Athens State University RIC
November 3, 2023
Thanks for Making It Happen!
Region 2 Educators,
As we begin the holiday season, the Athens RIC Center wants to say "thank you" for your dedication to our children and your commitment to making good things happen in your classroom and school everyday. Thanks to your effort and expertise, our students have achieved many academic goals this semester. We will continue to build on that success next semester. We are proud to serve as your learning partner and look forward to being better together in 2024. Our prayer is that you and your families will enjoy a peaceful Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season. Keep Making It Happen!
Brad Lewis
Athens RIC Closed November 22 - 24
Closed December 18 - January 2, 2024
Follow Us On Social Media
Region 2 Request Links
Remember, If you have specific professional learning needs please use the PD Request Form or if you need to reserve a learning space at the Regional Inservice Center or on the Athens State Campus, please use the Facility Reservations form.
Click on Agency Icons for Websites
Region 2 - RIC
Assistant Director - Emily Byrd
Science in Motion
Assistant Director - Emily Byrd
Ken Kirby - Regional Literacy Leadership Specialist (RLLS)
Kimberly Hargett - RLLS: Limestone, Hartselle, & Morgan.
Kim Goodwin - RLSS: Blount, Cullman City & Co. & Oneonta
Melissa Penley - RLSS: Athens City & Lawrence Co.
Tracie Howard - RLSS
Angela Richardson - RLSS
Christy Lockhart - Region 2 Math Specialist
ARI Updates
- December ARI Newsletter
- Phonemic Awareness vignettes
- Data Meeting agenda & tool
- SoR Podcasts
- Oral Language
- Student Centered Coaching
- ACAP Resources & Instructional Supports
TEAMS Professional Learning
Teacher Professional Learning
Monthly NBCT Sessions - North Cohort
Title: ATH RIC 2023-2024 ATH-NBCT Component 2 Instruction and Planning (North Cohort)
Description: Component 2 is Differentiation in Instruction component. Candidates will collect work samples that exhibit a student's growth over time and how your instructional choices lead to that growth. Candidates will review student samples and discuss next-steps of instruction to facilitate student growth.
Date: Tuesday, November 28
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Format: In-Person
Location: Morgan County Educator Resourced Center
235 Alabama Hwy 67
Decatur, AL 35603
Facilitator: Ellen Thompson
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Monthly NBCT Sessions - South Cohort
Title: ATH RIC 2023-2024 ATH-NBCT Component 2 Instruction and Planning (South Cohort)
Description: Component 2 is Differentiation in Instruction component. Candidates will collect work samples that exhibit a student's growth over time and how your instructional choices lead to that growth. Candidates will review student samples and discuss next-steps of instruction to facilitate student growth.
Date: Tuesday, November 28
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Format: In-Person
Location: Blount County Schools Professional Development Center
62541 US Hwy 231
Cleveland, AL 35049
Facilitator: Jennifer Priest
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Need an ATLAS account? Send your requests to Brad.Lewis@athens.edu
PREP Resources
PREP - Emergency Certificates, Long-Term Subs, and New Teacher On-Demand Training.
Secondary Coaching Sessions
Diane Sweeney
Session 3 - Bryant Conference Center in Tuscaloosa
GEMS - Girls Engaged in Math & Science
Sound Wall Training (K-3)
EL News & Updates
Region 2 EL Specialist: Robin Stutts rstutts@alsde.edu
- EL Quarterly Newsletter
- Alabama ELLevation Education Link- https://ellevationeducation.com/district/alabama
- Virtual ELLevation Training Links - ELLevation Virtual Training Links
- AMTESOL Conference Link-Registration: https://www.amtesol.org/registration
- World Languages Newsletter: https://sway.office.com/mBGTFFbn0olsRz7W?ref=Link&loc=play
Gulf Coast Conference on the Teaching of Writing: July 1 - 4, 2024
Gulf Coast Conference on the Teaching of Writing
Deadline for Submissions - December 14
The mission of the Scholastic Writing Awards Alabama Region is to identify students with exceptional literary talent and present their remarkable work. The 2023 Alabama Scholastic Awards are now open for entries!
Key Details:
- Eligibility: Students in grades 7-12 (age 13+)
- Entry Fees:
- $10 for individual entry
- $30 for portfolio entry
- Fee waivers are available!
Important Dates:
- Submissions Open: September 1, 2023
- Deadline: December 14, 2023
Entry Categories:
- Critical Essay
- Dramatic Script
- Flash Fiction
- Humor
- Journalism
- Novel Writing
- Personal Essay & Memoir
- Poetry
- Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Short Story
- Writing Portfolio
How to Enter:
1. Create an account at www.artandwriting.org.
2. Upload the student's original work.
3. Complete entry by uploading a signed entry form and payment or fee waiver by December 14, 2023.
How Entries Are Judged:
Entries undergo a fair and anonymous judging process. Here's what you need to know:
- Blind Adjudications: Judges do not know the student's identity, ensuring a fair evaluation.
- 3 Core Criteria: Entries are evaluated based on three essential criteria - Originality, Technical Skill, and the Emergence of a Personal Voice or Vision.
Need Assistance? Contact Us:
If you require additional assistance or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us at 334-670-5978. Visit www.artandwriting.org to get started and mark your calendar for the submission deadline on December 14, 2023. Good luck, young writers!
Special Education Teachers Professional Learning
Counselors and PowerSchool SIS Staff
Administrator Professional Learning
AAESA Fall Instructional Conference: Nov. 12 - 15
- Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach
- Registration Information
Textbook ACLD PLU w/ Patrick Chappell
- In-Person: AASCD Winter Conference - January 22 - 24, 2024
- Online: AASCD Spring Bootcamp - February 29, 2024
Register via http://www.clasleaders.org
The Alabama Social Studies Chronicle
ARI - Strong Leader/Strong Reader & OMI - Everyone Counts Sessions
NORTH- Florence City School BOE
*Athens City, Decatur City, Lawrence County, & Limestone County.
- Wednesday. December 6
- Thursday, February 8, 2024
- Wednesday, March 13, 2024
- 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
SOUTH - Wallace State - Hanceville
*Blount Co., Cullman City, Cullman Co., Hartselle City, Morgan Co., & Oneonta City
- Thursday. December 7
- Wednesday, February 7, 2024
- Thursday, March 14, 2024
- 8:30 am - 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm
District Level Professional Learning
- Dr. Brad Lewis - RIC Director (256) 233-6574 Brad.Lewis@athens.edu
- Deepa Manandhar - Program & Financial Assistant (256) 233-6576 Deepa.Manandhar@athens.edu
- Physical Location: 1115-A Hwy 31 Athens, AL