This Week at Windsor...
March 4th, 2022
Happy March! There are only seven more days to order yearbooks, be sure to place your order as soon as possible. Yearbook orders are due by March 11th. See flyer below for ordering information.
We are excited to announce that Windsor will be participating in the Pack the Piggies fundraiser. We will be collecting money for the Arlington Heights Council of PTAs Scholarship Fund. Our goal is to raise $1,000. You can donate coins, cash, or checks! If we meet our goal, the students will be rewarded with an assembly, details of the assembly to come next week!
Windsor will be participating in Capanarri's Coolest School Contest once again! Our scoop day is April 19th from 4:00-9:00 pm. Mark your calendars and come out for some ice cream!!!
Be sure to check out the Save the Date section below as we have many more fun events planned for after spring break!
If you haven't already, please see the information below about the 5Essentials. Please complete the parent survey by 3/11/22. Thank you for participating!
Second and third grade parents, please see the link below if your child is interested in participating in the Noetic Math Contest.
Summer U 2022 June 8-July 1, 2022 at South Middle School *Dates subject to change pending review of winter weather emergency days. Registration will begin on March 7, 2022 at 9am and end on April 29, 2022. Please visit for a full list of courses and times. If you have any questions about Summer U, please email for assistance.
Illinois 5Essentials Survey | Now Open!
Parent Survey
It’s that time of year again and we want your input! Please participate in the Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey, as a part of the Illinois 5Essentials Survey administration. The survey responses will never be connected to the identity of you or your child as school reports will only present aggregated information of how parents responded as a whole.
In order for the survey report to be generated we need at least 20 percent of our parents to take the survey.
Please CLICK HERE to take the parent survey. It is open now through March 11.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact 5Essentials Customer Support at 1-866-440-1874 or
Student Survey (Grades 4-8 ONLY)
The Illinois 5Essentials Survey will be administered at your child’s school in the near future. For a copy of the questions, click here.
If you do not want your child to participate, fill out the information at the bottom of this form (linked here) and ask your child to return this sheet to their teacher.
SHIELD Testing - Unenrollment
If you wish to unenroll your child from the SHIELD testing program, you may do that at any time by filling out this form (linked here).
Feel free to take a look at this document if you are looking for some guidance for talking to your children.
Lunch info:
A week- 3/7/22 - 3/11/22
B week- 3/14/22 - 3/18/22
Upcoming Events:
- Friday, March 11th- Deadline to order Yearbooks
- Friday, March 11th- Last day to participate in the Parent Survey for 5Essentials
- Monday, March 14th-17th- Collecting money for Pack the Piggies
Have a wonderful wildcat weekend,
Mrs. Anastacio and Mrs. Soprano
Monday, 14th - Thursday, 17th - Pack the Piggies Collection
Monday, 21st- Friday, 25th- Spring Break- No School
Wednesday, 30th- 1st Grade Activity Night-- 6:00-8:00pm
Thursday, 7th - Open House-- 6:30-7:45 PM
Tuesday, 12th - Virtual PTA Mtg-- 7 PM
Tuesday, 19th - Capannari's Coolest School Contest-- 4:00-9:00 PM
Tuesday, 26th - Kindergarten Activity Night-- 6:00-7:00 PM
Wednesday, 27th - 4th Grade Concert-- 6:00-8:00 PM
Upcoming Assessment Schedules
Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 will be taking the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) in March. Please see the assessment schedule below.
IAR - 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades
3rd Grade
March 7th, 8th, & 9th 1:15-2:15 PM
March 14th at 10:30-11:45 AM
March 15th at 1:15-2:30 PM
4th Grade
March 8th, 9th, & 10th at 9:15-10:15 Am
March 14th & 15th at 9:15-10:45 AM
5th Grade
March 8th, 9th, & 10th at 9:15-10:15 AM
March 14th & 15th at 1:15-2:45 PM
Stella's Station
Important PTA Information...
- Yearbook Ordering Information: Yearbooks are now on Sale! Orders will be accepted ONLINE only! Ordering will be available until: Friday, March 11, 2022. Full-Color Yearbook: $14.00. This is the only opportunity to purchase a yearbook. Questions? Please contact Becky Polley at To order your yearbook visit: Enter code: 63598Q
- Color of the World Supply Drive: The DEI Committee will be collecting Color of the World markers to provide to all the classrooms at Windsor. We are looking to collect 80-100 boxes so that each classroom has sufficient supplies for all students. Donations will be collected in the office starting March 7.
- Arlington Heights Council (AHC) Pack the Piggies Contest: Are you ready to Pack the Piggy, Windsor? The Arlington Heights Council of PTA’s (AHC-PTA) funds scholarships each year for K-8 students, as well as D214 graduating seniors. This March, the AHC-PTA will be initiating it’s first ever “Pack the Piggies” FUN-raiser across the district to raise money for these scholarships. The contest begins March 14th and goes through March 17th, which gives us four days to pack our piggy and reach our goal! Windsor's school goal is to raise $1k. Windsor will announce the prize early next week. To help reach our goal, you can bring in coins, cash, or checks (made out to the AHC-PTA) and pack Windsor's piggy! Let’s have some fun for a great cause!
Upcoming Events:
- Color of the World Marker Supply Drive: Starts March 7
- Pack the Piggies Contest: March 14-17
- 1st Grade Activity Night: Wednesday, March 30, 6-7 pm
- PTA Meeting (Virtual): Tuesday, April 12, 7-8 pm (Voting on officers for 2022-2023 school year)
- Kindergarten Activity Night: Tuesday, April 26, 6-7 pm
NOTE: Keep up to date on all PTA information by following the Windsor PTA blog and receiving notifications of new posts by email. Go to and enter your email address on the right hand side of the screen where it says, “Get Updates Via Email.”
Get Burbed Challenge
Mark your calendars for April 30, 2022 for the 10th ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge! We are looking forward to having our district students, families and staff together again for our 5K and 1 Mile events! The ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge is the only district wide event and raises money to provide grants to teachers and staff through the ABC/25 Foundation. Please follow ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge on Facebook or Twitter for all race information or visit us at We hope to see all our Windsor Wildcats there!
Notes from our Nurse...
Please reach out to Mrs. Carpenter with any questions.
Lunch Information
Please note that students who choose to pack a meal from home are invited to take a bag with milk that will also contain a fruit, vegetable, and grain at no charge. If your child has food allergies or food intolerances, please work with them to identify what they can consume from this bag, should they decide to pick it up.
All of these bagged items will be wrapped. If a student chooses not to consume all items, those may be placed on a table in the eating area so as to not be wasted.
As a reminder, lunch is free this school year for all District 25 students.
Thank you,
District 25 Food Services
American Heart Association
March-National Nutrition Month
March is National Nutrition Month. We want to keep our students’ bodies and brains healthy and it starts with nutrition. Families should develop a healthy eating pattern. Click here to download a Healthy Toolkit to learn more about appropriate servings and healthy foods that are under $1!
Windsor Elementary School
Location: 1315 East Miner Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847-398-4297
Twitter: @WindsorWildcats