NVHS 2023 - 2024 Newsletter #12
Parent Surveys
Please consider completing the following survey to help us grow as a school community.https://forms.gle/gHrPgdhKF3xKvbT16
Car raffle
Each year, Mendoza ford donates a vehicle for a Vermilion Parish Schools Raffle. All proceeds from the tickets sold at North Vermilion High School stay at North Vermilion. If each student sold just 2 tickets, we would collect over $30,000 to fund rewards programs, technology, and enhancements for our school community. Please consider selling or purchasing tickets. Students were given forms for this.
Tutoring Begins
Algebra I tutoring:
Mondays & Wednesdays @ 2:40 - 4:00 - Meet at the office.
Anyone requesting tutoring in other subjects should email Mrs. Denise and she will arrange this for you.
Student Reminders - Things to know
- Students requesting to move from an honors section to a regular level section of English or Math should turn in their request form to the office this week. Forms are available at the front office window.
- Remember to check your Google Classroom for intervention list.
- Our first nine weeks ends next Friday (October 13th), take care of your missed assignments. We have a lot of make up tests still in after-school testing box. Make-up testing is Tuesdays and Thursdays in Mrs. Nickie Vice's room.
- If you are struggling in a class, YOU can ask a teacher to pull you.
- Any group wanting to get together for a study session can check with Mrs. Denise and she will arrange to open the school after hours for groups to study or tutor at a time that works for your group.
- We are excited about our new breakfast offerings. Please remember that breakfast is to be eaten in the cafeteria.
- Students are reminded that any lunch detention assigned is to be served the following day. If you do not attend lunch detention, it will automatically be rescheduled as after school detention.
Practice ACT coming soon!
A Practice ACT will be held October 24th. These are a few details you should know:
- All sophomores and Juniors will take this test.
- Any senior who would like to take the practice test should email Mrs. Denise to be placed in a group.
- Freshmen will have a virtual learning day this day and will not report to school.
- Seniors will follow a regular schedule and will complete transcript reviews in the morning.
End of the grading period
The last day of the first quarter of school is this Friday! Because we will be out of school Monday and Tuesday of next week, October 16-17, we really need all work and make up work completed this week if at all possible. Report cards will go out Monday, October 23.