Evans Park - Community Newsletter
December 20th, 2023
Exciting News at Evans Park - Nov. / Dec.
Letter of Welcome
I have been honored to introduce myself as the new Principal of Evans Park Elementary School. It has been an busy first month and I wished to share my excitement to work with our amazing students, staff, and families. I am grateful for your partnership and support of Pearl River School District’s mission that all students can and will learn.
Please be sure to read my letter available on EP's Principal Page.
Evans Events - November
Evans Park All Stars VS. Harlem Wizards
Our PTA, in partnership with the Harlem Wizards, hosted a night of basketball, dancing, and loads of laughs. Staff from Evans Park and the Pearl River SD were delighted to play an exhibition game to support our fabulous PTA.
Thanksgiving Feast at Evans Park
On Tuesday, November 21st our students and families got together to share a meal, show gratitude and be thankful for our wonderful community. A special thank you to our food services, PTA volunteers, teachers, and district office for their amazing support.
Balloons over Evans Park
Our students learned all about the history of the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade through the book, Balloons over Broadway by Melissa Sweet. Our community came together on Wednesday, November 22nd to have our own EP Parade. Students celebrated with one another and showed off their own floats.
Celebrating our Community through Song
Dress Rehearsal - December 1st
In preparation for our Winter Concert, students put on a concert for one another. Our students shared the gift of music as grades kindergarten through 4th came to sing together.
Winter Concert - December 5th
The winter season is a truly magical time of year! It focuses on the joy that we as a community bring each other by being together, singing, laughing, and sharing moments of gratitude. Our Evans Park Elementary Winter concert is one such time to celebrate our students and community.
Winter Concert - The Gift of Song
We are so proud of our students for sharing the gift of song with us at the Winter Concert. Thank you to Mrs. Loveland-Gill, our teachers, and amazing facilities staff for making this a truly memorable event for all!
Individually Unique, Together Complete
Nov. - A Little Spot of Giving
Dec. - A Little Spot of Kindness
In continued support of our district-wide "Individually Unique, Together Complete" initiative, Evans Park held a Spot Assembly on December 13th. Every month students will come together to read a Spot book and discuss how they can spread kindness, express themselves, and build community. We are excited to celebrate our students for "being in the spotlight" next month!
Tiger Tee Tuesday
Students gathered in our halls to do morning announcements on Tuesday, December 12th for our monthly Tiger Tee Day. As a community all of our students and staff joined together to the Evans Park song. Please watch this incredible video of our students and staff showing that "Together We Can" learn and build our community.
Spirit Week: December 18th - 22nd
Monday, December 18th: Favorite Holiday -Wear your favorite holiday themed clothing.
Tuesday, December 19th: Jingle Bells & Baubles - Wear your favorite holiday accessories.
Wednesday, December 20th: Let it Snow! - Wear blue, white, and sparkles.
Thursday, December 21st: "Light Up the Season" - Wear yellow to represent the stars and candles of our winter holidays.
Friday, December 22nd: Time to Hibernate - Wear cozy pajamas.
Safe Driving on our Campus & Winter Weather
The safety of our children, families, and staff are of the utmost priority. During our drop-off and dismissal it is especially important to make sure that we are following parking rules and safe traffic behaviors. As the weather changes it is important to keep our community's safety front and center.
When picking up or dropping off, please be sure to not block traffic on Marion Place and to be mindful of pedestrians. We ask that you do not park on the wrong side of the road, as this may obscure the line of sight or impede buses during dismissal. As always, we are grateful for your partnership and commitment to making our campus safe.
Dismissal Reminder
Please be sure to email your child's classroom teacher and our main office (@ ZeppetellaM@PearlRiver.org and FreemanK@PearlRiver.org) before 11:30 AM of any changes to dismissal for the day. In order to coordinate a safe and efficient dismissal we ask for your support.