Principal's Weekly Update
November 3rd, 2023
A Message from Dr. Nadjarian
If you were tasked to build a house using only toothpicks and candy corn, how would you begin sketching the blueprint? This challenging and fun task was given to our 2nd and 3rd graders this past Tuesday. In this week's newsletter, you will not only see the blueprints that our 2nd and 3rd graders drafted, but also 8th grade's phase changing experiment!
As 6th grade student, Livia, announced this morning in our Morning Announcements (pictured above), please keep our middle schoolers, faculty, and chaperones in your prayers as they prepare to go on their field trip to Maine from Monday-Wednesday next week. We will miss our older students!
See you all next week for a 4-day school week. Have a restful weekend!
Looking Ahead
November 6-8
- Middle School field trip to Nature's Classroom in Maine
November 9th
- Online Information Session
- Grades 2 and 3 community walk field trip
November 10th
- No School: Veteran's Day
November 16th
- No EDP
November 17th
- Trimester 1 grades close (K2-8)
November 22nd
- Thanksgiving Liturgy of the Word: 10:15 a.m. in the church for PreK-8
- Early Dismissal: 11 a.m.
- No EDP
November 23rd
- Happy Thanksgiving! No school
November 24th
- No school (Thanksgiving break)
November 27th
- Return to school from Thanksgiving break
December 5th
- Christmas Tree Lighting 4-5:30 (EDP ends at 4)
December 12th
- Christmas Pageant 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Drop Off Policy Reminder
Please remember that there is no parking in our parking lot between 7:30-8 a.m. and from 2-2:30 p.m. Students arrive via car drop-off only or walk to school in the mornings. In the afternoon our Early Childhood Program students are dismissed at 2:15. Many families walk to pick up children and cars mustn't enter or exit quickly during these high foot traffic times. If you are a parent volunteer or visitor to a classroom during school hours between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m., you are welcome to park in the Parking Lot. Thank you to all parents and guests for adhering to this critical safety policy!
All Saints Day School Mass!
"All of us are called to be saints." This quote from Fr. Jonathan's homily on Wednesday not only summarizes the important message he spoke about with our students at Mass, but it also captures our goal for each student at St. Mary's school. Becoming a saint happens by accepting God's invitation for each of us to become who we are meant to be. This means that we are striving for greatness daily in our lives and saying yes to God in both little moments and great moments. Then, our family, community, and school will become fully alive!
Hats off to the members of our first-ever St. Mary's choir, led by Mr. Lynch, our music teacher. Their angelic voices reverberated through the church, helping to make the liturgy wonderfully beautiful. In addition, Mr. Lynch has spent the last few months preparing all students during music class to sing the Litany of Saints. It is an understatement to say that the faculty, staff, and parents present were amazed to hear such unison throughout the voices.
We had a guest priest, Father Thomas Moses (father of Anna Maria in K1) concelebrate the Mass. Father Thomas comes from the Annunciation Cathedral which is a Melkite parish (Byzantine Rite of the Catholic Church). Finally, thank you to Fr. Jonathan, Fr. Bobby, and Fr. Thomas for celebrating the mass, and thank you to the altar servers and lectors for serving God and the community.
Thanksgiving Liturgy of the Word
School Apparel Now Available for Pre-Order!
St. Mary’s School is proud to announce its pre-order sales of spirit apparel! We have long-sleeved tee shirts in both youth ($20) and adult ($25) sizes and long-sleeved hooded sweatshirts with pockets in youth ($30) and adult ($35) sizes. These items are not school uniforms from Lands End. They are school spirit apparel for families and friends of St. Mary’s to proudly show off their school pride! To pre-order, please email Patricia Salic, our Director of Advancement at psalic@stmarys-brookline.org
Reminder: Parent Musical Interest in This Year's Christmas Pageant?
Any parents with musical talent?! We would love to have you be a part of this year's Christmas Pageant! If you are interested and would like more info please contact Dr. Nadjarian and Music Teacher, Ryan Lynch, by Friday, November 10. This will allow us to arrange for a rehearsal or two before December!
Thanksgiving Food Drive
In the spirit of generosity and concern for others, St. Mary of the Assumption School will sponsor its Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive in collaboration with the Parish on Monday (11/13) to Friday (11/17). We will be collecting donations of all food items to create gift bags so all members of the parish community will be able to enjoy the blessing of a Happy Thanksgiving celebration. Labeled tables will be in the Cafeteria for parents and families to drop off items. Each Classroom in PreK-8 will have a food assignment.
Donation requests by grade are as follows:
PreK……Broth (Chicken, Veggie) or Canned Soups
K1..……..Canned goods (Green Beans, Gravy, Corn)
K2….…...Cooking Oil (Canola or Vegetable)
Gr 1..……Cans/Jars of Cranberry Sauce
Gr 2..……Powdered Milk
Gr 3..……Coffee, Tea, Apple Juice
Gr 4..……Bags of Sweet Potatoes
Gr 5..……Canned goods (Green Beans, Gravy, Corn)
Gr 6..……Cake/Cookie Mixes
Gr 7……..Apple Sauce, French Fried Onions
Gr 8……..Corn Bread Mixes
Grade 5 and PreK Buddies
This week, PreK and 5th grade buddies learned about saints in honor of All Saints Day. The 5th grade class taught Ms. Porcello's PreK class about what a saint is and how one becomes a saint. Then they all played Saint Bingo, which included saints that the PreK students had often heard before. Every time a saint was called, 5th graders were asked to share what they knew about the saint. Students all learned something new about saints!
Ms. Tiney’s K2 students are continuing to explore their five senses. In this lesson, they focused on their sense of smell. Taking turns to sniff five mystery scents, the students shared their predictions for each scent. They were excited as each scent was revealed and they found out if their predictions were correct.
Grades 2 and 3
Grade 4
On Halloween, 4th grade students participated in a series of math challenges. They were tasked to solve word problems and practice fluency with multiplication facts in order to discover a mystery picture. This mystery picture then revealed a secret message. The real challenge was to solve logic puzzles to find the values of the mystery symbols. Students loved working together to complete the challenges!
Grade 5 Number Corner
Middle School
Mrs. Bayazid and Dr. Nadjarian enjoyed playing Totem during lunch, a game that allows us to see the positive in others in creative ways!
Grade 6
Grade 8
Follow Us on Social Media
Please find the links below to our social media pages. We have been constantly uploading posts and stories so if you are interested in seeing more of our day-to-day happenings, please follow us!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/st-mary-of-the-assumption-school
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryschoolbrooklinema