The Eagle Express
CSSE's Weekly Newsletter - October 30, 2020
Important Dates
Sun., Nov. 1 Happy Birthday, Mrs. Ardoin!
Mon., Nov. 2 Happy Birthday, Mrs. Blakely!
Tues., Nov. 3 Spirit Tee AND 2 o'clock Tuesday (2pm dismissal for all students)
Wed., Nov. 4 Eat & Earn at Ted's 5-9pm
Thurs., Nov. 5 8:15 am School Mass (5th-8th grades)
Fri., Nov. 6 8:15 am School Mass (1st-4th grades)
Fri. Nov. 6 Halloween Parties, Costume and Free Dress Day (follow guidelines below)
Fri. Nov. 6 Early Registration for Turkey Bingo Ends
Mon., Nov. 9 Vision Screening
Tues., Nov. 10 Deadline to register for Virtual Turkey Bingo
Tues., Nov. 10 Spirit Tee AND 2 o'clock Tuesday (2pm dismissal for all students)
Thurs., Nov. 12 8:15 am School Mass (5th-8th grades)
Fri., Nov. 13 8:15 am School Mass (1st-4th grades)
Fri., Nov. 13 Last day SALT Food Drive
Sat. Nov. 14 Virtual Turkey Bingo (must register by Nov. 10)
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more!
Make Up Halloween Parties
Halloween parties have been rescheduled for this coming Friday, Nov. 6th. Students may still wear free dress or Halloween costumes at school that day. Please follow the guidelines below.
1st - 4th grade: May start the day in free dress clothing and bring costumes in a LABELED bag to be put on OVER clothes AFTER mass. Fr. Wolf has approved Halloween themed shirts/free dress at mass.
All other grades: May wear costumes all day or bring in a LABELED bag to put on over free dress clothing.
No Full Face Masks or Face Paint - students must still wear their proper PPE face covering
No Hair Coloring (wigs are okay)
Nothing Gory, Scary, or Inappropriate for school
No Weapons
Must not interfere with the function of the school day (ex. no noisy or oversized costumes that prevent sitting at a desk)
Register for VIRTUAL Turkey Bingo!
Turkey Bingo lives! Our annual tradition returns this year as a virtual event!
Click the link to register and for more details! Sign up by November 6th at midnight and you will be entered for a $100 UberEats gift card to use while you are playing Bingo!
Spread the word - anyone can join in on the fun as long as you can Zoom!
The Book Fair is Coming!
Our library's annual Scholastic Book Fair is coming up soon Nov. 14th-19th! There will be a few changes, but it should still be a fun event for all! Please contact Mrs. Hattaway if you have any questions.
Anyone may shop our online book fair Nov. 11th-24th from the safety of home and support CSSE. Free shipping with orders of $25+!
For safety, only students/staff may shop in person during the school week.
Scholastic's E-Wallet is a great cashless option for students. Find out more and create your student's E-Wallet here.
SALT Food Drive
In Case You Missed It - School News on Repeat
Safe and Sacred - Previously known as Circle of Grace During the week of November 2nd-6th at your child’s regular religious education time, the Safe and Sacred curriculum will be taught. The aim of this program is to teach children how to be safe, protect themselves, and communicate any potential danger. In the Church’s desire to help keep your children safe, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City requires that all children and young people participating in religious education in any parish or Catholic school in the Archdiocese receive this instruction. Please be on the lookout for an email going home this week with more detailed information. If you have any questions, concerns or would like to review the curriculum, please contact Mrs. Ison at sison@steugeneschool.org
CGSAA Basketball Due to COVID concerns, the Catholic Grade School Athletic Association (CGSAA), following the recommendation from CGSAA school principals, has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020-2021 basketball leagues for 2nd thru 4th grades. To give our CSSE 2nd thru 4th graders an opportunity to participate in basketball this year, the CSSE Athletic Commission will be looking to organize specific grade level camps and practice nights to introduce our students to the game and keep those teams who played last year active in CGSAA basketball. More information to follow in the coming months.
A link to a basketball survey was sent this past week to 5th through 8th grade families to gauge interest in participating this season.
If there are any questions concerning the upcoming basketball season, please don’t hesitate to email Barry Schwarz, Basketball Coordinator, at basketball@steugeneschool.org.
Calling all technology minded individuals! We would like to form a 2-3 person team of volunteers to help maintain technology around the school. IT service calls can take a huge bite out of our budget, so we are looking for people who have experience with maintaining networks and general troubleshooting (desktops, Chromebooks, printers, smart devices, etc). Ideally each volunteer would be able to make a 2-3 year commitment, and would help find their replacement before rolling off the tech team. An example of some of the tasks we need help with include updating desktops to Windows 10, making sure computers are connected to network printers, checking that security updates are completed regularly, setting up new equipment as needed, helping remove broken/outdated tech from inventory, salvaging usable components, etc. Please contact Mrs. Goldsworthy and reference Tech Team in your subject heading.
Looking for a Volunteer Musician! We would love to have music in the church again! We are looking for a volunteer or two to play the piano or guitar for either or both school masses each week. If you or your student is willing to play some of the liturgical music, please let Mrs. Goldsworthy know. principal@steugeneschool.org
PTO News
Eat & Earn at Ted’s on May on Wednesday, Nov. 4th! Eat & Earn for CSSE by dining in or ordering take out from Ted's (68th & May) on Wednesday, Nov. 4th from 5-9pm! Just mention St. Eugene, and Ted's will make a donation back to our school!
PTO wants your best recipes! The community of St Eugene Church and School put out a cookbook almost 15 years ago. With more people than ever staying home and cooking, it's the perfect year to make another one! We need your help though to make it the most tasty one yet! Please submit as many of your favorite recipes as you would like to https://createmycookbook.com/groups/PASKkeqmg. We are hoping to make this our most delicious cookbook ever! Copies will be available in time to give as holiday gifts!
CSSE Family Feature!
Eagle Excellence
Congratulations go out to CSSE alum, Benji Silvernail! Benji earned first place at his virtual speech tournament this weekend in standard oratory, which qualifies him for the regional tournament.
Let us know about your student's achievements so we can celebrate their Eagle Excellence!
Parish News
Amazing Possibilities with Matthew Kelly! For the first time ever, Dynamic Catholic is hosting an interactive virtual event with Matthew Kelly. Join us on November 5, 2020, at 7PM for a night of inspiration, live music and prayer! To register for this free, live event, please send an email including your name, email address and parish to DynamicParish@DynamicCatholic.com.
Mass is still celebrated daily at St. Eugene, and with the exception of school mass, masses are open for all to come and participate while following COVID precautions. Weekend mass times are: Saturday: 5:00 pm (English), Sunday: 9:30 am, 5:00 pm (English), Noon (Spanish), 7:00 pm (Spanish).
All public masses are streamed on the church’s Facebook. You may also stream via the church’s YouTube channel for weekend masses.
Please Pray For...
Please pray for Thi & Martin Pham's family while they quarantine due to positive cases of COVID-19 in their family. | Please pray for the McMahill family while they quarantine due to positive cases of COVID-19 in their family. | Please pray for the great uncle of Olivia and Amelia Metz who has been diagnosed with liver cancer and is awaiting a liver transplant. | Please pray for Mrs. Lupp's cousin, Jeff Scales. He is currently on a ventilator due to complications from COVID-19, but has been improving! | Pray for all those who have been affected by Covid-19, whether by sickness, loss of job, isolation, or loneliness, etc. May all find strength, comfort and healing in this difficult time. | Pray for our staff who have been putting in many extra hours to prepare for the upcoming school year. Please pray for students and their families. May God grant us all patience and wisdom as we navigate a very different school year. Help us put our faith first and give grace to all.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at eagleexpress@steugeneschool.org.
COVID-19 Response and Procedures
My Child is Ill. What Do I Do? Allergies or COVID? Stomach bug or COVID? It can be hard to decipher what ailment might be affecting your child. We have created some graphics and flowcharts to help you navigate what steps to take when your child or someone in your household is feeling unwell. Please report concerns or questions about illness to Mrs. Goldsworthy at illness-report@steugeneschool.org, and she will consult with our response team - Mrs. O'Connell and Mrs. Rischard. ALWAYS fill out and submit the Absentee Form (or call Ms. Patrick in the office), then notify your child’s homeroom/house teacher each day of absence.
Absences Please use the Absentee Form to report absences AND email your child’s teacher/house homeroom. It is important to communicate why your child is missing school with the teacher and document through the Google form. Please be meticulous in following directions if a child, household member, or close contact has recently tested positive for COVID or is awaiting results of a COVID test. NO ONE IN THE HOUSEHOLD MAY ENTER THE SCHOOL BUILDING if COVID exposure is positive OR in question. Mrs. Goldsworthy MUST clear your household for return to school in all cases where the possibility of COVID is involved. Please use illness-report@steugeneschool.org for correspondence regarding illness updates to Mrs. Goldsworthy.
Screening Questions and Carpool Please remember to have your questions answered DAILY and results ready to show on your phone. Students should be masked, on the passenger side for temp checks, and ready to go as soon as carpool teacher opens the door. bit.ly/FamilyDailyQs
Spirit Tee Tuesday is EVERY Tuesday! - Students may wear their regular uniform or a St. Eugene spirit tee with jeans or uniform bottoms. Don't forget ALL students dismiss at 2pm EVERY Tuesday!
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Email: eagleexpress@steugeneschool.org
Website: www.steugeneschool.org
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067
Facebook: facebook.com/csseokc