Cougar Connections
Cactus Valley Elementary January 2024
222 Grand Ave.
Silt, CO 81652
Main Line: 970-665-7850
Attendance Line: 970-665-7874
Our vision is to develop happy - high achieving students and staff
A message from the Principal & Assistant Principal
Happy New Year to all of our CVE families! We hope you enjoyed time spent with family and friends over the Holiday. As we ring in 2024, we look forward to all the possibilities and new learning that await our CVE students. We’d like to take a moment to remind everyone of our vision at CVE which is to develop happy, high achieving students and staff. Our teachers are committed to not only making sure your child is learning the expected standards, but they are also devoted to making sure your child is engaged in learning that encourages cooperation, critical thinking, and fun!
As our partners in education, we encourage you to take time to work with your child whether it is practicing his/her math facts, reading, or writing a fun story together. When kids know parents are interested in their academic lives, they take school more seriously as well.
As we move into the second semester of our school year, CVE will continue to focus on decreasing the amount of students who are absent, tardy, as well as decreasing the amount of students who are picked up early from school. Please remember that school starts at 8:00 and students can be dropped off as early at 7:20 for breakfast. Dismissal begins at 3:40 and students should not be leaving prior to that time. We can’t emphasize enough how important it is that your child is present for the entire school day so their exposure to instruction is maximized.
CMAS testing is on the horizon and we are asking that if you have a student(s) in the testing grades, please plan doctor visits and/or vacations around the CMAS testing dates. More detailed information will be provided in the February newsletter.
3rd Grade: April 8 - 11
4th Grade: April 15 - 18
5th Grade: April 8 - 18
We are excited about the possibilities that each new year brings, and we have no doubt 2024 will be a year of learning, growing, and sharing among our Cactus Valley community! Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We would love to hear from you!
Best Wishes,
Kelly Detlefsen, Principal
Stacy VanHercke, Assistant Principal
Counselor’s Corner
Happy New Year!! I hope you had a wonderful, relaxing break and are ready to learn and grow in the new year. We are moving along and entering our third quarter of the school year. With the new year, I will be focusing on KINDNESS in the month of January. In Kindergarten and 1st grade, we will identify what an accident is with our bodies or words and then make sure we apologize. In second grade we will read The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig and discuss how we can show kindness at school.
In third grade we will discuss the traits of kindness and watch a short cartoon film called “The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse” and then write 3 ways we can show kindness at home and at school.
Fourth and Fifth grade will focus on Kindness with our words and actions by not spreading rumors or engaging in gossip. Fourth grade will read “Trouble Talk” by Trudy Ludwig and Fifth grade will read “Mr. Peabody’s Apples”.
Totes for Hope, a program run through the River Center, gives families 6-7 non perishable food items weekly and is distributed on Wednesdays. If you are a family that could use the supplemental food, please contact me and I can get you signed up.
If you need hats, gloves, or winter boots, please reach out and I can help get these items for your student.
Public health will be offering FREE dental screenings/cleanings for ALL of our students, families (parents) and staff at our schools. They are also offering TeleHealth appointments to anyone that can’t make it in person. CVE will be having dental screenings 1/03-1/11/24. Please call me if you would like to use this FREE service.
If your family needs emotional support or other types of assistance, contact me, Amy Chabin, at 970-665-7764 or
Kindergarten News
1st Grade News
2nd Grade News
3rd Grade News
4th Grade News
5th Grade News
Art News
Happy New Year!
I hope this newsletter finds you well. As we are now into the colder months, our students have been channeling their creativity into creating beautiful winter-themed art pieces. From snowflakes to snowmen, and cozy winter scenes, their imagination knows no bounds. 4th Graders will be focusing on creating works of art for the Art Auction. I encourage you to mark your calendars for the Art Auction on April 18th and invite friends and family for these special events. Also, you will soon receive a consent form for those students you are selected for the Art Auction. In the meantime, please take a moment to appreciate the winter art projects your child brings home. Their dedication and creativity deserve recognition and praise.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and I look forward to seeing you at the Art Auction in April!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Pearly
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Students will learn how to distinguish between viewing a problem with optimism and with pessimism. They will practice strategies to help them approach life with more optimism.
Students will also practice that thinking about a happy experience can help change their mood.
Science News
The new year will bring more science fun for our CVE students. Kindergarteners will continue to explore force as they learn about pushes and pulls. 1st graders will continue their study of light and sound and we will finish by creating a puppet show using light and sound. 2nd graders will explore landforms, how and why they change, and what we can do to prevent some of our landforms from changing. 3rd grade will begin a new unit on weather and climate. 4th and 5th grade will both bring our focus of study back to our planet Earth. 4th grade will study Earth’s features and 5th grade will study the Earth as a system. Great reading, fun labs, and exciting discussions have made this year’s science class fun for us all!
El nuevo año traerá más diversión científica para nuestros estudiantes de CVE. Los niños de jardín de infantes continuarán explorando la fuerza a medida que aprenden sobre empujar y tirar. Los alumnos de 1º continuarán con su estudio de la luz y el sonido y finalizaremos creando un espectáculo de marionetas utilizando luz y sonido. Los estudiantes de segundo grado explorarán los accidentes geográficos, cómo y por qué cambian, y qué podemos hacer para evitar que algunos de nuestros accidentes geográficos cambien. El tercer grado comenzará una nueva unidad sobre el tiempo y el clima. Tanto el cuarto como el quinto grado traerán nuestro enfoque de estudio de regreso a nuestro planeta Tierra. El cuarto grado estudiará las características de la Tierra y el quinto grado estudiará la Tierra como un sistema. ¡Lecturas excelentes, laboratorios divertidos y debates interesantes han hecho que la clase de ciencias de este año sea divertida para todos nosotros!