Senior Year Course Selection Guide

Included in this Guide:
- Course Selection Timeline
- Review of Graduation and A-G College Eligibility Requirements
- Typical Schedule for 12th grade
- 7 Period Day Qualifications
- 5 Period Day Qualifications
- Healthy Limit Waiver
- Course Options for 12th grade
- Coastline ROP Courses
- How-to Update Classes in your Aeries Academic Plan
- Add/Drop Policy & Disclaimers
- Community College Course Info: Dual vs. Concurrent Enrollment
Course Selection Timeline
February 25th – Deadline for changes to online Aeries Academic Plan
February 28th -March 7th– Individual Student Meetings with Counselor in History classes
May 5th-12th - Course Challenge Window
Graduation & A-G Eligibility Requirements
Typical 12th Grade Courses
Course Options
- English 4: CP or AP
- Government and Economics: CP or AP (Semester Courses)
- Science: 4th year recommendation
- Math: 4th year recommendation
- World Language: 4th year recommendation
- Elective
- What does CP stand for? College Prep- this is the standard-level course option.
- What does H stand for? Honors- this is an advanced-level course.
- What does AP stand for? Advanced Placement- this is an advanced course that includes a comprehensive exam at the end of the course. Your score on this exam could earn you college credits depending on your score and if the college you attend someday accepts AP credit.
- What does ELD stand for? English Language Development- these courses are designed specifically for English language learners to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English. Students are placed into these courses if applicable.
5 Period Day Qualifications
Students in Early College must have a six period day including two IVC periods and 4 BHS periods.
Healthy Limit Information
In an effort to create a healthy academic balance, rising seniors may request up to four weighted classes (AP, Honors, Dual Enrollment). If the student wishes to request a fourth weighted class, the student and parent must complete an online interactive presentation and turn in a signed Healthy Limit Waiver. This waiver process only needs to be completed ONE time throughout the student's high school career.
Please review FAQs and find links to the two-part process here.
- Part 1 - Mandatory Video Activity
- Part 2 - Paper Waiver - Email completed waiver to shungerford@tustin.k12.ca.us
#1 ENGLISH (4 Years Required)
- English 4 ERWC
- AP English Lit & Comp
#2 American Government/ Economics (Required)
- College Prep American Government/College Prep Economic (1 Semester of Each)
- AP Government & Politics/AP Economics (A/B Days; Year Long Course*)
This will count as 1 AP course towards the AP/Honors Healthy Limits.
Algebra 2 Options:
- Algebra 2/Trig (Placement Recommendation: C Grade or Better in Geometry)
- Algebra 2/Trig H (Placement Recommendation: A Grade in Geometry)
After Algebra 2 Options:
- Statistical Reasoning in Sports
- Pre-Calculus (Placement Recommendation: C Grade or Better in Algebra 2/Trig)
- Pre-Calculus H (Placement Recommendation: B Grade or Better in Algebra 2/Trig H)
After Pre-Calculus Options:
- Statistical Reasoning in Sports
- Applied Calculus (Placement Recommendation: C Grade or Better in Pre-Calculus)
- AP Statistics (Placement Recommendation: C Grade or Better in Pre-Calculus or Algebra 2/Trig)
- AP Calculus AB (Placement Recommendation: B Grade or Better in Pre-Calculus or C Grade or Better in Pre-Calculus H)
- AP Calculus BC (Placement Recommendation: B Grade or Better in Pre-Calculus H)
- If you have completed your Mathematics graduation requirement then student may select another elective course from the list below; however, four years of math is recommended.
- If a student is planning to apply to a CSU or UC then a third math year through at least Algebra 2/Trig is required.
- If a student is planning to apply to any college including community college, we recommend continuing with math.
- Chemistry AP
- Physics
- AP Physics (Placement Recommendation: B Grade or Better in Biology and Chemistry)
- Forensic Science (Placement Recommendation: Successful Completion of Two Other Years of Science)
- Biology AP
- Environmental Science AP
- If you have completed your Science graduation requirement then student may select an elective course from the list below.
- French 1, 2, 3, AP
- Chinese 1, 2, 3, 4H, AP
- Spanish 1, 2, 3, AP
- Spanish for Native Speakers 2, 3
- If you have completed your Visual/Performing Art or World Language graduation requirement and/or your A-G Language Other Than English requirement then student may select an elective course from the list below.
You can choose from any of the categories below. Students please be ready to provide two alternate elective choices during your course selection meeting with your school counselor in case your first choice is not available.
General Electives
- Psychology/Sociology
- AP Psychology
- Ethnic Studies
- AP Human Geography
- AP Computer Science Principles OR AP Computer Science A- Priority will be given to students in the Engineering Pathway. Students should include an alternate elective.
- Yearbook 1, 2 -*Requires separate application. Email completed applications to cblair@tustin.k12.ca.us Students should include an alternate elective.
- AVID- *Requires separate application. Review application process on this webpage. Students should include an alternate elective
- Music Appreciation (Not A-G)
- Stagecraft
- PE Course 2 (emphasis Strength/Conditioning)
- PE Course 2 (emphasis Racquet Sports)
- PE Course 2 (emphasis Aerobic Fitness)
- Financial/Media Literacy
- Marching Band / Jazz Ensemble
- Color Guard / Jazz Ensemble
- Beckman Athlete - If your student is interested in trying out for one of our Beckman High School Athletics Programs. Please review the information available on our Athletics webpage.
- ROP (See Coastline ROP section below)
- IVC Dance 77 Dual Enrollment- Meets "F" requirement for A-G. 100% online; meets for one semester & earns 10 credits.
- IVC Business-3 courses over two semesters. Must take both semesters. Earns 10 credits each semester.
- IVC Criminal Law- 2 courses over two semesters. Must take both semesters. Earns 10 credits each semester.
- IVC Human Development- 2 courses over two semesters. Earn 10 credits each semester.
CTE Pathway Electives
Applied Medical
- Human Body Systems
- ROP Sports Medicine- Priority will be given to students in the Applied Medical Pathway. Students should include an alternate elective.
- KNES 85 and KNES 212/NUT2 - Priority will be given to students in the Applied Medical Pathway. Students should include an alternate elective.
Engineering- Priority will be given to students in the Engineering Pathway. Students should include an alternate elective.
- Engineering Design And Development
- Principles of Engineering
Visual Imagery (Photography) -Priority will be given to students in the Pathway. Students should include an alternate elective.
- Photo Design
- Visual Imagery *Fulfills Photo 50 at Saddleback College so students may earn 3 transferable college credits through our Articulation Agreement by taking this course.
- Advanced Visual Imagery
- AP Studio Art: Photo
Graphic Design -Priority will be given to students in the Pathway. Students should include an alternate elective.
- Graphic Design 1
- Graphic Design 2
- Graphic Design 3
- AP Studio Art: Graphic
Media Arts -Priority will be given to students in the Pathway. Students should include an alternate elective.
- Dramatic Production
- Digital Filmmaking
- Independent Film Projects (Application Required)
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Computer Science A
Art Pathway Electives
Fine Arts
- Exploration of Art
- Drawing and Painting
- Adv. Drawing and Painting (Requires Teacher Placement)
- AP Studio Art (Requires Teacher Placement)
Theater Arts
- Dramatic Production
- Drama Workshop
- Adv. Theater Arts (Requires Teacher Placement)
Instrumental Music
- Concert Orchestra
- Symphonic Orchestra (Requires Teacher Placement)
- Chamber Orchestra (Requires Teacher Placement)
- Symphonic Band
- Wind Ensemble (Requires Teacher Placement)
- Guitar
Vocal Music
- Mixed Chorus
- Treble Choir Advanced (Requires Teacher Placement)
- Madrigals (Requires Teacher Placement)
Coastline ROP
ROP offers many options for career focus hands-on training electives classes, some including working with animals, fire rescue, automotive tech, culinary arts, and dental assisting. Many of these classes include internships at a local business and industry sites where ROP students continue to improve their problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills. ROP is free to high school students and meets once or twice a week offering high school students with 5 or 10 high school credits.
Students may not take more than 7 courses total between their Beckman courses and ROP courses.
Students can register for Coastline ROP classes with Mrs. Montes in the Career Center.
Registration date for current juniors is 03/03/2025 at 4pm
Healthy Limit Information
In an effort to create a healthy academic balance, seniors may request up to four weighted classes (AP, Honors, Dual/Concurrent Enrollment). If the student wishes to request a fifth weighted class, the student and parent must complete an online interactive presentation and turn in a signed Healthy Limit Waiver. This waiver process only needs to be completed ONE time throughout the student's high school career.
Please review FAQ's and find links to the two part process here.
- Part 1 - Mandatory Video Activity
- Part 2 - Paper Waiver - Email completed waiver to shungerford@tustin.k12.ca.us
For the first few days of school add/drops & challenge requests will be available via electronic form on our website. Following this students will be able to request a level drop until the end of the fourth week of school, moving from an honors/AP course to the CP level course, but students will not be able to request add/drops & challenges.
Community College Courses: Dual vs. Concurrent Enrollment
Interested in enrolling in a community college class? Learn more about the options and process on our Community College Classes webpage.
Disclaimers 🚩
- Parent and student have reviewed and agree to the expectations of all courses selected.
- We realize these are course requests and placement is not guaranteed.
- We understand that teacher and/or period requests will not be accommodated due to scheduling constraints.
- We have listed two mandatory elective alternates in the event our first choice is unavailable.