Williston Schools Bus Information
2024/2025 School Year
General Busing Information
Bus doors will close and buses will depart ABS at 2:35pm and WCS at 2:55pm (Wednesday times are 1 hour earlier)
All buses stop at both schools - Allen Brooks School first followed by Williston Central School - for both morning arrival and afternoon dismissal.
There may be changes to routes and bus stop locations from last year so please be sure to read over your route carefully!
Routes & Bus Stop Information
Bus Stop Listing
Route Listings
Meet Our Bus Drivers
Special Note: Students Riding Other Buses
Students may not ride buses other than their usual routes. A standing schedule for childcare, after-school activities, etc. can be set up with the front office of your school.
We do not allow students to ride buses for playdates, etc as one-time or rare event. It is important that we know who is on the buses regularly for both safety and behavior reasons. This also allows our drivers to get to know and build relationships with their students. Thank you for your cooperation.
Buses are not able to turn around on the following streets; bus stops will be at the nearest intersections: Highlands Drive, Overlake View, and Christmas Lane
The Slate Barn Road bus will not turn onto Slate Barn, but will stop at the intersection.
Hill Closings
On the occasions it is determined a Williston school bus will not be driving on a hill road during the morning pick up, we hope to be able to contact families early enough for you to get students to a stop at the start of the hill to catch the bus.
When the hills are closed in the morning, it includes hills on the preschool bus routes. Alternatively, during the afternoon bus runs, we will contact families to advise you that the bus will need to drop children off at the start of the hill, and you can meet the bus there if necessary. If no one arrives to meet younger students, they will be brought back to school until arrangements are made for them to be picked up. Please talk with your bus drivers to let them know if you are comfortable letting your child walk home from the drop off location.
We will use the automated calling system to send a message to families on the hill roads.
All buses stop at both Allen Brook School and Williston Central School
Email: wsdtransportation@cvsdvt.org
Website: cvsdvt.org
Allen Brook School: 802-871-6200
Williston Central School: 802-871-6100