Manatee Elementary Newsletter
February 24, 2020
Important Dates
Feb 21 - Book Fair begins (2/24 - 2/28); Early dismissal 1:15 pm
Feb 28 - Early dismissal 1:15pm; Oodles of Noodles Family Event 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Feb 29 - Elementary Music Festival
Mar 2-6 - National School Lunch Week
Mar 4 - SAC meeting 3:00 pm
Mar 6 - Early dismissal 1:15 pm
*** The 3rd Quarter Award Ceremonies originally scheduled for April 2nd have been changed to March 31st due to FSA testing. Those ceremonies are: 2nd/4th - 8:15 am and 1st/6th - 9:15 am. Award Ceremony dates will be posted again in upcoming newsletters.
5 Dress Up Days of Seuss
Mon., Feb. 24
Wed., Feb 26
Thurs., Feb 27
Fri., Feb 28
- Dress up as your favorite Seuss character
Tues., Feb. 25
- Dress up in green and kids eat a free breakfast of green eggs & ham in the Manatee cafeteria
Wed., Feb 26
- Wear wacky hair and crazy clothes
Thurs., Feb 27
- Wear your pajamas to school
Fri., Feb 28
- Wear colorful spots or stripes... join us at Oodles of Noodles
Things to do at the Oodles of Noodles Family Event...
- Play Grinch Games outside for FREE and earn a ticket for the prize table
- Grab a quick Popcorn snack for 50 cents and eat outside.
- Join the Dance Party with DJ Dunne & DJ Plechaty
- New Manatee Trivia Challenge... Ten "Manatee" questions for families to work together finding answers all around our campus
- Spin a Wheel... win an experience to do at Manatee (i.e. Guest on Manny TV News, Library Lunch w/Friend, Read to a K Class, Safety Patrol for a Day, Extra Recess w/Mrs. Daly)
- New Book Parade... beginning at Mrs. Anderson's door and following arrows through the hallways to see 12 gigantic books on a parade route. Vote on your favorite book at the end.
- Photo Booth... create a family memory with a Seuss photo
- Go to the Book Fair from 4:30 - 6:30 pm
- Oodles of Noodles Dinner served by Carrabba's from 5:00 - 6:15 pm.
Carrabba's Dinner
Next Friday, the night of our Oodles of Noodles Family event, all who pre-ordered red tickets may pick up your meals between 5:00 - 6:15 pm in the cafeteria. All tickets have been pre-sold; there will be no purchases the night of the dinner. Thank you, again, Dave McMillan from Carrabba's for sponsoring this special annual family event!