A Message from the Board President
Glen Ellyn School District 41 Board of Education
Dear D41 Community,
With the school year underway I want to express the Board’s deepest appreciation for the commitment you make everyday to quality education. Please allow me to briefly share with you some of the good works the District and Board of Education have already done together.
We have passed a budget. We have invested in inclusive classrooms. We have approved the Superintendent’s Entry Plan. We have investigated the expansion of early childhood learning opportunities. We have made a commitment to determining the most meaningful academic data to assess student learning. We are examining aspects of the District’s Long-Range Plan to identify ways to better prioritize future education objectives. We completed the referendum construction and celebrated the opening of the new addition at Hadley Junior High. We are discussing the best way to measure student performance. We are piloting instructional techniques to help students develop socio-emotional skills. We have updated and approved school policies. We have also begun the process of developing a new successor strategic plan. Additionally, Board members have attended and reported on numerous community functions, committee meetings and Illinois School Board Association trainings.
The Board of Education also recently participated in three strategic governance professional development sessions, a total of 10 hours, with facilitator Dr. Mark Van Clay of the Consortium for Educational Change. This Board professional development took place during special meetings. The meetings were open to the public and live streamed for the community. Dr. Van Clay facilitated the workshops focusing on the strategic role of the school board. For example, during the sessions, Board members worked in teams and groups discussing the strategic role of the Board, the work of decisions or actions that require strategic or tactical actions to support the District’s success. This type of Board professional development will serve as the foundation of our work moving forward.
The Board of Education will continue to keep children at the heart of all decisions, as it states on the Board Room wall at the Central Services Office. There is more good work to be done and we look forward to partnering with you in our joint endeavors.
Dr. Robert Bruno
Board of Education
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41