JHCS Quill
January 20, 2023
Things That Go Bump In The Night
- JHCS Art Show
- Jan. 26
- 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
- Please come show your support
- Volunteers still needed to help set up and take down. You can sign up here RSVP on Track it Forward
JHCS Spirit/Safety and Prevention Week - Jan. 23-27
Tuesday - Wear Red
Wednesday - Crazy Sock/Shoe Day
Thursday - Crazy Hat Day
Friday - Crazy Hair Day & Cupcakes
Patriot Day
- Friday, Jan 27
- 1:00 pm to 1:50 pm
Social Leadership Training and Save The Date - 5-8th grades
- Friday, Feb. 3
- 2:00-4:00
- Save the Date for the Social Leadership Ball - April 21
Upcoming Field Trips
- Kindergarten Field Trip to the Museum of Natural Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point on Jan. 27
Save the Date- Music Concert
- March 30
- Pleasant Grove Jr. High School
- 6:30 pm
- Watch for more details
No School on Feb. 17
Save the Date - Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Feb. 28 & March 1
- School released at 12:30 for all students
- Watch for a message from TrackItForward.com to sign up for a time to meet with your child's teacher
Fall 2023 Kindergarten Registration - Inform the Office by Feb. 1
Please email office@johnhancockcs.org with your kindergartener's name and birthday to get on the list.
You will receive registration information in February to complete the process.
Message from the School Counselor - Mrs. Grabert
Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a wonderful, happy, healthy, and safe holiday season. Now that we are all back in full swing in school and moving forward with your vision for 2023. One vision I have pondered for the new year is responsibility vs. accountability and what role they will play.
Responsibility is answerable for something within one’s power or control.
Accountability is an obligation that needs to be explained or justified and something you answer for.
Pondering these two meanings, do we have to choose one or the other, or do they go together? The answer is yes and yes. We all experience a wide range of experiences that may require one or the other or be used together. Redefining responsibility only begins when there is a choice of accountability. Engaging in blaming and shifting responsibility will never bring positive results one is seeking. Knowing what our responsibilities are is essential but taking the first step of accountability is the secret to success in accomplishing our responsibilities. Below are some quotes to help you ponder your movement forward.
Sam Grabert
"Know that it is you that will get you where you want to go, no one else." ~Les Brown~
"You are accountable for our actions, your decisions, your life; no one else is but you." ~Cathrine Pulsifer~
"Responsibility equals accountability equals ownership. And a sense of ownership is the most powerful weapon a team or organization can have." ~Pat Summit~
Make A Difference
Email: office@johnhancockcs.org
Website: www.johnhancockcs.org
Location: 125 North 100 East, Pleasant Grove, UT, USA
Phone: 801-796-5646
Facebook: facebook.com/johnhancockcs
Twitter: @johnhancockcs