Week of 10/03/2022
A Message from Mr. Wright
Dear Families,
We implement standards-based grading at Fitzgerald. Standards-based grading (SBG) is a system of reporting to students and parents that is focused on explaining the level of understanding that students have towards specific learning targets. Students are assessed informally and formally to determine if they have mastered these learning goals as mandated by the state curriculum.
SBG helps students have a growth mindset. If students do not show mastery of a skill after first instruction, they will continue to be retaught, supported, provided practice, and given an opportunity to retest that skill. This helps students learn that if they keep trying, they will be given the chance to accomplish their goals, even if it’s at a later date than others.
George Wright, Principal
Fitzgerald Elementary- A place to connect, experience, and THRIVE!
Upcoming Dates
October 10- Divisionwide Professional Learning Day - No school for All students
October 11- Back to School Night for grades K-2 from 5-6:30.
October 12- National Walk to School Day
October 13- Back to School Night for grades 3-5 from 5-6:30.
October 17- Field Day
October 28- End of first quarter
October 31- Parent Conference Day- No school for all students.
November 9- Report Cards Distributed
Meet Pam, service dog in training. She visits our school community a few days out of the week.
Purchase Laptop Insurance
As the weather gets colder, it is a great reminder to buy laptop insurance for your student(s) device. When purchased, the insurance covers unlimited repairs or replacements for everything from broken screens, lost chargers, and accidental damage, with a zero deductible for one year on a school-issued HP device. The insurance costs $32.95, which is significantly less than repair or replacement costs without insurance. Please visit the FFES website or Securranty website to purchase.
Military Family Life Counseling
This year at Fitzgerald Elementary we are excited to announce the Military Family Life Counseling (MFLC) program. We have an MFLC who will be available to the students and parents who have military affiliation. The MFLC assigned to the school will be present at the school on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other Friday. The MFLC will be providing services to students that have at least one parent on active-duty status and have returned signed consent forms to the school. These services include individual and/or group counseling. Some topics of interest our military students traditionally have been conflict resolution, anger management, bullying, self-esteem problems, behavioral management, sibling & parental relationships, and issues involving deployment. If families have questions, they may contact the school and leave a message for our MFLC.
Students see Mrs. Marshall in breakfast in the mornings, throughout lunches, and in small settings. We are very excited to welcome her to our school this year!Free Online Tutoring
Unlimited online tutoring for students now available 24/7 through Paper
PWCS students now have access to free, unlimited online tutoring through a new partnership with Paper.
Students can get help with their homework, receive feedback on their writing assignments, or ask questions about any academic subject.
Tutors are currently available to help students in English, Spanish, French, and Mandarin.
Bus Delays
Transportation’s Late Bus Notification web page is now available for parents. Click the link to see the list of buses that will be late 15 minutes or more to start their run.
Please contact the Transportation Dispatch Center (571-402-3940) for transportation support.
Communicating Concerns
At Fitzgerald, we expect all concerns to be treated with respect. When questions, concerns or interests regarding your child's progress or school program arise, please address them by contacting your student’s classroom teacher first. Many questions can be easily and completely answered by communicating directly with the educator in charge of the class. Use the school’s staff directory listed on the website to look up the teacher you need to contact.
If questions or concerns remain, it is appropriate that you then contact the building assistant principal or principal. Administrators spend most of their day visiting classrooms and attending meetings. It is best to call the school or email them when you need to make an appointment.
Families are encouraged to contact a school counselor or the social worker when there are concerns related to the social and emotional well-being of their student. Use the school’s staff directory listed on the website to look up the staff member's contact information.
Staff will respond within 24 hours/1 business day. Our school’s office hours are 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday.