School Board Notes
February 2020
2020-2021 School Calendar
Methacton Award of Excellence
Six members of the Methacton School District staff were presented Awards of Excellence by School Board President Kim Aubrey-Larcinese, Dr. Zerbe, and Arrowhead Elementary School Principal, Dr. Aaron Roberts. This month’s honorees are Heidi Parente, Office Assistant; Audrey Zelli, Instructional Assistant; Tracey Jones, Instructional Assistant; Betty Grabfelder, 3rd Grade Teacher; Debbie Smith, Physical Education Teacher; and Michele Sinnott, Music Teacher. All of these outstanding staff members provide support for students, staff, and our community. They are valuable team members and we are pleased to share with everyone how much we appreciate their commitment to the students of the Methacton School District.
Jr. Board Members
Meetings in Review
Teacher Substitute Report
Methacton Director of Labor Relations and Human Resources, Mr. Ché Regina, presented to the Board a substitute teacher report. The report highlights the pay structure and comparative fill rate results with other Montgomery County school districts using the Substitute Teacher Service. The shortage of certified teacher substitutes is impacting all districts across the state. Of the comparative group of 7 districts, Methacton has the second highest percentage (88%) fill rate (number of substitute spots filled), as compared to the lowest at 65%. The shortage is driven by the sharp decline in state-issued teacher certifications. Since 2009, the Pennsylvania Department of Education has seen a 71% decline in teacher certifications issued. The district is taking specific steps though the continued usage of the Guest Teacher Program and increasing building substitutes from 3 to 8. We will be conducting research on how we can reduce the absence frequency and determine if there are issues with absence timing.
Construction Projects
The Board of School Directors approved the following construction projects slated for Spring and Summer 2020:
- High School Main Entrance Façade Project – This work will begin in the coming weeks with the main entrance of the high school being closed during construction. The goal of the project is to replace the former -- and now removed -- concrete façade with a combination of metal panel and brick, along with a 5-foot canopy and up lighting for the building name. The project is slated to be complete prior to graduation.
- Eagleville Façade Repair Project - This work will begin shortly after the end of the school year to prevent a disruption in educational processes. A majority of the work will center on mortar and brick replacement on the right side of the facility (right side when facing front entrance). The Board and Administration will be addressing the left side of the building in a project tentatively slated for the summer of 2021.
- High School Canopy and Pads Project – This project is designed to replace the concrete entrance/exit pads/ramps, address water infiltration, and provide protective canopies in designated areas in the back, side, and front of the high school.
All of these projects have a bid total of $2,368,260. The Board determined that a roofing project originally slated for the rear of the high school would go back out to bid. It will be determined in March if we move forward with that project.
All other items listed in the February 25, 2020 agenda were approved.
February 25, 2020 Regular Board Meeting
February 18, 2020 Work Session Board Meeting
Board Notes
Phone: 610-489-5000