Week 6
Term 4
Kia Ora,
Can you believe we only have 4 weeks remaining of the 2023 school year? They say time flies when you're having fun, and our first full and action packed year since covid has proved just that!
This week I had the privilege of visiting our Room 5 and Rongokako learners at their Year 8 camp. Towards the end of each year, our Year 8s spend 5 days camping at Lakes Ranch, Rotorua. They take part in a range of character building and educational outdoor activities, such as a boat cruise, a volcanic valley hike, adrenaline forest, archery, kayaking, raft building, rope tying, shelter making and bush first aid. It was wonderful to see our rangatahi courageously jump into these new experiences with such enthusiasm. Thank you so much to our wonderful whānau members/caregivers who have generously given up their time to accompany our learners on camp. Next week, Rooms 3, 4, 12 and 13 will have their turn at camp. We'll be sure to update you with plenty of photos of their adventures as well!
There are still many things to look forward to in the last 4 weeks of term. Please see the important dates below, to ensure you don't miss out on anything. We are looking forward to our final prize giving assembly (held this year at Tamatea High) and our end of year socials. These events are such a special and memorable way to finish the school year and we look forward to whānau involvement as we celebrate your tamariki and their achievements.
Ngā mihi nui,
Jo Smith — Principal
13th November-17th November- Year 8 Camp
20th November- 24th November- Year 8 Camp
Tuesday 21st November- Kakano Hub trip to Municipal Theatre
Wednesday 22nd November- Year 7 Road Patrol Training
Tuesday 28th November- Service Awards Assembly
Wednesday 29th November 2023 - Super 6 Athletics
Friday 1st December- Kapa Haka Kahungunu Festival
Friday 1st December- Road Patrol Reward Day at Splash Planet
Sunday 3rd December- Dance Team performs at the Napier Christmas Parade
➡️Tuesday 5th December- Final Assembly/Prizegiving 1:30-3pm @ Tamatea High- NEW DATE⬅️
➡️Tuesday 5th December- Year 7 Social 7.00pm-9.00pm NEW DATE⬅️
➡️Wednesday 6th December- Year 8 Social 7.00pm-9.00pm NEW DATE⬅️
Friday 8th December- Tamatea Has Talent (1.30pm-3.00pm)
Monday 11th December- Reports are posted online
Thursday 14 - Friday 15th December - Year 8 Mufti and Uniform Donation
Friday 15 December- Last day of Term 4 - 12:30 pm Finish
Saturday 16 December 2023- Second Hand Uniform Sale (9am - 12pm)
Gumboot Friday is all about normalising that it's okay to not be okay. We raised $484 for the cause and had a great day with activities at lunch time! Congratulations to our gumboot toss champions-
3rd- Ryan Parker (Kaweka)
2nd- Aseri Sabua (Huiarau)
1st- Aaron Faletutulu (HUiarau)
Our kura has been working toward strengthening our local curriculum and knowledge of our local pūrākau (stories). Part of this mahi has seen a group of tamariki from various schools within the Ahuriri Kāhui Ako head out to Wharerangi Marae and learn some of the history and stories that Matua Tipene had to share. Our students have been working hard to share their learning across our school so that everyone in the Intermediate can learn about the local pūrākau and about the importance of passing on these stories. Our rangatahi even went over to Porritt Primary to share their learning with their teina, showing them some different games and art works that they've created to pass on the story of Pīngao and Tangaroa. We are very proud of this group of leaders in our kura who are making headway in this area.
A huge thank you to Kōkā Ahi, Whaea Mia and Matua Jordan for all your hard work on this project!
We've recently dusted off the school camera, just in time for our end of year events. Max from Muriwhenua has been testing it out on his classmates!
Did you know we have some very talented Tamatea Intermediate ladies on the Buckingham Guards U13 marching team? Thank you to Kailer's mum for sending through these pics and sharing their success with us!
The first picture below is from a competition held at Marewa Park 5th of November 2023 where they placed 1st for their technical and 1st for their display.
The next picture is of the girls and their U13 team who placed 2nd in their technical and 1st in there display at a competition in Palmerston North on Sunday the 12th November.
See if you can spot Kailer Fontaine, Isabelle Lingam, Livia Conroy and Skylar Dean!
Last weekend, Peta Byers from Room 4 participated in a rookie lifeguard camp for all the Hawkes Bay surf lifesaving clubs and achieved top female rookie lifeguard! Way to go Peta, that's impressive stuff!
Having a clear out? We're on the lookout for some magazines for the art room, for collage work. Home and garden, cuisine, national geographic and art magazines are all great. Please no womens weekly etc.
We also take donations of dresses, so that all our girls can sparkle and feel special at our end of year social!
Anything you might like to generously contribute can be dropped at the office.
Eighty percent of tamariki in New Zealand aged 8-17 have played games online. Games can have many benefits: entertainment, social opportunities, coordination development, problem-solving and multi-tasking skills. But, most of all, gaming is popular because it’s fun.
However, games can be tough for parents and whānau to navigate. How much gaming is
too much? How do I make sure my tamariki aren’t seeing inappropriate content or chatting in-game with strangers?
Today we’re sharing Netsafe’s Online Gaming Whānau Toolkit, so you have all the resources you need to keep your kids safe.
Want to learn new skills, get outdoors, and have fun? The skills you learn in athletics are the perfect
foundation for almost any sport.
Every student can give athletics a go. Our local athletics clubs 'Napier Athletics Club' and 'Napier Harrier Club' are welcoming new members now.
Contact details for all athletics clubs nationwide are available at athletics.org.nz/findaclub.