Specials: May Do #6
More Specials activities for you to BE engaged
Along with the quarter choice board, your Specials teachers will share even more fun activities and practice in this newsletter!
ART: Mrs. Gochis
Drawing Prompts:
Draw a donut riding a skateboard
Draw a banana in pajamas
Draw a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on vacation
Draw an apple talking to your art teacher
Draw a garden of lollipops
Demo Videos:
Make Your Own Air Dry Clay! (K-5th grades)
Materials: Tray (or placemat/parchment paper), bowl, salt, flour, water, various tools to making textures
Mandala Drawing (2nd-5th grades)
Materials: Paper, pencil, markers, crayons or colored pencils
Super Hero Word (1st-5th grades)
Materials: Paper, pencil, markers, crayons or colored pencils
Draw Baby Yoda with a Pop-Out Mouth! (1st-5th grades)
Materials: Paper, pencil, markers, crayons or colored pencils
Rainbow Cloud Weaving (K-5th grades)
Materials: Scissors, paper (white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)
COUNSELOR: Miss Arbaugh
How to contact Miss Arbaugh: narbaugh@usd232.org
If you want to Zoom one-on-one with me, have your parents send me an email.
More activities:
Community Service: Collect pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House Charities.
Resources: Create a calming corner for at home! https://thecounselingteacher.com/2020/05/diy-calm-down-corner-for-your-home.html
Library: Mrs. Barcus
Contact information- jbarcus@usd232.org
Celebrate Reading- Attention all Jack and Annie fans! Meet Mary Pope Osborne, author of the Magic Treehouse series. Each week Mary Pope Osborne will feature a different theme through her books. This week's theme, warriors, and next week's theme, nature. Click on the following link to experience the Magic Treehouse Home Adventures-
Includes-- Mary Pope Osborne reading from the Magic Treehouse series
- Question and answer session with the author
- Magic Treehouse Trivia with the author
- Crafts Ideas
- Themed Recipes
- Reading Challenges and so much more!
Storytime with Mrs. Barcus- Click on the following link so we can enjoy a book together...
MUSIC: Mrs. Martin
You can contact me at smartin@usd232.org
Instrument Families:
Instruments are divided into 4 different groups (families) based on how they sound, how they are played, and what material they are made of. Click the button above to watch our friend George meet the orchestra and learn about the different instrument families.
We learned instruments of the orchestra are organized into families:
Strings Family – String Instruments use vibrating strings to make their sound.
Woodwinds Family – Woodwind instruments are made of a long hollow tube of wood or metal. The sound is made by blowing air through a very thin piece of shaved wood called a reed, or across a small mouthpiece.
Brass Family – Brass instruments are wind instruments made of metal with a cup shaped mouthpiece.
Percussion Family – Percussion instruments are played by being struck or shaken.
Now, it is YOUR turn to explore the instrument families more and what they sound like. Click on the link below to open "Instruments of the Orchestra". Click each instrument to see what it looks like and hear what it sound like. Enjoy exploring each instrument family!
Here's one more video on what the instruments sound like!
5TH GRADE STUDENTS: Tasks are due by May 9th!
Look for some video assignments from me on your classroom SeeSaw on how we are going to make an iMovie Music Program!! Pick at least one task to complete and submit to me by May 9th. You may complete all 4 tasks if you like :) I'd love you all to be a part of our video program! Email me with questions, my email is smartin@usd232.org.
Choir Students: You can sing along with the links below from our choral festival literature. If you're feeling like a super singer, send me a video of you singing a song! I'd love to see you! :)
Percussion Family coloring sheet
String Family coloring sheet
Woodwind Family coloring sheet
Brass Family coloring sheet
Instru-ment Match
Instru-ment word search
If you are looking for even MORE fun things to do, ask mom or dad to follow me on Twitter at @DawnKoester1 where I have found a million different easy, fun activities.
Remember, if you have a great idea of something fun for all of us to do, please feel free to send me a video or an email explaining how to do it. I would LOVE to see what you are coming up with to stay active. You can even send videos or pictures of you doing one of the listed activities.
Color Dash!
Setup: Place the plates in a large circle in the playing area. The player will start in the middle of the circle of plates.
Activity Description: Start the timer. The player in the middle will wait until they hear a color called off, then run around that color plate. As the player is running around the plate, the other person should be calling off the next color. The pattern will continue until the last color is called and stop the timer. Players will switch roles.
The floor is lava!
Lava has taken over the floor of your house! Start on one side of the room or piece of furniture. Use objects from around your house to move across the room without falling into the lava. If you fall in, start over and start again. Try using pillows, towels, stuffed animals, towels etc.
Level 2 - Try to touch each wall of the room.
Level 3 - Try to move into and out of different rooms.
Level 4 - Time yourself or siblings to see who can do it the fastest.
Level 5 - Try to cross using the fewest amount of objects.
Contact Mrs. Hrabik by email at
Walking Water Rainbow
Let’s make a walking water rainbow! There’s no better way for your scientists to learn about capillary action and color mixing than by making water walk (yes walk!) in this colorful science experiment.
- 6 wide mouth glasses or jars
- Paper towels {use the kind where you can select a size}
- Food dye or liquid water colors {red, yellow, and blue}
You can use wide mouth drinking cups and canning jars too. Even though they all work just remember that bigger glasses will need more food coloring.
- Use six sheets of paper towel and fold each sheet in thirds lengthwise.
- If you're using small glasses cut a few inches off the folded paper towel so it will fit in the glasses.
- It’s a good idea to test your paper towel strip to make sure they fit properly in your glasses. They should be able to go from the bottom of one jar to the next without sticking up in the air too much.
- First, line up the glasses and fill the first one with a good squirt of red watercolor or dye, the third with yellow, and the fifth glass with blue. Leave the other glasses empty.
- Add water to the glasses with color until the colored water almost reaches the top.
- Move the glasses into a circle and add the paper towels. Starting with the red, add one end of the paper towel and then put the other end in the empty glass next to it.
- Continue around until the last paper towel is placed into the red glass.
- You should see the color begin to wick up the paper towels right away.
- Five minutes later, the water should travel all the way up and then down the paper towel and was drip into the empty glass.
The yellow and red water dripped into the empty cup to make orange! It makes for a good lesson on color mixing.
After another five minutes, we could see the water level had dropped in the red, yellow, and blue glasses and rose in the once empty glasses as the water continued to travel from the more full glasses to the less full glasses.
If you aren’t seeing much movement within a few minutes, it may be that you need to add more water to your colored water glasses. It really needs to be almost at the top for the water to walk quickly. So try topping off those glasses and seeing if that gets things moving.
If you see the water moving up the paper towel but it seems like it’s taking forever, it may be the type of paper towel you are using. You want a paper towel that will really hold a lot of water. Try using Bounty Select-a-Size and Target’s Up and Up Brand Select-a-Size.
- It really is worth the extra effort of trying different cups and paper towels to get this activity to work. And once you have had success, don’t throw out those beautifully colored paper towels or the colored water! Gently squeeze out the paper towels and let them dry in a heap on a baking sheet. You end up with gorgeous tie-dyed looking paper towels to use for crafts and the leftover water as watercolors for painting with later.
The Science Behind It
The colored water travels up the paper towel by a process called capillary action. Capillary action is the ability of a liquid to flow upward, against gravity, in narrow spaces. This is the same thing that helps water climb from a plant’s roots to the leaves in the tree tops.
Paper towels, and all paper products, are made from fibers found in plants called cellulose. In this demonstration, the water flowed upwards through the tiny gaps between the cellulose fibers. The gaps in the towel acted like capillary tubes, pulling the water upwards.
The water is able to defy gravity as it travels upward due to the attractive forces between the water and the cellulose fibers.The water molecules tend to cling to the cellulose fibers in the paper towel. This is called adhesion.
The water molecules are also attracted to each other and stick close together, a process called cohesion. So as the water slowly moves up the tiny gaps in the paper towel fibers, the cohesive forces help to draw more water upwards.
At some point, the adhesive forces between the water and cellulose and the cohesive forces between the water molecules will be overcome by the gravitational forces on the weight of the water in the paper towel.
When that happens, the water will not travel up the paper towel anymore. That is why it helps to shorten the length that colored water has to travel by making sure your paper towel isn’t too tall and making sure you fill your colored liquid to the top of the glass.
Turn this demonstration into a true experiment by varying the water level {volume} you start with and seeing how long it takes the water to reach the empty glass.
Or start with the same volume of colored water and change the brand, type {single vs double ply, quilted vs not} or length of paper towel to see how long it takes for the water to “walk” to the empty glass.
You could even use the same volume of water, same length and brand of paper towel but vary the height of the filled glass, by raising them up on books, to see how that affects the speed of the water as it “walks” to the empty glass.
Have you had enough fun with the paper towels? Try using other paper products to see how the type of paper effects the results. Try toilet paper, printer paper, newspaper, or a page from a glossy magazine. What do you predict will happen?