Happy New Year, Greyhounds!
Sharing Best Wishes for 2024
Message from the Superintendent
Dear LCUSD 9 Community-
I know with every newsletter I continue to share my thoughts on the improbable speed of time. As I enter my seventh month working with the LCUSD 9 community, I wanted to share the reflections I made during the here and gone again holidays on my time spent in Lebanon. In each newsletter, I have spent time in my message focusing on the revelations being made every day and month in our district and have shared these acknowledgements with you.
Through my reflections this past month, one word stood out among all of the rest when I thought about the work being done in our district, and that one word holding more meaning and power than understood is the word team. Have you ever heard that saying "All things happen for a reason"? I am sure you have because it is a phrase used to provide comfort when things don't work out and promotes celebration when all things are working out. I do believe there is power in that phrase, but I like to take it one step further by saying "All things happen for a reason to make us better!"
Every amazing, challenging opportunity set in front of me on my journey has not only been done for a reason but have inexplicably taught me lessons important for my journey. I am choosing to believe that I am currently learning one of the greatest, most powerful lessons now in understanding the importance of a team.
Over the past seven months, being your superintendent, I have been able to meet and work with a team of remarkable people. People that are here to make Lebanon and LCUSD 9 the best that it can be. To be honest, meeting and working with all of these dedicated individuals in our community and our school district has been my favorite part of being your LCUSD 9 superintendent.
I am not sure if you have heard of the New Year-One Word instead of making New Year's Resolutions. I choose to do the one-word method because let's be real, I am far less likely to become frustrated when I can't uphold my one word as opposed to many resolutions that may just not be feasible when the new year gets going. This year my one word is team!
This month's newsletter's highlights will focus on the team LCUSD 9 is building not only within its own walls but with the surrounding community. I have said it before and will continue to say it- "With a great team, the impossible becomes possible!"
Proud to serve the LCUSD 9 and the community of Lebanon! Happy New Year!
Dr. Ganey
๐ธ๐ธCity of Lebanon, LPD, and LCUSD 9 ๐ธ๐ธ
Together, the city, police department, and school district have been working together to help make our crosswalks safe for our students and community! On Thursday, December 21st, the city, led by Cody Terry, repainted our crosswalks. Officer Puckett shut down the needed roads which helped in getting the job done both effectively and efficiently. Additionally, the city ordered beacon lights to place on top of the speed limit signs on Rt.4, which will be an additional reminder for cars to slow. Meanwhile, Officer Puckett was working the LPD on getting speed radar readers for Rt.4 as well to ensure cars slow in both the school zone and crosswalk areas.
With all of the efforts being made to help keep our students and community safe, we also need the help of the community. Please be our positive voice and spread the news on our updates and our why! We are continuously dedicated to the safety and well-being of our students and community.
Didn't I tell you a team can make it happen? Proud to have a partnership with both the police department and city!
ESSER 3 Projects Update
Upon my arrival to the district, there had been two years of discussion on various projects and updates to do to the district using ESSER 3 Funding. It is important to note that ESSER 3 Funding is a one and done allocation of funding, so purchases with the money need to be able to be sustained without additional future funding needed. With the deficit in both the Fund 10 and 20, it was decided to use some of the ESSER 3 money for those funds to get us through the year, which did lower the original amount of funding from ESSER 3 for district facility projects. Additionally, it is also important to note that all funds for ESSER 3 have to be obligated by September 30, 2024 and liquated 180 days after the September 30th deadline.
One of the most important updates I have been asked to try and make come to fruition was HVAC in the LHS gymnasium. In working with the Building and Grounds Committee and Board of Education, it was decided at the Special Board Meeting on Wednesday, December 13th that we would partner with GRP/Wegman, a performance contractor, to move forward with our HVAC needs in the LHS Gymnasium.
Further discussion led to the team wanting to look at the LJHS HVAC because it is the oldest unit on the building, and if it quits or there are further issues, then we want to make sure that funding is there to take care of the most imminent needs of the building. As a district, we want to make sure that all of our needs are met and covered for the present, and we want to plan our wants with a fiscally wise mindset as our deficit budget is mended.
Again, we look forward to a future partnership with GRP/Wegman!
๐๏ธโ๏ธLCUSD 9 Committee Updatesโ๏ธ๐๏ธ
LCUSD 9 Finance Committee
Our last meeting was Wednesday, December 6th at 4:30pm in the LHS Library. We discussed the final 2023 tax levy resolution to be presented to the Board of Education at the Board Meeting on Monday, December 18th. The estimated proposal was based on an 11% increase in EAV. We will not know the exact increase on EAV until mid-March or April. This month I will be working on a three-year financial projection using the ISBE financial projection workbook to present to the finance committee in February and the Board of Ed at the January Board Meeting on Monday, January 22nd at 6pm in the LES Library. This three-year financial projection is meant to serve as a tool for the financial health of our district. It will be utilized by both the Board of Education and Finance Committee. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 6th at 4:30pm in the LHS Library.
LCUSD 9 Building and Grounds Committee
Our last meeting was on Tuesday, December 19th at 4pm in the LHS Library. The committee met the GRP/Wegman team that we are partnering with to work on getting HVAC in our gymnasium and create a master facility plan for the district. On Wednesday, December 27th, the GRP engineer and team met with Mr. Reising to begin a deep dive into the needed plan for the HVAC. Our next meeting is to be set to, again, meet with GRP. At this meeting, GRP will share where they are in the process of our HVAC proposal and bid. Additionally, GRP requested we have conversations with our staff on items that may need attention on the forefront. Just from that quick conversation at our prior meeting, I was made aware of things that may need to be fixed sooner than later on our need/want list for the district. Our next meeting is set for January 16th at 4pm in the LHS Library. *The date may need to be changed depending on whether GRP needs more time with their plans.*
LCUSD 9 Safety Committee
Our last meeting was on Thursday, December 14th at 4pm in the LHS Library. Our threat assessment policy and procedures were defined by the committee and all updated board polices were approved at the December Board Meeting. Our discussions have brought to light some concerns and required the team to dig deeper and connect with others to fully understand and make decisions that are best for our students. There are two police officers sitting on our committee, Officer Puckett and Officer Donovan. Both are tremendous assets to our work and goal planning. Ms. Emrick and Officer Puckett plan to address the staff on January 5th in the afternoon to share the threat assessment plan and procedure moving forward. Our next meeting is scheduled for February 15th at 4pm in the LHS Library.
Again, our success is not from one alone but by the work and dedication of all involved!
So proud to be a Greyhound!!