The Greystone Glance
Weekly Newsletter from Principal Quattrucci
The Week of March 21st
Meet the Principal (Finally!) Breakfast
Thank You!
As you know, it was also Pi Day on Monday, March 14th, and I love how Ms. Arianna asked her students to make a pie. They, of course, had the freedom to be creative and make one any way they preferred, such as out of playdough, or as a drawing.
From Ms. Arianna’s Class: Lukas’ Key Lime Pie!
I was very honored to be a part of Ms. Arianna’s PreK Art Gallery!
Grade 1 Learned About Monet in Art Class!
PreK Read Nana in the City and Created Their Own Cities!
PreK is also learning about Letter Q!
Amazing work from one of our 4th Graders during our At Home Learning Day!
Mr. Bello had Special St. Patrick’s Day Challenges For His Students!
Beautiful Signs of Spring by Mrs. Waterman’s Class
Elena in Grade 2 has an amazing talent: She made the shirt she is wearing!
Grade 1 Learned about Coping Strategies with Mrs. RozellAlba!
More Calm Cards from Grade 4!
Grade 2 is Connected!
Thank you Ms. Jen’s PreK for the beautiful painting!
Amazing Reading Stamina in Grade 1!
Counting and Classification with Lucky Charms in Grade 1!
Practicing Probability and Finding out how lucky we are in Grade 4!
We appreciated the very important informational assembly on Internet/ Social Media Safety
Amazing Mathematical Discourse in Grade 3!
"If I were a kite" Creative Writing in Grade 1!
Thank you to the Bicket Family for Donating all these wonderful educational resources!
Two Special Days
March 25th is National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day. It was originally created in 2006 by Reaching for the Stars (RFTS), a cerebral palsy advocacy group, and is meant to educate, push for inclusion, and find a cure for cerebral palsy. We will have a special assembly for grades K-2, along with IAS K-1 and IAS 2-3 on Friday. Wear green!
Kid's Heart Challenge
As a Kid's Heart Challenge Heart Hero, your child will impact kids with special hearts and raise funds for the health of all hearts. They'll also get moving with fun activities, learn about keeping their hearts and minds healthy and the power of kindness!
SurveyWorks began on Tuesday, January 18th. It is important for all of us to participate by answering the SurveyWorks questions, because our answers provide meaningful feedback on how to improve Rhode Island Schools.
This is the family link and it will ask you to choose our school from the drop down menu. Show us your proof of completion page either by a screenshot sent to or photocopied page brought to school to be entered into a raffle to win a gift card to Market Basket.
Thank you so much Ms. Crudale for organizing and taking the lead on this!
This is the teacher link and it will also ask you to choose our school from a drop-down menu.
PTA/ Scholastic Book Fair
We are so grateful that they will be bringing the Scholastic Book Fair to our school on April 4th and 8th. It will be set up in Cafe Greystone aka Mr. Bello's 'gym' and students will visit during their regularly scheduled library time.
Book Club
Everyone Can Learn and Love Math Night!
Field Day
Quote of the Week
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
-Winston Churchill
Caught Being Kind!
Noah I. from Mrs. Waterman's class made a card for a friend after he had a difficult day!
Juliette B. from Mrs. Graziano’s class came to school with French phrases written down so she could better comment with a student who speaks French!
Samantha C. brought a beautiful bouquet to her teacher, Mrs. Turcotte.
Sean H. from Ms. Lucca’s class drew pictures of all his teachers to cheer them up!
Xavier J. from Mrs. Waterman's class gave pencils to all his friends!
Jaxon D. from Mrs. Lucca's class helped a friend tie his shoe.
Robert C. from Ms. Reynolds' class helped his teacher carry a tray to his friend.
Ashlie M. from Mrs. Reynolds' class helped a friend who was sad by bringing him his shoe.
Annabelle Conti from Mrs. Lucca's class is always so kind and helpful towards her friends.
Dakota gave Mrs. Montecalvo a beautiful bookmark her grandmother made for her!
Connect with us!
Location: 100 Morgan Avenue, North Providence, RI, USA
Phone: (401) 233-1130
Twitter: @GreystoneEsRI