Stay Connected!
At South Elementary School of Communications
September 2024
Empowering Students Through Communications & Lifelong Learning
At South Elementary School, we are a learning community nurturing a culture to provide students the skills necessary to be active, productive, and responsible citizens while empowering students through communications.
Mark your calendar for these upcoming events!
September 2: Labor Day, No School
September 3: PTO Meeting 5:00PM
September 6: End of Midterm 1
September 11: PTO Fundraiser ends
September 11: Midterms Posted
Week of September 16: Robotics Team practices begin
September 19: PTO After School Movie
September 23-24: 4th grade PLTW Learning Trip
September 19-Oct. 17: PTO LaBraid Fundraiser (paper orders due 10/10, Online due 10/17)
Week of September 23: College Go Week
September 23:ILEARN Checkpoint Practice Test 3rd Grade
September 24: Kindergarten Field Trip to Apple Works
September 25: ILEARN Checkpoint Practice Test 4th Grade
September 27: Fall School Pictures
Week of September 30: PTO Coin Wars
September 30/October 1 ILEARN Checkpoint 3rd Grade
September 30-October 11 ILEARN Checkpoint 1 (Grades 3 & 4)
November 14: Grandparents Night
Spell Bowl 2023
Practices: every Tuesday and Wednesday
after school-4:45 pm
Starting Tuesday, September 12th - Wednesday, November 8th.
(We will not be meeting October 17th & 18th due to Fall Break)
Competition: Monday, November 13th at 5:30 pm
Project Lead The Way
Chess Club
PTO Fundraiser August 24-September 11
- The doors open at 8:25AM, 9:25 on Wednesdays.
- School begins at 8:40AM, 9:40 on Wednesdays.
- We ask that all parents/guardians dropping students off remain in their vehicles during drop off.
- We will have South staff members outside to guide the students into the school.
- You can drop off students at the front of the building in the front drive or in the circle lot.
- Staff will be located at both locations to assist.
- Please be patient during arrival as we want to make sure that everyone remains safe.
- Busses are loaded at 3:35PM
- Walkers are dismissed and begin loading vehicles at approximately 3:45PM
- Parents/guardians picking up students should remain in their vehicles during dismissal. Students will be called to each vehicle.
- PreK, Kindergarten and Daycare students can be picked up in the circle lot. If a PreK or Kindergarten student has an older sibling at South, the older sibling would be picked up in the circle lot also.
- Students in grades 1-4 can be picked up in the front drive. In the front drive, cars will be moved up in line once the busses have been loaded and dismissed.
- Traffic in both locations will remain stopped until students are loaded safely. Staff members will be calling names so that students come to the vehicles.
- Remain in the car rider lines and follow staff direction for movement.
- Please be patient during dismissal as we want to make sure that everyone remains safe.
Get Messages Via Text
RSVP (Returning Student Verification Packet)
Please complete the RSVP for your student’s Skyward Family Access. This ensures that all contact information is up-to-date in our system. In the event of an emergency, it is vitally important to have updated information in Skyward.
Please log into skyward and check your address, phone number, and emergency contacts. Skyward Family Access -- LINK
(765) 349-1486 by 9:00AM.
Doctor statements should be faxed to 765-349-5247 or given to the office.
Please make sure students arrive on time. The morning bell rings at 8:40 to start class. It rings at 9:40 on Wednesdays to start class.
Checking A Student Out Of School Early
Free/reduced applications are now available.
Meal Application Information:
The MSD of Martinsville will follow the same WELL Wednesday schedule as last year. The YMCA will continue to offer its regular YMCA morning childcare program at each school. However, if your family needs free child supervision before school on WELL Wednesdays, please contact the school principal or secretary. WELL Wednesday Schedule -- LINK
If your family needs free supervision before school on WELL Wednesdays, please contact the school principal or secretary now, so your child can be included. If your child will be enrolled in the YMCA program, you do not need to contact the school.
Morgan County’s YMCA and the Martinsville School District will continue to partner to provide before and after school programs. These programs provide adult supervision, homework help, activities, and snacks. Again this year, the YMCA is extending its services on Wednesday mornings from 6:30 A.M., to the delayed start of the school day.
The regular weekly schedule for before and after school care will not change. It will still be starting at 6:30 A.M., each day. For families who will utilize this program all week, the fee is $70 each week per student and includes the extended WELL Wednesday hours.
For families who are interested in utilizing the YMCA’s before school program ONLY on WELL Wednesdays, the fee will be $25 per student.
For all YMCA before and after school programs, families can apply for financial assistance. For questions about qualifying for financial assistance or program features, please call 765-342-6688.
To register for the YMCA before and after school program, please visit the following website:
New Year, New Background Check!
Anyone wishing to volunteer in the classroom, help out with parties, or attend a field trip must have a background check completed before participating. This process can take time so please contact the office at least two days before your scheduled event. Request made at the last minute may prevent or delay participation in an event.
Title I Information
A Note from Mrs. Wadlington, School Counselor
PTO News
Want to get involved?!? Join South Elementary School PTO!!! The monthly meetings will be the first Tuesday of each month at 5PM. Our first meeting will be on September 3rd at 5PM in the library.
Co-President: Heather Goss & Samantha McDaniel
Vice President: Joanna Chamberlain
Secretary: Jessica Hostetter
Treasurer: April Shover
A Look Back At August Events
Bounce Back to School
First Week of School-Welcome Back, South Dolphins!
Open House
Kindergarten Camp
Quick View of Upcoming Events
Labor Day-No School
Monday, September 2nd
PTO Meeting
South Library on
Sept. 53 @ 5:00PM
Midterm Grades Posted
Family Access on September 11
PTO after school Movie
movie after school Sept. 19
Watch for permission slips to come home.
PLTW Learning Trip
September 23-24
PTO LaBraid Fundraiser
September 19-Oct. 17
paper orders due 10/10,
online due 10/17
PTO Coin Wars
Week of September 30
Fall School Pictures
South for picture day on
September 27th. Visit Inter-State Studio's website.
The code is .
Be sure to wear your smile!
Field Trip
September 24
Student Devices
A Change In Your Child's Dismissal Procedure
please send a note to school or call the office at 765-349-1486 prior to 3PM. Please do not leave a message when making a dismissal change.
Stay Connected: See What's Happening!
Instagram @south_elementary_dolphins
South YouTube South YouTube
Location: 500 Artesian Ave, Martinsville, IN, USA
Phone: 7653491486
Twitter: @southdolphins1