The Northliner
June 2, 2023
Sunday services are held at 10:00 am. Currently our services are held live at UCN and also streamed on Zoom. Coffee hour follows the service.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 933 6445 4692
Password: 13800
The service begins promptly at 10 am. If you'd like to join in conversation before the service, you may join the Zoom meeting at 9:50 and wrap up your conversations shortly before 10.
June 4: "The Theology of The Wizard of Oz," Rev. Tony Larsen
On this 54th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion that began the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement (actual date, June 28, 1969) we will explore the hidden "theology" behind the
gay-friendly children's classic: The Wizard of Oz. You may be surprised to learn how controversial it was and (in some quarters, at least) still is! The choir will perform.
Intergen service (no RE).
June 11: "Struggling Upward," Rev. Sarah Oelberg
Sarah will talk about a lesser known and mostly unappreciated historical Unitarian and book banning.
Sarah Oelberg has been a special education teacher, has written special ed. curriculum for our U.S. Office of Education, was a faculty member at Yeshiva University in New York and at NYU, and trained special ed. teachers in Iowa. She followed her heart as the first in her six-generation Unitarian family to become a UU minister. After serving churches in Nebraska and Minnesota, she retired in 2001. She and husband Gerald raised four children and have six grand- and four great-grandchildren.
Let’s Celebrate Rev. Tony!
Mark your calendars for June 25th as we come together to celebrate Rev. Tony’s four years of service to UCN and his retirement. This will be his last service as our minister. During the service, there will be special recognition given to him. Following the service, a luncheon in his honor will be served in the Fellowship Hall. Because this luncheon is being catered, please RSVP one of three ways: Sign up on the sheet located on the Visitor’s Table, email Lyn Gust at (info@ucnorth.org), or phone her at (262-375-3890) no later than Friday, June 16th.
Thank you!
Julie Zumach
Messages from our Leaders
Minister's Messages
Tony will be on vacation on the week of June 5-11. He won't be available for his usual office hours on Wednesday, June 7.
Tony's home office hours are every Wednesday, 1-7 pm. You can call at other times too, but you are more likely to reach him in person on Wednesdays.
- See the Links section below to access many of Tony's sermons and his Parson to Person articles.
Parson to Person from May 26
Marvels, Wizards, and Wardrobes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10rjuPIqfd6Yo4KrzFPyYNbUtGwlwZ9aTPMlTlXHl2F4/edit?usp=sharing
Join Us at the Annual Picnic!
This Sunday, June 4th, is the UCN Picnic after the service. You're all invited to bring some food to share in the Fellowship Hall, and outside if the weather is good & it isn't snowing....
Finger food is the best! Sandwiches are great, as is anything easy to eat. A few desserts are always welcome, too. Please bring your own plates & silverware for your family as well.
If you can help set up tables and chairs that morning we would appreciate the help, and if you can also help put things away after lunch that would also be much appreciated!
Thank you! See you there!
Linda Sandersen
RE News for Youth and Adults
Summer Survival Camp
Registration for Summer Survival Camp has begun. Camp dates are Thursday, June 22nd and Friday, June 23rd from 5:30-8pm, and Saturday, June 24th 9am-3pm. Kids, adults and families can participate. We still need volunteers for survival skills teachers, co-teachers (no survival skills needed) meal preparation, set-up and take down. Please contact DRE@UCNorth.org if you would like to volunteer.
Social and Racial Justice
Ozaukee County Equity Roundtable Event
While Bridge the Divide is on hiatus, Ozaukee County Equity Roundtable (OCER) is continuing to expand the Beloved Community by fostering an equitable and inclusive Ozaukee County. OCER's up-coming event will celebrate Juneteenth Day by welcoming award-winning author and professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, Dr. Ruha Benjamin, the author of "Viral Justice."
Please join in this live event on Saturday, June 17th from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. in the community room of Community United Methodist Church, located at W68N563 Evergreen Blvd. in Cedarburg. Following Dr. Benjamin's talk, there will be a Question and Answer session with refreshments provided. Register at the link below.
For the Bible Tells Me So
There will be a showing of the powerful documentary “For the Bible Tells Me So” as part of Unitarian Church North’s celebration of LGBTQ+ pride. The film will be shown at UCN at 6:30 pm on Friday, June 23 in the Sanctuary.
According to www.imdb.com [imdb.com], the film is “An exploration of the intersection between religion and homosexuality in the U.S. and how the religious right has used its interpretation of the Bible to stigmatize the gay community.” It will be followed by a panel discussion led by Rev. Tony Larsen (Unitarian Universalist Minister for over 48 years) and Julie Konik (Unitarian Universalist Seminarian). Refreshments will be provided. Admission is free, and donations for the HRC (www.hrc.org) will be accepted.
Meet Us for Lunch!
The next UCN “Out-To-Lunch” gathering is on Wed, June 7th at Libby Montana’s Restaurant, 5616 W. Donges Bay Rd in Mequon. Meet at 11:45 AM. Ample parking. So the restaurant has an accurate count, please let Pat Mumm-Lovely know you’re coming (if you haven’t already). Pat’s email: patmummlovely@gmail.com. Phone: 414-426-9833. Feel free to call Pat if you need directions. Hope to see you there!
Sunday, June 11, 3 pm CDT
Please save the date, register on Zoom [us02web.zoom.us], and invite your Chapter members, congregation members, and contacts!
UUAM Guest Speaker, Farmer Harold Brown
Harold Brown is a former beef and dairy farmer. He was born on a cattle farm in Michigan and spent over half his life in agriculture. After a personal health crisis forced him to confront the incidence of heart disease in his family, he went vegan. Living in great health on a vegan diet led him to reexamine all of his previous assumptions about eating animals. Harold was featured in the film Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home and is now a globally recognized speaker and animal advocate.
The following people visited our church recently:
- Bill and Carol Cantrell, Grafton
Thanks for visiting us. We hope that you come back soon!
We Welcome Our New Members
- Jim and Judy DeLillo
- Wayne and Marilyn Blackmon (in March)
- Melisa and Garrett Zopp
Please help our new members feel at home at UCN.
Time to Save Lives Once Again
Sign up at AmericanRedCross.org to donate blood June 14, 1-6 pm in the lower level at UCN.
Morning Meditations
This is a continuing group meditation practice facilitated by Anna Rychner. Learn about your mind and breath’s inner connections and how to rein in your thoughts and feelings to live a more peaceful life. Tuesday mornings, 9:30 in the sanctuary. Donations for UCN welcome.
Summer Hiking Dates
- Saturday, June 24, 9-11:30 am
- Saturday, July 15, 9-11:30 am
- Saturday, August 5, 9-11:30 am
Locations to be determined
Coming to UCN? Masks are Optional
The leadership at UCN is recommending optional mask wearing when gathering at UCN. Masks are available in the church lobby. Questions regarding mask policy can be directed to Julie Zumach, President, or Leigh Hoftiezer and Jean Woodmansee, re-opening Subcommittee co-chairs. Building questions should be directed to Brian Bunzel, Building Committee chair.
Events at UCN
- Qi Gong is held most Saturdays at 11 am in the Fellowship Hall. Call Diane at
307-763-0903 for details. - Kaita will be holding a Kirtan on Saturday, June 10. Details at kaitakirtan.com.
Thank you for supporting the groups that use our facilities.
Community Information
James Reeb UU Congregation in Madison seeks a Part-time Office Administrator.
This is a 12-hour a week position with professional development funds. Work hours are flexible and can be partially remote. Come and work for a small congregation with a big heart! Please view the job description here, and share with your networks. Send your resume with a cover letter to apply@jruuc.org.
Calendar through June 18
Meetings are held via Zoom, unless stated.
- Saturday, June 3, 9:00 am: Picnic Setup - Fellowship Hall
- Saturday, June 3, 9:00 am: Building Work Day (Brian Bunzel)
- Sunday, June 4: RE and COA Classes (LaToya Bates)
- Sunday, June 4, 11:30 am: Annual Picnic - Fellowship Hall (Linda Sandersen)
- Monday, June 5 - Sunday, June 11: Tony's vacation
- Tuesday, June 6, 9:30 am: Meditation (Anna Rychner)
- Wednesday, June 7: UUs Out to Lunch (Pat Mumm-Lovely)
- Sunday, June 11, 11:30 am: Social Justice -Emerson (Leigh Hoftiezer)
- Monday, June 12, 7:00 pm: RE Committee
- Tuesday, June 13, 9:30 am: Meditation (Anna Rychner)
- Wednesday, June 14, 1-6 pm: Blood Drive - lower level
- Thursday, June 15, 7:00 pm: Sunday Services Committee (John Cabaniss)
- Sunday, June 8: RE and COA Classes (LaToya Bates)
The monthly calendar for UCN events, not including rentals, can be seen on our website at: https://ucnorth.org/calendar/
Please remember to contact Lyn, info@ucnorth.org, to reserve rooms for your meetings, rehearsals, ceremonies, etc. To hold an event or ceremony at UCN, contact Lyn for date availability, facilities use forms, and answers to your questions.
All church committee meetings are open; visitors are welcome. Contact the committee chair (listed on the calendar above) for details or to receive the zoom info for a meeting. For information on classes and groups that meet at UCN, as well as future meeting and event dates, please see the website, www.ucnorth.org, or call the office, 262-375-3890.
Worship and UUA Information
Please contact John Cabaniss (john@cabanisslaw.com) if you want to help with Worship Services. Worship assistants are especially needed.
Sunday Announcements: If you would like to have an announcement read at the service, please prepare it using the Spoken Announcement Guidelines, and send it to Joy Schroeder (peacenow@charter.net) or John Cabaniss (john@cabanisslaw.com) or that Sunday's Worship Assistant by the FRIDAY BEFORE the service, and they will relay it to the worship assistant.
- Reserving the Projector: If you will need the projector for a given date, please remember to sign the “Projector Reservation Signup List” on the clipboard on the table outside the office in the north lobby.
- GA: Register today to join us in Pittsburgh, PA or online for GA this June 21 – 25 and be part of an historic time in our beloved living tradition. Click this link for a booklet on program listings, messages from our advertisers, and helpful information about GA:
- UU Women's Connection offers retreats, newsletters and resources for women: https://www.uuwomensconnection.org/
General Information
- Caring Circle: a group of people who may be willing to bring meals, help with transportation, make visits, pick up groceries, etc. for members and friends of UCN in temporary need. Sign up at church or virtually: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A44ACA82BA75-caring
First Aid Kits are located near the elevators on each level. Each kit is in a white box and mounted on the wall. AED Machines are near the first aid kits. If you have any questions, please contact Brian Bunzel, Building Committee Chair, at (262) 573-0045 or brianbuzel@yahoo.com.
UCN is now able to accept donations via PayPal. Please use the QR code above, or see our website (Donate) for more details, or or click here: give.ucnorth.org/paypal/
Food Barrel: Don’t forget to grab a food item out of your pantry for the food barrel as you leave for church.
Scrip Fundraiser: Scrip Cards are still a great way to support UCN. Use cards for carryout or online purchase with ScripNow!. There are 3 ways to buy or reload your cards: ScripNow! (Pay online, use online or in person), PrestoPay (buy or reload cards) or at UCN. If you have a special request or questions about Scrip, contact Mark Muellenbach.
If you order from Quill.com and tell them UCN recommended them, UCN will earn a $50 gift card.
Support Black-Owned businesses: "MKE Black" offers a list of Black-owned businesses you can reference: https://mkeblack.org/
If you would like to donate directly to Family Promise, please send your donation to them, with “UCN Member” written in the memo line. This will give UCN credit for the donation. Their address is: Family Promise of Ozaukee County, 136 W. Grand Ave., Port Washington, WI 53074.
The Social Justice Committee has an OPT-IN email list for anyone who would like to be notified on short notice to provide a physical presence at social justice activities. Please contact Sherryl Andrus, sherryla70@gmail.com, to be added to the list.
Monthly Fellowship Gatherings
- Ladies’ Lunch and Levity group: Join us the third Monday of the month at the back room of Mequon Fiddleheads at noon. Come when you are able; everyone is welcome. Contact brendaberg@spectrum.net for info.
UUs OutToLunch meets at noon on the first Wednesday of every month at favorite restaurants. Couples, singles, men & women are all welcome, long-term commitment or not. Each month, a different member of the group takes the responsibility of choosing a restaurant at which to meet and eat, and emails the rest of the group with the particulars as to what and where, requesting yay or nay from the emailed recipient, so that reservations can be made if required. Join us! Email brendaberg@spectrum.net
First Sunday Lunch: Join us after the service in the Fellowship Hall for lunch and fellowship on the first Sunday of the month, October through June.
Submitting Content for our Publications
Please submit articles for the Northliner to info@ucnorth.org. To keep the Northliner from becoming cumbersome to read, you are encouraged to keep these articles short, and to repeat them only twice. The deadline for submitting articles is every Thursday at noon. Items submitted later might not be proofed for errors or published.
Contact Information and Links
Rev. Tony Larsen Hours and Availability:
Office Hours: Wednesdays from 1:00 to 7:00 pm, by phone at 262-930-9091 (cell). If no answer, call landline: 262-632-9886.
Feel free to call at other times too, but you are more likely to reach him on Wednesdays.
Tony's address is: 720 S. Marquette St. Unit 416, Racine, WI 53403.
Director of Religious Education LaToya Bates:
262-385-3408; dre@ucnorth.com
UCN Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 9 am to 2:30 pm. Office is closed for bad weather and holidays.
You'll find some of Tony's sermons at https://ucnorth.org/past-sermons/
Read Tony's Parson to Person columns
Information on our Share the Plate Recipient
Minutes from current Leadership Board meetings
- Our pulpit schedule contains a wide range of topics that cover spiritual exploration, various theologies, holidays, social justice, and more. Read descriptions of the upcoming sermons and bios of the speakers.
Mid-America Region offers webinars and other important information: uua.org/midamerica.
For more information about UCN, see our website www.ucnorth.org or call the office at
Please check channel 4, 6, 12 or 58, or our website, www.ucnorth.org, for weather closings.
Unitarian Church North
Email: info@ucnorth.org
Website: www.ucnorth.org
Location: 13800 North Port Washington Road, Mequon, WI, USA
Phone: 262-375-3890
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnitarianChurchNorth/
Community Events
Banned Books Storytelling at UUCW
June 3, 10 am - noon
Join us on PRIDE weekend for a fun activity with your kids. Enjoy the sharing of storybooks banned by some school boards for content related to diversity or race. This morning event will include age-appropriate conversation as well as singing and snacks. Come at 10 am and stay as long as you can!
Admission: Goodwill donations are accepted at the door. Please bring a nonperishable food item for our pantry
Address: UUCW, 13001 W. North Ave., Brookfield