Monthly Newsletter
November 28, 2022
In this newsletter, you will find the following information:
- 8th grade High School for a Day at Eastwood Academy
- Spirit T-shirt Contest
- STAAR Practice Schedule
- Winter Field Trips
- Activity Fees links
8th grade High School for a Day at Eastwood Academy
On Friday, December 2nd, our 8th graders will be able to experience High School for a Day at Eastwood Academy. We will leave campus at 9:15 am and return at 1:45 pm.
Permission Slips will be sent out by Wednesday and need to be returned signed on Thursday, December 1st. Students will have school lunch at Eastwood's cafeteria.
Schedule for STAAR Practice Exams in December (Interim Assessments)
Students will be taking Interim Assessments to evaluate how much they have learned and also to get familiar with the new type of test questions they will have in the STAAR tests in the Spring. We ask for your support that on the days your child is testing that they are well-rested and ready to do their best!
Schedule is below:
Spirit T-shirt Design Contest
December Winter Field Trip
Our annual traditional winter field trips will take place as follows:
6th grade: Monday, December 19 Destination: NASA
7th grade: Tuesday, December 20 Destination: Health Museum
8th grade: Wednesday, December 21 Destination: Moody Gardens
The $80 activity fee pays for the entrance, transportation and lunch for this field trip. If you have not made payment, you can stop by the office by Friday, December 9 or you can pay online in the link below.
We are also looking for volunteers. Please use the link below to sign up.