Waunakee High School Warrior Weekly
Monday, October 16 through Friday, October 20, 2023
Los boletines se publican a través del sitio web de SMORE. El sitio web SMORE tiene una opción de "traducir" disponible, ubicada en la parte superior del programa. Si tiene preguntas o está confundido acerca de la información compartida en este boletín, comuníquese con nuestro intérprete del distrito al (608) 206-5730
The bulletins are published through the SMORE website. The SMORE website has a "translate" option available, located on the top of the program. If you have questions or are confused about the information shared in this newsletter, please contact our district interpreter at (608) 206-5730
WHS 2023-2024 Building Goals
At Waunakee Community High School, we are committed to helping each student reach their full potential. To guide our efforts, our school improvement team meets annually during an activity we call our School Improvement Institute, or SII. During the summer of 2023, a team of teachers, administrators, and other school staff from Waunakee Community High School gathered together at SII to review data and create our School Improvement Plan for the 2023-2024 school year. Operating under the umbrella of our Waunakee Community School District’s strategic priorities, we developed two goals for continuous improvement for the 2023-2024 school year.
By spring 2025, all of the available data within the following indicators will be as high or higher than the 2019 (pre-pandemic) results:
% of ACT benchmark proficiency,
% of 9th grade students with 90% or greater attendance
% of 12th grade students with a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher
% of students involved in co-curriculars
% of students that earn a “C” or better in an Advanced Placement course.
% of students earning a “C” or better in Dual Enrollment courses.
% of students earning a “C” or better in Advanced Algebra.
% of students that have completed more than 25 service hours.
Students enrolled in Work Based Learning and earning Industry Recognized Credentials.
We will continue to develop and foster a positive and inclusive school climate so that the percentage of students who report a positive social and emotional well being is maintained or improved by June of 2024 as measured by the WCHS Student Climate Survey comparing yearly concurrent months.
We believe these two goals will help create an environment where all students can thrive academically and develop as independent learners. To achieve this, we value the support and involvement of parents. Please reach out to your child's teachers to learn more about how you can support learning at home. Please visit the district website for additional information and resources related to our school improvement efforts this year.
With our dedicated staff and engaged families working together, we know we can make great progress to support each student's growth and success this school year!
Staff Appreciation Committee Needs Your Help
Dear Parents and Guardians,
For over 18 years, the HS Staff Appreciation Committee has been providing a light meal for the teachers and staff on the night of conferences. Access the October 2023 HS Staff Conference Meal SignUp to indicate your offering or to volunteer to set-up or clean-up. Any help is appreciated! All donations should be dropped off to the HS main office by 2 PM on Monday, October 16, 2023 (no deliveries the week before please; if you need help getting your donation to school, reach out to one of the coordinators).
If you would prefer to make a cash donation and have one of the coordinators do the shopping, please reach out to one of us (below) and we will provide the information needed.
Thank you,
Staff Appreciation Co-Coordinators
Shawna Schalk shawnaschalk@gmail.com
Melissa Meinholz tmzmein@yahoo.com
Post Prom Planning Committee
Post Prom: April 13, 2024
Attention Junior Parents/Guardians,
If you are interested in helping to plan/organize Post Prom this school year (4-13-24), we will be meeting Tuesday October 17th, 6:30 PM at the Waunakee Village Center.
If you are interested in helping out, but are unable to make the meeting, please contact Steve Hernandez: (stevenhernandez@waunakee.k12.wi.us ) so that he can pass your name onto the Post Prom Planning Committee.
Post Prom is organized by parents/guardians and offers a wonderful opportunity for our students following Prom.
Thank you for your help and support in advance.
Project Graduation 2024
Keeping Traditions Alive!
Project Graduation is organized by the parents and guardians of the graduating SENIORS. This event was established to offer seniors a safe place to celebrate for FREE and we hope to continue providing it. However, without the help of parents and guardians, our 2024 event may be canceled. Currently, there is no committee and no committee chair.
If you are willing to help plan/organize Project Graduation, email waunagradparty@gmail.com to express interest . There will be a planning meeting on Wed. Oct. 18 at 6 pm in the high school teacher's lounge. Thank you for your help and support in advance.
Community Coat Drive Registration
Providing Warmth. One Coat at a Time
Is your family in need of winter coats? Waunakee Neighborhood Connections will be distributing coats on Saturday, October 21st from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm at Peace Lutheran Church, 701 South Century Avenue, Waunakee.
Please click WNC Coat Drive Sign Up to register for a time. Due to limited space, if you arrive early, you may have to wait until your scheduled time.
From the Library Media Technology Center (LMTC)
Book Club Reads
The LMTC Book Club will meet again at the end of the month on either Tuesday October 31st or Friday November 3rd. The books we're reading this month are: Divine Rivals and I Kissed Shara Wheeler.
Dental Care Right at School
Preventative Dental Services Include: Fluoride Varnish, Silver Diamine Fluoride, Dental Cleaning, Sealants, Oral Screening, Referral Assistance.
Senior yearbook items are being collected right now; you can find more information (HERE) at the bottom of the web page.
To check the list of what has been submitted you can check the link (HERE). Remember that the submission of the senior portrait is no cost. The submissions of "Senior Profile" items requires a $25.00 payment to include that information in the book.
Deadline to submit all items is November 30th. If you need Mr. Willauer to scan a baby photo please have your senior sign up for a contact time in the Innovation Center before 11/30/23.
OCTOBER 19: Place your class ring order by October 19th to receive $20 off when using promo code RING20. Ring sizer packets are available in the main office. Click Here to Access WCHS's Online Ring Builder QUESTIONS? Call 608-526-2100 or EMAIL: keiler.countryman@jostens.com
OCTOBER 31: Click on the link below to order a graduation package to fit your needs or an individual cap/gown/tassel unit. Order by October 31st to avoid any late fees.
Click Here to Order Waunakee Community High School Graduation Supplies
QUESTIONS? 608-526-2100 or EMAIL: keiler.countryman@jostens.com
NOVEMBER 30: Senior yearbook items are being collected right now; you can find more information (HERE). To check the list of what has been submitted you can check the link (HERE). Remember that the submission of the senior portrait is no cost. The submissions of "Senior Profile" items requires a $25.00 payment to include that information in the book. The deadline to submit all items is November 30th. If you need Mr. Willauer to scan a baby photo please have your senior sign up for a contact time in the Innovation Center before the deadline.
Attention Seniors
The high school counselors are offering college application help sessions each week through October. We are here to help you achieve your postsecondary goals, whether that be with application assistance, transcripts requests, and/or other supplemental items. Sign up in FlexiSched under Mr. Landis.
Attention Freshmen
The school counselors will continue to hold Meet and Greets with our freshmen over the course of the next several weeks. Looking forward to getting to know and supporting our freshmen this year!
A college representative will be available to meet with juniors and seniors during Contact Time in the Counseling Office on the following days:
- Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - Edgewood College
- Thursday, October 19, 2023 - UW-Oshkosh
To attend, students must sign up in FlexiSched under the Counseling Office on Monday, October 16, 2023.
UW Campus admissions representatives are offering virtual meetings to learn about campus specific admission, updates, and upcoming special campus events. Representatives will be available to answer any questions students may have regarding admission to these campuses. Students and families are encouraged to attend. Registration is required. Please click on the provided links to register:
UW-La Crosse, UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee and UW-Whitewater Panel:
Tuesday, October 17 at 4:30 PM - Register Here
UW Oshkosh, UW-Platteville, UW-Stevens Point, and UW-Superior Panel:
Thursday, October 19 at 4:30 PM - Register Here
UW-Eau Claire, UW-Green Bay, UW-River Falls, and UW-Stout Panel:
Tuesday, October 24 at 4:30 PM - Register Here
ACT Test Prep for Juniors
Fees Due
The 2023-24 HS Winter Activity/Athletics Registration IS NOW OPEN in the Parent
Portal. After you log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal please follow these steps.
NEW - The Winter Activity Registration is now all in one step. Click on the School Store.
- Click on HS Store
- Click on HS Activity Registration Select the activity your student will participate in. Complete the required consent form with all information. Use N/A in fields that do not apply. Electronically Sign the Consent Form & Click Submit. (There are 2 additional forms for your review: Concussion & Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information and 2023-2024 High School Athletic Eligibility Information Bulletin.
- After submitting the signed consent form, add the form to your cart.
- NEW - The seasonal co-curricular fee will be charged and payment is required at the time of activity selection. Add the payment to your cart and proceed to check out. You must enter or select a saved payment method.
- You will receive a receipt by email confirming the completion of the activities consent form. Please note, Please complete this process for EACH of your students who plan to participate in one of the co-curricular activities.
You will still need to turn in a green Physical Examination card or tan Alternate Year Athletic Permit card directly to the High School Athletic Office AND have the online process completed by the start date of your activity. ***Please note that students participating in Forensics, One Act or the Spring Musical DO NOT NEED to turn in a Physical Examination card or tan Alternate Year Athletic Permit card.
All incoming Freshman or students who have not participated in a co-curricular prior to this year will need to attend a Co-Curricular Code Meeting. All meetings are held in the HS Small Auditorium at 6:00 PM and should last approximately 1 hour. It is required that a parent attend with the student. Dates for these meetings are: October 25, 2023; February 21, 2024.
For your reference, the anticipated Co-Curricular Start Dates for the 2023-2024 School Year are:
- October 2023 TBA: Forensics Organizational Meeting
- November 6, 2023: Girls Basketball, Gymnastics, Boys Hockey, Girls Hockey
- November 13, 2023: Boys Basketball, Dance Team, Boys Swim, Winter Cheer, Wrestling
- December 4, 2023: Ski & Snowboard Teams (Pending snowfall)
- December 11, 2023: Winter Play
- February 26, 2024: Spring Musical
- March 4, 2024: Boys & Girls Track & Field, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse
- March 11, 2024: Softball
- March 18, 2024: Baseball, Girls Soccer
- March 25, 2024: Boys Tennis, Boys Golf
If you have any questions please contact the HS Activities Office via email at:
jenlockman@waunakee.k12.wi.us or susanpatz@waunakee.k12.wi.us
You may submit your child's physical and alternate year cards in person, via email or US mail service.
Senior Attendance Reminders
Attendance Notes for Seniors, Parents & Guardians
According to Board of Education policy, you must be in attendance for 90% of the time if you want to walk at graduation. That means missing no more than 45 PERIODS of instruction per semester. Each school day is made of 5 periods: 1st, Contact Time/HomeRoom, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Parent Request excused absences do count within the 45 absences.
The good news is that there is a way to make certain absences exempt from counting against your student.
- Medical appointment? Bring in a doctor's note.
- College visit? Bring in documentation of your trip. (An email with date of visit or a picture of your student on campus. But not just a school brochure.)
- Funeral? Have a parent call.
- Family Vacation? Bring in a handwritten note from a parent. (Parent/Guardian must be traveling with the student(s)!)
Please call attendance 608.849.2110 or email your student's assistant principal with any additional questions. Thanks for your help!
2023-2024 Assessment Dates
PSAT/NMSQT: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 | 7:55 am-12:00 pm
Optional - Sophomores / Juniors
No make-up date
ACT: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 | 7:45 am-1:30 pm
No School (Frosh, Sophomores, Seniors)
Accommodated window: March 12-22, 2024
Forward Exam: Wed., April 3 & Thurs., April 4 | US History & AP US History Class
PreACT: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | 8:00 am-11:25 am
3 Hr Late Start (Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors)
LINK (155 minutes test time + 15 minute break)
PreACT: Thursday, April 18, 2023 | 8:00 am-11:25 am
3 Hr Late Start (Freshmen, Juniors, Seniors)
LINK (155 minutes test time + 15 minute break)
**NOTE: Students with multi-day testing accommodations will need to be at school for both testing days.
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM): WI test window March 18-April 26, 2024
AP Exams: May 6 - 17, 2024 | AM: 7:45 am-12:00 pm | PM: 11:45 am-4:00 pm
See detailed course listing below
Late Testing - May 22-24, 2024
Community Events
Click on the following link to see what’s happening in and around the Waunakee district: https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/community/community-events
Menus for the Month of October
See the healthy lunch menu from TAHER FOOD SERVICES healthy lunch offerings.
To contact the High School, please call: (608) 849-2100. To reach the Attendance, press 1; Health Office, press 2; Counseling, press 3; Main Office, press 0