North Star News
December 10, 2021
North Elementary
440 N. 10th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Phone: 317-773-0482 Fax: 317-776-6274
Follow us on Twitter at @Northelem2
Follow us on Facebook at North Elem and North Elementary School PTO
Principal's Point
Greetings to all North Families;
Welcome to December! The bustling holiday season is upon us. We are hoping to keep the students on task as much as possible in the next two weeks. It is a challenging feat indeed! The minds of young children tend to wander to all that the winter season has to offer!
November and the beginning of December were quick and busy for the staff and students at North. I hope that you have had the opportunity to talk with your child’s teacher and have a good idea of how your young student is doing with their school progress. I encourage you to maintain frequent contact with your child’s teacher throughout the year and you can always arrange for an individual virtual conference if you or the teacher feels the need to meet.
This week we had our first Cocoa and Cookies Drive through. A big THANK YOU to the Staff who organized, baked and decorated cookies and stood in the cold to have a wonderful event! We would also like to thank the Noblesville Best Afterschool Program for sponsoring this event. A special shout out to Mrs. Garret for leading the way! We hope all of our families enjoyed our event. Here is a picture of the night you can see more on our facebook page. Our gift to you this winter season.
We encourage all of our families to give the gift of your time this season. Parents can continue to be an active participant and help with their children’s education by maintaining a good routine of checking homework and folders daily and keeping track of assignments that are due. A strong education is one where the student, teacher and parent all work toward the common goal of educating your children! We love being able to share them with you!!
As we head into the final two weeks of school North staff will juggle the activities and curriculum to make sure you student gets a well-rounded experience.
Have a great weekend.
Mr. Lugo
North Elementary
Upcoming Activities and Reminders
12/15 Late arrival - school starts at 8:15
12/20-12/22 Winter Spirit Days (see details below)
12/22 No late arrival - school starts at 7:35
12/23-1/9 Winter Break
1/10 eLearning Day
Lost and Found
Counselor's Corner
Our lifeskill for the month of December is “Caring.” Caring means to feel and show concern for others. You can show you care in big or small ways. Caring makes others feel good. It can also make others want to be caring as well. The secret to practicing the lifeskill of caring is to remember to treat others like you want to be treated. Without caring, many people and animals would feel lonely. When you practice caring on a daily basis, it makes the world a better place for everyone and everything. Kindness and caring are contagious! Here are a few ideas to practice the lifeskill of caring.
· Shovel the neighbor’s walk or clear their car of snow before they come out in the morning.
· Deliver homemade goodies to a homeless shelter, women’s shelter or nursing home.
· Offer to read stories to kids at the library or to residents at a nursing home.
· Remember the people who serve with special gifts or notes of appreciation: the mail carrier, the garbage collector, the minister or choir director at your church, the crossing guard, librarian, lunch ladies or custodian at school, the first responders — anyone who makes your neighborhood run. And don’t forget your neighbors!
· Write a personal note to a friend, relative or neighbor.
· Deliver warm clothes, socks, shoes, mittens, hats, scarves, and jackets to a homeless shelter.
· Volunteer at the humane shelter.
· If someone is sick, you can show you care by doing more chores around the house or making them a card.
· Smiling at a new classmate.
· Inviting others to play with you at recess.
Notes from the Nurse
Influenza. Let’s fight the flu together! Influenza is a contagious disease of the respiratory tract (nose, throat, and lungs) that can lead to serious complications, including pneumonia and the worsening of other chronic health conditions. Flu symptoms may include fever, headache, extreme tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and muscle aches. The best way to protect your family from new influenza strains is to get vaccinated each year. COVID symptoms mimic flu symptoms, so please reach out to your healthcare provider if you are showing any symptoms. If you or your student have symptoms – stay home! Continue to contact Nurse Harrison with any and all medical updates.
The top five most virus-contaminated areas in the home are: telephones (have you cleaned your cell phone lately?), appliances such as refrigerator and microwave, faucets, light switch, door handles and TV remotes.
Follow good health guidelines: eat right, exercise and get plenty of rest to help boost your immunity to fight the effects of colds and flu. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer frequently, social distance and wear fresh masks daily.
Stay the course and stay healthy!!
Menu Changes
Last Minute Menu Changes
The national food, product and trucking shortages that are impacting stores and restaurants are also impacting our school cafeteria operations.
These shortages can cause our menus to change unexpectedly at the last minute at any specific school and some students have expressed tears, frustration, and anger at these changes.
Please know that we are doing what we can to provide meal options as planned, but families should expect occasional disruptions.
Thank you for your patience as we work to best serve you.
Community News
Interested in playing lacrosse? Come try it for free at our Learn to Play sessions! No experience or equipment needed. Visit www.noblesvilleyouthlacrosse.com for dates and times!
Miller Baseball
Winter Baseball Camp
All Day K-5 Camp
December 27, 2021
Click here for more information.
Noblesville Girls Softball Spring 2022 Season
(Ages 4-18)
Registration begins December 1st
Click here for more information
NYB 2022 Rec Baseball Registration (Grades K-6)
Registration opens January 1, 2022