RBERN West Newsletter
March 2023
WNY Regional ENL/Bilingual Annual Recognition Awards
WNY Educators have made impactful and long-lasting contributions to the quality of life in our community, state, and country through their work in educating English language learners. The work achieved everyday ensures that our ELL students are academically successful to help to support our newest citizens to be prosperous, full participants of a free and democratic society.
For this reason, three awards will recognize outstanding WNY educators who have made notable contributions to our field through efforts such as connecting with the community, acting as a leader in our field, or engaging in meaningful advocacy work on behalf of English language learners. Submissions will be judged based on the candidates’ character, contributions, and their significance.
RBERN West will solicit nominations for each of the awards. To nominate someone, you must complete the application for the award and submit two letters of recommendation. Submissions are due no later than March 31, 2023. A committee will review submissions and judge using established criteria. Selections will be made and the nominator notified no later than April 28, 2023. It will be the responsibility of the nominator to let the selected recipient know. Awards will be presented at the RBERN West End of Year Celebration Event on June 2, 2023 from 4:00-6:00pm at Erie 1 BOCES Education Campus, Building B, Room B-1. We ask that the nominators be prepared to present the awards to the selected recipient.
Teacher Leader Award
This award will be given to a teacher who has exhibited exceptional leadership in support of ELL education. This is someone who steps outside of their normal classroom responsibilities to support their colleagues, provide professional learning opportunities, and bring awareness to others about best practices to support ELL students.
Eligibility: any teacher of a WNY public school district
ELL Advocate Award
This award will be given to a staff member who has engaged in meaningful advocacy work on behalf of English language learners. This can include work in the local community and any impact on changes in a local school district and beyond. The intention is to recognize advocacy efforts that have a significant impact, but might not otherwise be known or receive attention.
Eligibility: any staff member of a WNY public school district
ELL Administrator of the Year
This award will be given to an administrator who goes above and beyond to support the ELLs in their school/district. This is someone who knows and advocates for best practice for ELLs, provides robust professional learning opportunities for staff that empower them to best serve ELLs, and act as a local leader to champion ELL education.
Eligibility: any building or district administrator in a WNY public school district
Indigenous Culture and Language Studies Certification for Teachers
Dear ELL Educator:
We are writing to ask you and your colleagues to please join us in supporting the Indigenous Culture and Language Studies Certification for Teachers proposed on February 13, 2023 at the New York State Board of Regents meeting in Albany, NY.
Presentation provided to the Board of Regents on 02/13/2023 link.
The presentation is brief and provides critical information.
Memo announcing this issue for discussion link.
We believe this proposed certification will allow New York State to:
- Support a sustainable indigenous teacher pipeline
- Recognize the importance of indigenous culture and language teaching
- Preserve Indigenous culture and language
- Improve cross cultural understanding of indigenous culture and language instruction
- Support student attainment in ascertaining the New York State Seal of Biliteracy
- Support the goals of increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Create an environment that supports Native American students’ identity
March 1 – April 30 is the 60-day public comment period required under the State Administrative Procedure Act. It is anticipated that the proposed amendment will be presented to the Board of Regents for adoption at its June 2023 meeting.
Public comments may be submitted via email to oheregcomments@nysed.gov(link sends e-mail).
Please help us ensure that our voices are heard on this important proposal that will benefit the children of our state. Thank you.
Your Colleagues at the RBERN West
NY State Seal of Biliteracy
The RBERNs are seeking community members who are proficient in a variety of languages to support schools by serving as panel members for NYS Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) Presentations. Ideal volunteers would be teachers of the target language or native speakers of the language.
Please share or complete the NYS Seal of Biliteracy Panel Member Volunteer Form
NYSSB virtual pd opportunity for multilingual panel review members.
March 9th, 10-11am Preparing for Panel Presentation for Multilingual Community Members
Request for Information Regarding Interpreters and Translators in Education
The Office of English Language Acquisition is seeking a request for information on interpretation and translation, https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/02/08/2023-02612/request-for-information-regarding-interpreters-and-translators-in-education
The Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) provides national leadership to help ensure that English learners, including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency and achieve academic success. Additionally, OELA is committed to preserving heritage languages and cultures and promoting opportunities for biliteracy or multiliteracy skills for all students. Through this request for information, OELA seeks public input to help the U.S. Department of Education discover what practices are currently being used to recruit, hire, train, and retain interpreters and translators for services within early childhood through secondary educational settings.
We must receive your comments on or before March 27, 2023.
OBEWL Newsletter
The OBEWL February newsletter is now available. This month’s edition contains the following articles:
- Letter from the Associate Commissioner
- Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PR/HYLI) Participants Provided Opportunity to Earn College Credit
- New York State Seal of Biliteracy Handbook for 2022-23 Released
- World Language Professional Learning Opportunities
- March, a Time to Celebrate World Languages
- Co-Teaching Strategic Planning Workgroup
- Enrollment Reminders - Immigration Status and Immunizations
- South Huntington Dual Language Program, Thirty Years Building a Future of Biliteracy
- Expanding the New York State Seal of Biliteracy in Port Chester Public Schools
- Performance-Based Learning and Assessment Networks (PLAN) Pilot Webinar
- The Importance of the Teacher
- Family Welcome Centers in New York Stat
- Multilingual Literacy SIFE Screener (MLS) Trainings on Home Language Screening for Incoming SIFE Students
- News from Other NYSED Offices
NYSED updated the NYSESLAT testing dates to now include Writing scoring window and the Final Dates to Submit Answer Sheets to Scanning Centers. More information available here.
Please check back monthly as we add events and update any sections that say "TBD"!
Virtual Workshop: Fostering a Trauma-Invested Learning Environment
During this session hosted by Wendy Turner, Fostering Resilient Learners Associate and 2017 Delaware Teacher of the Year, participants will define key terms related to trauma, work to understand the impacts on trauma with a focus on Ukrainian families, discuss how to create a culture of safety, and learn how to use 3 signature SEL moves to support students. More information and registration can be found here. Friday, March 3rd, at 3pm is the registration deadline.
If you cannot attend or missed the registration deadline, but are interested in the content of the workshop, reach out to Anastasiya Titarenko for a recording: atitarenko@e1b.org
In this hybrid course, you will learn everything you need to know to successfully administer the NYSESLAT from intake, to testing, to placement. This course will take approximately 3 hours. To earn CTLE credit, pre-course work and quiz must be completed prior to the Zoom Q&A session.
Thursday March 23 - 9-10am OR 12-1pm
Wednesday April 12, 2:30-3:30pm OR 4-5pm
Important note: We want to ensure everyone is aware that the new vendor, Pearson, will be providing the listening passages via CD this year and you will need the capacity to play CDs to administer the NYSESLAT. Please check your inventory now while you still have time to secure any necessary devices.
NYS Language RBERN 2023 Special Education Series
SESSION 3 / SATURDAY / MARCH 18, 2023 / 8AM – 9:30AM
Working with Families: Supporting Language and Literacy Development in the Home Language: K-8
This session will provide guidance on strategies parents can use to develop their children’s oral language and literacy skills in the home language.
- Identify misconceptions about bi/multilingual language development among ELLs
- Review the role of the home language in second language acquisition
- Examine characteristics of school climates that welcome parents and families of ELLs Enumerate strategies for empowering ELL parents as decision makers and advocates in their children’s education
- Share strategies parents/families can use to support language and literacy development at home
MLS Trainings
The training includes:
• An overview of the key components of the MLS
• Basic guidelines for MLS administration
• A Q&A session following the presentation
The MLS is a statewide diagnostic tool created to support identification of Students with Interrupted/Inconsistent Formal Education (SIFE) literacy levels in their home language. It is a computerized semi-adaptive home language test available in 16 languages. The students hear audio instructions and see all content in their home language and answer multiple choice questions. New York State schools can access the MLS test and register for a free account at mls.slalab.org.
Teacher Certification Programs
Linked here is a handy resource assembled by our colleagues at the Long Island RBERN to clarify answers surrounding ELL accommodations and Paper-Based Tests vs Computer-Based Tests.
Teaching dual language learners? You’re not alone!
When implemented with commitment to collaboration, dual language programs work—and two teachers are better than one. Leveraging the power of teacher collaboration is the key to leading all your students to multilingual identity development and language, literacy, and academic success.
This practical book adapts a widely used, evidence-based collaboration and co-teaching framework specifically for educators in dual language contexts. Features include:
- Special consideration to social justice and promoting critical consciousness
- Viable options for schools, districts, and state education agencies to effectively support and expand dual language education
- Seven proven co-teaching models, newly applied to elementary and secondary dual language environments
- Templates and tools for collaborative curriculum alignment and implementation of dual language instruction
- Authentic examples of success from collaborative dual language teams around the US and beyond
More and more schools are implementing dual language programs to serve multilingual learners. This first-of-its-kind innovative resource helps collaborating educators work together to design, deliver, and assess engaging instruction for multilingualism and multiliteracies.
Featuring illustrations by our very own Claribel González!!
The Immigrant Story
About Us
The Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network West is part of a statewide system of support, funded by the NYSED Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBE-WL).
Mission: Collaborate with educators, parents, and community members to promote academic excellence and ensure high school graduation for all multilingual learners.
Vision: A community that provides access to an excellent and equitable education for multilingual learners that prepares them to be prosperous participants of a free and democratic society.
Email: rbernwest@e1b.org
Website: rbernwest.e1b.org
Location: 355 Harlem Road, Buffalo, NY, USA
Phone: 716-821-7531
Twitter: @RBERNwest