Bush Banner
February 5, 2021
Dates to Remember
02/09 - Spring Picture Day
02/12 - Holiday - No School
02/15 - Presidents' Day - No School
02/19 - Spirit Friday - Wear your Bush Basics
02/26 - Crossing Guard Appreciation Day
03/12 - 03/19 - Spring Break - No School
04/02 - Holiday - No School
Spring Picture - February 9th
Spring pictures will take place on Tuesday, February 9th. All orders will be placed online. Questions can be directed to Photo Texas. The Photo Texas web site is http://phototexasphotography.com. The company can also be reached by phone at 512-617-7780 or 800-883-6463. You can also email ellen@phototexasphotography.com with any questions you have.
Changing Instructional Platforms
Message from our Front Office
- All transportation changes need to be emailed to bush@conroeisd.net before 2:00 PM each day.
- Car rider dismissal reminder: Entering the school driveway at dismissal is by right turn only. All traffic leaving the school should turn right onto Crownridge as well.
- Only visitors essential to school operations will be permitted to enter CISD facilities.
- All individuals entering the building must wear a face mask covering their mouth and nose.
- Visitors will be required to complete a COVID-19 screening form in the reception area prior to leaving the front office area.
- Only essential learning items can be dropped off on our outside drop off table.
- Students forgetting lunches will be allowed to get a meal from the cafeteria. Breakfast and lunch (one each per child each day) are free in the cafeteria this school year.
- Students need to have a mask on while riding a CISD school bus.
100th Day of School
Bush Clinic Phone - 936-709-1609
Quarantine or Isolation: What’s the Difference?
Quarantine keeps someone who might have been exposed to the virus away from others.
Isolation keeps someone who is infected with the virus (positive) away from others, even in their home.
Is testing needed during a quarantine?
While a negative test result may help to put your mind at ease, it does not end your quarantine period early. Since the incubation period for the virus can be as long as 14 days, a negative test result during that possible incubation period is no guarantee that you are not infected. It means only that, at the time of your test, your sample did not — or did not yet — show viral levels high enough to be reliably measured – https://medical.mit.edu/covid-19-updates
Is testing required to be cleared to return after a 10 day isolation?
You can return to school or work after completing the 10 day isolation period if symptoms have subsided and you have been fever free for at least 24 hrs without the use of fever-reducing medications. A negative COVID test is not required to be cleared to return after completing isolation.
Please visit these CDC websites for further quarantine and isolation information:
PLEASE NOTE: Students are cleared to return to school when the nurse receives documentation of the following: Health care provider clearance letter to return to school, including a date the student may return OR Negative COVID-19 test results. Please keep your child home until ALL symptoms have subsided, including being fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
Please provide the following information when reporting COVID symptoms, a known COVID direct exposure, or COVID test results:
· Date of onset of symptoms
· Date of direct exposure
· Is positive family member able to totally isolate from members in household · Email copy of COVID test results to Nurse Cheryl clkirchner@conroeisd.net or bush@conroeisd.net. The earliest return to school date will be determined from this information.
· Students who are absent due to isolation or quarantine criteria who log in to SeeSaw or Canvas before 11:59 pm will be counted as a REMOTE ATTENDANCE.
· Students who are absent due to isolation or quarantine criteria who are unable to sign into SeeSaw or Canvas before 11:59 pm will be counted as an EXCUSED ABSENCE.
Per Conroe ISD guidelines: If your child has a fever or other symptoms that could be from COVID-19 and does not get tested OR is not cleared by their healthcare provider with an alternative diagnosis, it is assumed the child has COVID-19 and may not return to school until the following 3 criteria are met:
1. Has been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
2. AND child has improved symptoms.
3. AND at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
Please email or fax (936-709-1699) healthcare provider date of return to school confirmation or COVID-19 test results to the nurse clkirchner@conroeisd.net or bush@conroeisd.net in order to return to school sooner than the 10 day isolation period.
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
· Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater to or equal to 100 dg F.
· Chills
· Cough
· Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
· Fatigue
· Muscle or body aches
· Headache
· New loss of taste or smell
· Sore throat
· Congestion or runny nose
· Nausea or vomiting
· Diarrhea
· Shaking or exaggerated shivering https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/care-for-someone.html
Prescription medication must be in the original container, properly labeled including the student’s name, the name of the medication, directions concerning dosage, the schedule for administration, expiration date, and the date the prescription was filled. No expired prescription medication will be administered. No more than a ninety (90) day supply of a prescription medication may be checked in at one time.
Over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, cough or cold medicines that could potentially mask COVID-19 symptoms will require a written order from your child’s health care provider. Special Medication Note: Due to CDC COVID-19 guidelines nebulizer medications cannot be administered at school at this time.
Please email or call the clinic if your child will require a scheduled or prescription medication for this school year. A medication permission form will be emailed to you, or let us know if you need to pick up a paper copy.
Medications will be dropped off via curb side delivery Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:30-2:30. Please email clkirchner@conroeisd.net or call 936-709-1600 (front office) or 936-709-1609 (clinic) to let us know that you are here for medication drop off. Nurse Cheryl will come out to your car to collect the signed forms and medication.
In case of restroom accidents, spills, muddy clothes, please keep a complete change of clothes in your child’s backpack in a zip lock bag to have on hand. The clinic will not have extra clothes in the clinic to provide our students. Parents will be called to bring clothing changes if their child does not have extra clothes available in their backpack. Thank you for your help!
Stay Healthy,
Nurse Cheryl Kirchner, RN
Evelin Padilla, Clinic Assistant
Save the Date! PreK, K, & New Student Enrollment
Random Acts of Kindness Week & Matthew’s Birthday Wish Food Drive:
Bush Elementary will be celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Week February 16th - 19th . Students will be encouraged to perform random acts of kindness to brighten their school and community. Kindness is the theme for our counseling lesson this month and students are learning there are many different ways they can show kindness.
Our school will be spreading kindness in our community by participating in Matthew’s Birthday Wish Food Drive, which benefits food insecure CISD students. We will be collecting non-perishable food items to support Matthew’s effort to end hunger. You may send food items in with your student during the week of February 16th -19th. Click here to learn more about Matthew Reel and his commitment to serving our community.
Save the Date! Cyber Safety Parent Awareness Presentation:
Please join us Tuesday, February 23rd at 6:30 pm or Thursday, February 25th at 10:00 am via Zoom for a Cyber Safety parent presentation by Sydney Zuiker of Crime Stoppers Houston. There are a plethora of cyber safety concerns and forms of online victimization. In this presentation you will get a brief overview of potential online dangers, cybercrime trends, popular social media and gaming platforms, and online monitoring tools to assist you in keeping your student safe while using the internet.
Zoom Link - Tuesday, February 23rd 6:30pm
Meeting ID: 844 6706 3970
Passcode: Bobcats
Zoom Link - Thursday, February 25th 10:00am
Meeting ID: 851 5286 0929
Passcode: Bobcats
Click here to visit the Counselor’s Corner on the Bush website for Bush Elementary counseling information or feel free to contact me by phone or email.
Click here to visit Mrs. McGhee’s Virtual Counseling Office
Click here for Coronavirus Resources for Students and Families
Angie McGhee
Daily Announcements
Monday, February 1, 2021
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Conroe ISD's School Messenger
All SMS messages received from the Conroe ISD District Office and your child's campus will begin with "Conroe ISD:" and come from the subscribe code 67587. If you have not yet opted-in to receive SMS messages, you can do so at any time throughout the school year by texting "Y" to 67587.
Send us your Photos
Last Day to Order is This Monday, February 8
We have partnered with locally-owned Luliet Creamery and Bake Shop for a Bush fundraiser. Order a Decorate-Your-Own Valentine Cookie Kit by Feb. 8 at https://bit.ly/lulietbush and a portion of the proceeds will help fund needed school projects.
Cookie Kits will not be available for pick up by individuals at Luliet. Instead, they can be picked up 'Carline Style' at 10 am and 5:30 pm on Feb. 11 at Bush (when purchasing, the website asks for a time of pickup. Disregard this choice and the following alert).
Cookie Kits are $25 and include:
- 9 cookies
- 3 bags of icing
- 2 containers of sprinkles
Please contact Rene Murphy at rene.murphy2010@gmail.com with questions or concerns.
About Luliet Creamery and Bake Shop -
Luliet Creamery and Bake Shop is a local, family-owned small batch creamery and bake shop where everything is made from scratch. Located in Spring near 2920 and Ella, Luliet's artisan ice cream is made with milk and cream delivered fresh every week from Hill Country Farms. Handmade treats baked daily include brown butter waffle cones, french macarons, cupcakes, cakebites and cookies.
So many thanks to our Bobcat community for showing the love!!
Order your yearbook today
Campus Information
Bush Elementary: A nurturing and inclusive community where students become empowered citizens and life-long learners. Every student, every day!
Our school hours are 8:00-3:10. Students may arrive as early as 7:30 and will go to their homeroom beginning at that time.
Email: bush@conroeisd.net
Website: http://bush.conroeisd.net/
Location: 7420 Crownridge Drive, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-1600
The Conroe Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding these non-discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936)-709-7700 and the Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7670.