Updates and Reminders
December 15, 2022
A Few Highlights!
1. Our schools will be closed from December 19 - January 2. The second semester will begin on Tuesday, January 3. Please refer to the 2022-23 academic calendar button below.
We hope you have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year!
2. The labor shortage has impacted our school bus transportation department. We have needed to consolidate bus routes, may need to consolidate further, and may need to eliminate routes. We will need all families to prepare accordingly for alternative transportation in an emergency situation and potentially long-term. We will continue to explore other opportunities associated with school bus transportation (bus driver recruiting, walking zones, parent transportation, etc.). Your cooperation and understanding are appreciated and expected. Please consider joining our transportation team as a bus driver and/or passing along the opportunity to others. The application process and paid training information are available on our website.
3. Please click on the buttons below for additional information. We aim to keep you informed!
Most Recent Information
- 2023 Budget Adoption
- School board meeting summary, December 14, 2022
- Indiana Graduates Prepared to Succeed (IN GPS)
Recurring Information
- Akron in Action Study Visit - 3E grant and Ford NGL
- Employment opportunities. Please consider serving our school district by joining our team as a substitute teacher, bus driver, or substitute bus driver. We need YOU! Please spread the word!
- Facility Study by Lancer+Beebe
- 2022 Guaranteed Saving Project Highlights
- Hendricks County Phoenix Collaborative
- Child Nutrition Updates
- 2022-23 School Immunizations
- MC Plus Information
- Quick Links to Maintain Communication!
- 2022-23 Academic Calendar - Approved 6/9/21
- 2023-24 Academic Calendar - Approved 6/8/22
4. The MCCSC School Board meetings will be held at the Administrative Services Center, 6631 S. CR 200 W, Clayton, IN 46118. The monthly meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month beginning at 6:00 pm.
Friends Giving at MC West
Letters to Santa!
CMS attends a Pacers game!
The MCCSC Plan for COVID-19
Our Guiding Principles
- Adapting personal behaviors to ensure everyone's health.
- Respecting the necessity of some inconveniences and forego some favored activities.
- Demonstrating flexibility and resilience to adapt to the fluid situation.
Symptomatic individuals should isolate/quarantine per CDC/IDOH/HCHD. Please report absences to our schools and follow the guidance of your medical provider.
Please click on the buttons below for additional information. Be in the KNOW!
Besides a few clarifications, we will operate very similar to our second semester of the 21-22 school year.
CHS "National Blue Ribbon School" and CMS "Schools to Watch"
Cascade High School - 2018 National Blue Ribbon Recipient
Cascade Middle School - 2021 AMLEA Recipient!
LCPS - Inaugural Year 2019
MCCSC Celebrations!
Please click on the following links to enjoy some of the best aspects of Mill Creek Community School Corporation. We have successes galore and the pursuit of EXCELLENCE in all of our programs continues!
Thanks for all you do to provide support, insistence, and high expectations!
We are small schools . . . BIG OPPORTUNITIES!
We are ...
- "A" rated school corporation
- "A" rated schools
- Four Star Schools
- eLearning School Corporation
- Riley Children's Foundation Miracle School Corporation
- Cascade High School - 2018 National Blue Ribbon School Recipient
- Cascade Middle School - 2020 Schools to Watch Recipient
#ssBO #EA3
Jim Diagostino, Ed.S.
Mill Creek Community School Corporation
317 539-9200
Excellence in Achievement, Attitude, and Actions
Small Schools . . . BIG OPPORTUNITIES
Email: jdiagostino@mccsc.k12.in.us
Website: www.mccsc.k12.in.us
Location: 6631 South County Road 200 West, Clayton, IN, USA
Phone: (317) 539-9200
Twitter: @millcreeksupt