Commit to Be Fit Newsletter
April 18th, 2022

23 February 2024/ Issue No. 276
RCES Taste Testing
February's Harvest of the Month is Butternut Squash! On Thursday, Feb. 22nd, RCES students had the opportunity to sample Butternut Squash Soup during this month's Harvest of the Month taste testing. Ms. Mallory Grady, Regional Farm to School Associate, will return next week to provide this yummy taste testing opportunity at the high school.
Want the recipe? Check out our featured recipe section to see a very similar one (we added a little orange zest to ours).
Transformation Challenge Prize Week
If you are participating in our Community 8-Week Transformation Challenge, Week 8 is a prize week. Participants, be sure to check your email inbox for details.
Walking Group
Walking Group will not meet on Monday, March 4th due to the school closure.
Lace up your shoes and join us for Walking Group on Mondays! This group meets at 3:45 pm at the RCES flag pole. Whether you are competing in one of our physical activity challenges or you would like to get a few extra steps in, we would love for you to come out and walk with us! This group is open to the entire community. Tell your friends or bring them with you!
Now that we are in winter, there may be times that school is closed due to weather. Walking Group will not meet when school is not in session. We will email our newsletter subscribers if there is a cancellation. School closures will be announced on the RCPS website as well.
Post-workout Soreness
Just beginning to get back to working out? If so, you are probably asking yourself if the soreness was even worth it. I promise it gets better. Embracing post-workout soreness is crucial for long- term fitness. While discomfort may be discouraging, staying active can actually alleviate muscle stiffness. Engage in lighter exercises like walking on recovery days. Prioritize stretching to
enhance flexibility and reduce muscle tightness.
Listen to your body and modify intensity if needed. Always warm up adequately before each session to enhance blood flow, prompting quicker recovery. Some have had success with foam rolling and targeted massages to release muscle tension.
Hydration is paramount for recovery. Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and aid muscle repair. Fuel your body with a balanced diet rich in proteins, and anti-inflammatory foods like berries and leafy greens. Of course, alternate muscle groups in your workouts to allow recovery time for each.
We can’t forget about sleep. Establish a consistent sleep routine. Quality rest is fundamental for muscle recovery. Celebrate small victories and focus on the positive changes in your strength and endurance. Remember, the key is gradual progression. By adopting these strategies, you’ll not only push through soreness but also cultivate a sustainable and enjoyable fitness routine.
Importance of Magnesium
From balancing our blood sugar to aiding our bones in recovery after exercise, magnesium plays a crucial role in the nurturing and caring of our brain and body. There is a plethora of foods that contain high levels of magnesium, but still many people do not get enough in their diet. If you struggle with exercise performance, anxiety, poor sleep, or consistent migraines or headaches, it could be a sign that your body is not getting enough magnesium. Magnesium has so many roles in the body. From helping convert food to energy, aiding in muscle relaxation and contraction, to helping create new proteins and repairing our DNA. Because magnesium contributes to so many biochemical components, when we are lacking it, our bodies start showing signs and symptoms. Try incorporating foods in your diet that are rich in magnesium. Add some avocado to your egg or peanut butter to your toast. Buy some spinach with your salad mix and top it off with some beans or pumpkin seeds. Any little bit will help your body stay fueled and thriving!
Curried Butternut Squash Soup
This week's recipe, Curried Butternut Squash Soup, is inspired by our Harvest of the Month taste test. To view the recipe, from Minimalist Baker, CLICK HERE.
Staff Shout-outs
Check out the kindness notes from this week (below).
- Thank you Temple Murray for being flexible and willing to help anywhere, anytime!
- Thank you to Ms. Burke, Ms. Murray, Mr. Weise, Ms. Jill Atkins, Ms. Raines, Ms. Jen Atkins, Ms. Gail Deal, Ms. Huff and the pre-k team for helping me hold down the cafeteria!! Much love- Kimberly Jones
To view all the kindness notes from LAST WEEK, CLICK HERE.
The winners of this week's FREE salad bar coupon goes to Christy Taylor (RCES) and Erica Jennejahn (RCHS).
Teacher Resources
RCPS Teachers-- As a friendly reminder, we have a massive database of brain breaks (PreK-12) and movement games/activities with SOL and content integration ideas (PK-5). CLICK HERE to view the Teacher Resource page. If you prefer, the C2BF team would be happy to come to your classroom and lead a brain break, activity, or even a mindful minute. Email c2bf@rappahannockschools.us to schedule a push-in.
Commit to Be Fit is a school sponsored, grant funded program in Rappahannock County, Virginia. Through the generosity of the PATH Foundation, Commit to Be Fit was created to promote a culture of wellness in Rappahannock County Public Schools and the Rappahannock community.