Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
What if
“On the parable of the Good Samaritan: "I imagine that the first question the priest and Levite asked was: 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' But by the very nature of his concern, the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?” ― Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love
Week of January 15th - Cemetery Clean Up Week
Monday - Martin Luther King Holiday - City Offices Closed
Tuesday, 5:30PM - LCRA; 6PM - City Council
Upcoming Agendas
City Council public hearing considers advisability of forming Community Improvement District for the West Side Commercial District. The Chamber of Commerce has been working to create a special district for the last five years to improve the appearance & function of this area.
- Several purchases considered for the outdoor pool at Community Center including Concession Trailer from Custom Trailer Pro including wrap from Ashlock ($58,066); Change order with Arizon to remove the overhead cables in Dome for clear span to avoid a conflict with the diving board ($44,772); & tunnel connection to Dome provided by Lawrence Fabric ($86,822)
- Truck purchase for Parks/Rec with snow plow from Chuck Anderson Ford ($41,779)
- Consider appointment of Greg Broadbent to fill unexpired term on Community Center Board
- Consider revisions to Chapter 400 Zoning Regulations & 401 Floodway & Floodway Fringe Overlay District; recommendations from P/Z to approve Marocco Estates Final Plat;
- Consider crop lease agreement for 100+ acres at WTP & WWTP for $276/acre & agreement with MoDOT to receive grant ($12,000) for traffic study on US-69 between Hospital & MO-92
- Consider recommendations from Public Safety Sales Tax Committee to certify ballot to impose 3% local sales tax on retail sale of adult non-medical marijuana for public safety & drug abuse prevention purposes & appropriations
To Enhance the Quality for All...
- Sergeants Cassie Cramer-Stocks, Kyle Craven, Brian Kennedy, Samantha Nash-St. John, Bret Rider, & Scott Sickles
- Animal Control Officer Melissa Davis
- Lt. Ryan Dowdy
- 911 Communications Officers Marissa Gregorwich, Jae Juarez, Tabitha Roberts, & Derek Worth
- 911 Communications Supervisor Carol Hunter
- Corporal Joshua Hyatt
- Police Officers Andrew Stott & Payden Thornton,
- Investigative Support Andrew Warner & Court Administrator Taran Svoboda
- Citizens Ray Yates with Rite Way & Ava Donegan
This week
- Tom McKown Memorial Fund established to build storm shelter on the Golf Course; donations can be directed to esgives.org
- MARC's Regional Housing Partnership hosted Community Land Trust Workshop for city & Thrive Housing Task Force as a housing supply & blight removal solution that is working in the KC Marlborough Neighborhood. Very interesting discussion began to consider applicability in ES.
- Backfilling completed at the outdoor pool, starting to pour footings for dome & splash pad this coming week, ready to move fence at Century Park to open the playground back up.
- Completed DNR inspections at both WTP & WWTP, plus Health Department inspection at WWTP
- Bike racks have been installed at the Hall of Waters
- Thrive Excelsior Leadership Academy is taking sign-ups until January 31.
Choose Your Attitude!
"Explore Interesting Facts of Excelsior Springs" The museum is dedicated to the preservation & promotion of the history of ES, its surrounding areas, which includes the history of its mineral waters, which once brought visitors to this town from all over the world. At the museum, visitors will get a glimpse of the unique history of ES, beginning with its founding as a healing town with different kinds of mineral water that cannot be found anywhere in the world. Till date this museum keeps this legacy alive for future generations, & on display are permanent & changing exhibits, & hosts education programs & special events on a regular basis throughout the year. Found at cityseeker.com/kansas-city-mo
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752