Giesinger Gazette November 26, 2023
November 2023

November 26, 2023
Wednesday, November 29th
6:30-7:30 pm: Boy Scouts of America- Conroe Sign Up Night at Giesinger
Friday, December 1st
2nd Grade Field Trip (this is the rescheduled date)
December Calendar
School Calendar
The Conroe ISD District Level Planning and Decision Making Committee is open to receiving calendar scenarios from our community. Please look at the overview on the website below to ensure your submission meets all the requirements. Once your calendar is complete, you can upload your calendar.
Giesinger Lost & Found
With the cooler weather comes a growing lost & found. Our lost and found has been rolled to the front porch. Please come by and claim your child's lost items. Items left after the break will be donated to local charities.
Please write your students name on EVERYTHING so that when an item is lost, it can be returned to them.
Boy Scouts of America- Conroe
The Boys Scouts are starting a Conroe Troop. In an effort to support this organization, information will come home this week with your students.
Tuesday, November 28th- The Boy Scouts will be here to provide information to our students during lunch.
Wednesday, November 29th- "Sign Up Night" 6:30pm - 7:30pm at Giesinger Elementary
Update from the Clinic
The Clinic staff would like to thank our Geisinger PTO for the new thermometer! We truly appreciate this valuable resource in serving our students. Thank you!!
Technology Tips for Home
Designate certain areas of your home as tech-free zones, such as the dinner table and bedrooms.
Teacher's Achieving Excellence
Did you know you can show your appreciation for our staff by writing them a TAE (Teacher's Achieving Excellence) through your parent access account? These few words of kindness go a long way to our staff.
1. Log in to Parent Access.
2. Click on communication.
3. Choose Staff/Teacher excellence from the drop down menu.
4. Select the employee to receive recognition from the drop down menu.
5. Click create TAE.
6. Click any of the pre-populated choices that apply.
7. Type any additional comments in the Additional Comment box.
8. Click the box labeled Create Teachers Achieving Excellence button.
2023-2024 Yearbook Sales Open through December
If you would like to order a yearbook, click here for the link.
Save the Date: YOUniversity, Saturday, March 2, 2024
Kindly mark your calendars for this family event full of fun and learning. Stay tuned for more details, and follow us on social media for updates. Save the date!
Facebook: CISD Guidance and Counseling Facebook
Instagram: CISD Guidance & Counseling (@cisdcounseling) | Instagram profile
Twitter (X): CISD Guidance & Counseling (@CISDCounselors) / X (twitter.com)
GT Referral Window Now through December 15th
Attendance Matters
Being at school each day is important and when students are absent, they miss out on valuable instruction. Every instructional minute matters! Please send your students to school when they are not sick. Vacations should be scheduled during our long breaks.
November 13th -17th attendance: 94.7%
Year to Date Attendance: 95.17%
Our Goal: 97%
Watch D.O.G.S.
Eagles Shopping Network & Teacher Cart
Our teacher and student stores open this week and we need your help stocking it!
Teacher store
Eagle shopping network
Grade Level Lunch Times
Pre-K- 11:50-12:20
Kindergarten- 11:10-11:40
1st Grade- 11:25-11:55
2nd Grade- 12:35-1:05
3rd Grade- 12:00-12:30
4th Grade- 12:15-12:45
Your Giesinger Administration Team
Left to right: Nadia McCord (Asst. Principal), Amy Barber (Principal), Jaime Peek (Asst. Principal)
Giesinger Contact Information
Principal- Amy Barber - abarber@conroeisd.net
Assistant Principals
Jaime Peek- jpeek@conroeisd.net
Nadia McCord- nmccord@conroeisd.net
Counselor-Cathey Costas- ccostas@conroeisd.net
Secretary- Neva Hammonds- nhammonds@conroeisd.net
Receptionist - Dawn Stabler dstabler@conroeisd.net
Nurse -Gloria Green, RN- gmgreen@conroeisd.net
Registrar- Robin Rickwalt- rrickwalt@conroeisd.net
Conroe Transportation- 936-709-7916