Mill Hall Elementary
Keystone Central School District
Notes From the Principal: Dr. Breon
Another month has flown by at MHE with lots of amazing things happening!
- On March 1st & 2nd we registered our 2023-24 Kindergarten Students who will be the graduating class of 2036.
- Our 2nd graders had a visit from Smokey the Bear on March 2nd, while the 3rd graders were given the opportunity to plant a tree and learn about how a tree grows with guidance from the Forest Service staff.
-The February PBIS Reward on March 6th was ice cream sundaes for all students who had less than 2 major office discipline referrals for the Month of February.
- Mill Hall Elementary celebrated Read Across America March 3rd-9th with a lot of fun activities, including a Read-A-Thon where students raised over $900 for our PBIS Student Store!
- Our students cheered on the Central Mountain High School Boys Basketball team on March 9th as they prepared for their state playoff games. It was great to hear some of their role models share what it takes to be successful both on and off the court.
- We started our "One Book/One School" event on March 14th. This year our whole school will read Life According to Og the Frog. We even had a visit from a frog to help hand out books!
- Last month our 2nd grade students demonstrated kindness by delivering rocks decorated as penguins to staff at the Central Mountain Middle School. This month, on March 17th, our neighbors returned the kindness as over 30 CHMS students visited our classrooms as guest readers to read Ch. 2 of Life According to Og the Frog.
- Students were so very excited to see the Scholastic Book Fair open up this year, and a certain buzz was felt across the building from March 20-24th, as students had the opportunity to purchase new books.
- We ended the month with our March PBIS Reward. Students were able to sign up for some extra curricular clusters to enjoy spending time with others doing the things they love. Check out the video and look at all the fun that was had!
While it is hard to imagine that it is April already, we look forward to continuing to grow and make memories with your children!
Kindergarten Registration
Smokey the Bear and our 2nd Graders
3rd Grade and their Planted Trees
Ice Cream Sundae PBIS Reward
Flashlight Readers during Read Across America
Cheering on the CMHS Boys Basketball Team
Og the Frog Visiting to Pass out the books for One School/ One Book
CMMS Guest Readers
Play-Dough with Ms. Collier during PBIS Clusters
Upcoming Activities
April 6 - 3 hr. Early Dismissal for students
April 7 thru April 10 - Spring Break
April 19: PTO @ 6:30
April 24-26: 3rd & 4th Grade ELA PSSAs
May 1-2: 3rd & 4th Grade Math PSSAs
May 3-4: 4th Grade Science PSSAs
Messages & Alerts
With winter moving into unpredictable spring weather, there will be days when we may need to delay the start of the school day, call an unexpected early dismissal or have a remote learning day. Please be sure to sign up for Bloomz, our new messaging app, so you don't miss any important information.
Federal Programs
April Federal Programs Updates
Each elementary school interventionist team will reach out to families to share a survey to obtain input on our Title I programs. This is a requirement of the state Title I monitors. This survey gives families an opportunity to share ideas, and then we use those ideas when we plan family engagement activities for next year.
Our reallocation for the Title I, II, and IV grants comes each spring. The reallocation is an adjustment of the original grant amounts, and sometimes schools lose quite a bit of money compared to the original allocation of funds. Thankfully this year the reallocation did not hit any school hard. We lost very little in Title I, and we actually had a minor increase in Title II and Title IV. Your answers on the survey referenced above also helps us determine how we are going to plan our programs across the district and spend our federal funds. Please take time to share your input.
At all school levels, we use Title IV federal funds to purchase incentives for PBIS (our positive school-wide behavior supports) rewards, and we emphasize the goal of following school rules in all schools.
All elementary schools within the district are Title I schoolwide schools and receive Title I federal funds to support the positions of Interventionist and Title I Associates.
Required documents for families:
Right to Request Qualifications of Teachers (see Annual Notices and Policy Review button above) - if you wish to request a paper copy, please contact .
Note: If your child is taught for four or more weeks by a teacher who is instructing in a content area for which they are not currently certified, the district must notify you. Four-week notification letters will be added here if that becomes necessary.
Non-Discrimination Statement (see Annual Notices and Policy Review button above) - if you wish to request a paper copy, please contact
Title I District Parent Policy - Policy 918
Family Connections
#KeystoneCares - Youth Essay Writing Contest
The BENV Kiwanis proudly supports this year's Youth Writing Essay Contest. This year's theme is: “SPRING INTO NEW BEGINNINGS & GROWTH”.
Help make school attendance a priority...avoid the #SpringSlump!
The faculty and staff of KCSD encourage parents to ensure that students attend school everyday in order to achieve academic success!
If you are concerned about your student's attendance, please reach out to your student's school counselor.
Healthy Mind, Healthy Home, Healthy YOU!
The American Heart Association encourages all families to check out this resource and consider how you could improve your health by eating better, being more active, quitting tobacco, getting healthy sleep, managing weight, controlling cholesterol, managing blood sugar, and managing blood pressure.
Translation Services
If your family speaks a language other than English, the district has access to translators and interpreters that can accompany you in meetings with teachers and school members. If you would like to be connected with a translator or interpreter please reach out to your child’s teacher or the school guidance counselor. The accessibility features in the top right corner of this Smore allow you to translate this page.
Counseling Connection
If you are concerned about a student for any reason, you can make a SAP referral. The SAP referral can potentially lead to any needed services and/or supports the student may need to be successful.
Mill Hall Elementary's Counselor's Notes
As we prepare to take the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSAs) at the end of the month, we would like to share with you some test-taking tips that we will be teaching your students to help with taking these assessments.
Get a good night’s sleep the night before the test.
Have a nutritious breakfast.
Dress comfortably.
Get to school on time.
Relax…take slow, deep breaths and exhale.
Follow directions carefully.
Read each question at least twice.
Make answers neatly.
Double-check your answers.
Keep a positive attitude.
Ask questions if you do not understand.
Try to do your very best.
We are confident that with these simple tips, our students will shine on this endeavor.
Ms. Moore: MHE School Counselor
Phone: 570-893-4900 x2969
Athletics & Activities
Check out our School websites for CMHS Athletics or BHS Athletics
Safety & Security
Safety & Security
Officer Scott VanGorder - Central Mountain High School
Officer Cory Beaver - Bucktail High School & Renovo Elementary
Officer James Knarr - Central Mountain Middle School
Officer Mike Fetzer - Elementary district-wide and District Attendance Officer
Officer Todd Brian - District-wide
Keeping Up With Keystone
Career & Technical Center
Data & Performance
Spring becomes a busy time for both state and local assessments. Assessments play an important role in curriculum, instruction and interventions for student learning.
State Assessments
Spring PSSA Window - April 24-May 12
Spring Keystone Exam Window - May 15-May 26
AP Exams
Testing Window - May 1-12
Local Assessments
Spring Aimsweb and NWEA MAP Window - May 10 - May 17
Act 35 Civics Exam Window - May 22- May 26
Please contact your child's teacher for information and updates on your child's progress.
Need to register for the SAT, find out testing locations, dates and registration deadlines!