Beardsley News
February 13th, 2024
Important Dates
19th - No School, Presidents' Day
21st - Early Release, 1 pm
23rd - End of Term 4 / Trimester 2
13th - Early Release
25th -- 29th - No School, Spring Break
Coins for CASA Fundraiser
Student council will be having a spirit week next week, but it will be a little different. This spirit week is a KICK OFF to a CASA change drive called “COINS for CASA” that will be taking place in all homerooms.
What is CASA: Every day children in McHenry County are removed from their homes due to their parents not being able to provide a safe environment. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) provides these children with a voice in court by meeting with the child and adults in their lives. A CASA Advocate gives the child a voice so that they may grow up in a safe, forever home. In 2023, CASA served over 323 children in foster care with 175 Advocates.
Dates: February 12- March 15
Prize: Winning 6th,7th, AND 8th grade classes will be getting an ice cream bar party during their lunch.
Spirit Week / CASA Fundraiser Kickoff
February 12th - 16th
Monday, February 12th Pajama Penny Day
Fill your pajama pockets with pennies to donate to your homeroom CASA piggy bank.
Tuesday, February 13th Nike Nickel Day
Wear all your Nike gear and be sure to bring Nickels to fill your CASA piggy banks.
Wednesday, February 14th Extreme Valentine’s Day
Love is in the air, let us see your pink or red wear!
Any and all Valentine’s accessories can be worn too. Be sure to bring dimes to fill your CASA piggy banks.
Thursday, February 15th Quarterback Thursday
Wear any football attire and be sure to bring your quarters to fill your CASA piggy banks.
Friday, February 17th Dynamic Duo Dollar Day
Be a Dynamic Duo and dress like a friend! Don’t forget to bring dollars to put in your homeroom CASA piggy bank!
Got Gym Shoes?
Old tennis shoes taking up closet space?
Feeling generous?
Hannah Beardsley PE would LOVE to take them off your hands!
To donate just send them with your student to school and have them give to a PE teacher.
Or email Tara Valentinez ( to organize a time to drop them off!
Yearbook Reminder
Be sure to order your yearbook. Ordering will close SOON!
Yearbooks can be purchased at or your direct link of or by phone at 1-877-767-5217.
Online Kindergarten Registration Is Now Open
District 47’s online kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open! To register, visit the D47 website at where you’ll find step-by-step instructions or watch the videos below. Families who submit online kindergarten registration before March 15th will get a free T-shirt for their incoming kindergartener! For any questions about kindergarten registration, please contact the student services department at the district office.
Online Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025
Registro de jardín de infantes en línea 2024-2025
Early Entrance and Accelerated Placements
The application for early entrance to kindergarten/first grade and accelerated placements is now open. Parents/guardians must complete the application form on or before March 29, 2024. For information, eligibility, and application links, click here.
Kindergarten Dual Language Meetings
Informational meetings about District 47's Dual Language program will be held for parents who have an incoming kindergarten student for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested in placing your child into the program and you do not have a child currently enrolled in the dual language program, attendance is required at one of these meetings. Flyer in English. Flyer in Spanish. For more information about District 47's Dual Language program, visit
Location: CORE Center, 300 Commerce Drive, Crystal Lake
To join a dual language meeting via Zoom:
Tuesday, March 5, 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 13, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Challenger Space Missions
Register for Challenger Space Missions through the Crystal Lake Friends of Gifted Education. There are two fun dates for the Challenger Space Missions February 24th and March 2nd. This is for grades 5th-8th and 4th grade EC students. Click on link to learn more and to register.
Submitting an absence in ParentVue
Please review these instructions for submitting your students absence in ParentVue. Please note that the end date is only required if out more than one day.
Student Highlights
We need your help!
Parent Survey
The 5Essentials parent survey is intended to help school districts understand the conditions at each school and guide improvement. Parent identity and survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will not be connected to their student(s). If at least 20 percent of families complete the survey, a parent supplement report will be generated for the district. To take the survey, visit and select the appropriate survey to begin. Families can submit one survey for each child.
8th Grade Families
Please note these important end of year dates!
Friday, May 17th - 8th Gr Dance at HBMS - 5:30 to 7:30 PM
Monday, May 20th - 8th Gr Honors Night (Graduation) at Prairie Ridge High School - 5:30 pm
Activity Buses
Activity buses have started and run on Monday / Tuesday / Thursday. Students cannot leave school grounds and return to ride an Activity Bus home. They must remain on school property to ride the bus home.
Please check out the Daily Announcements page on our website, and the Calendar, for updates.
Upcoming Events
Dining for Dollars
The next Dining for Dollars is at Raising Cane‘s on Wednesday 2/21 from 4-10pm. Mention Hannah Beardsley and the PTO will receive 15% of your sales!
Staff Appreciation - Valentine’s Day
Thank you to everyone who signed up to donate Valentine’s Day treats for our wonderful staff at Hannah Beardsley. Your donations can be dropped off at the front office no later than 3pm today (Tuesday 2/13). Please avoid dropping off during dismissal. Questions? Email Erin Kaye at
Concession Stand
The Concession Stand will be open for business at all our home wrestling meets and girls’ basketball games! We offer a wide array of snacks and goodies. Cash only.
Special Event
8th Grade Dance
This year’s 8th Grade Dance will be held at Hannah Beardsley on Friday, May 17th, from 5:30-7:30pm. Thank you to everyone who attended our first planning meeting! Our next planning meeting is March 7th at 6pm in the library at HBMS. Help make this an extra fun event for our 8th graders!
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us!
Next PTO Meeting
Our next PTO Meeting is Tuesday, April 9th, from 6-7pm in the library at HBMS. Mark your calendar now!
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: @PTOHannah
For any questions please email us at
District 47 Website Feedback
We value your input and would greatly appreciate your feedback on our District 47 website. Your insights will help us enhance the online experience for both parents/guardians and staff. Please take a moment to share your thoughts by clicking on this survey link.
Elevate Award
District 47 Budget 2023-2024
The 2023-2024 budget has been board approved and is available on the District 47 website, Click here to see the 2023-2024 budget.
Cafeteria Menus
Peachjar E-Flyers
Be "In the Know" - Download the D47 app!
Contacting the School Office
Main Line 815-788-5750
Principal - Carrie Coats -
Assistant Principal - Shannon Heckman -
Assistant Principal - Josh Gschwend -
Dean of Students - Todd Skarr -
Administrative Assistants - Troy Bretzman - Front Office, Kathleen Gluck - Student Office
School Nurse - Laurie Kaiser -