning experiences. Don't miss out on this enriching opportunity!
Best regards,
2024 Constellation Y.E.S. Summit
Free to attend, the Youth Energy Summit (Y.E.S) was created to bring together young people who want to be part of the climate change solution and are willing to learn and lead us to a brighter and more sustainable future.
Who Should Attend?
- Young people currently in 10th or 11th grade (Class of 2025 or 2026)
- Young people who live in Maryland, Illinois, Texas, New York eligible counties. Learn more here.
Exelon Foundation STEM Academy
The Exelon Foundation STEM Academy is a free, week-long in-person event designed to give young women in high school hands-on experience in STEM, energy, and sustainability. NEED is proud to partner with the Exelon Foundation to make this opportunity available to young women each year in Chicago, Philadelphia, and the Washington, D.C./Maryland area.
In 2024, the program will expand to include young men! Know any students currently in 10th or 11th grade (class of 2025 and 2026) who are interested in STEM? Encourage them to apply (deadline is April 11, 2024) for the 2024 Exelon Foundation STEM Academy.
More details here!