The Buzz
Autumn Term - 14th December 2023
Message from the Executive Head
Dear Parents/Carers
Christmas has well and truly begun at HPP. The wonderful HJS carol service at St Mary's Church has kicked off the week of celebrations. There will be 10 shows this week across both schools and I hope that you really enjoy attending them and supporting your children.
The HJS carol concert is a real treat for the senses and as always the children excelled, showing such positive behaviour, enthusiasm and energy for both the lower and upper school services. The service is streamed live to families and I know that we were joined by 300 extended families across the world which is marvellous. Thanks as always to all the staff who worked behind the scenes to make the services such a success. If you would like to view the services again, the links are below for you to enjoy.
Please ensure you have checked the "what's happening" for reminders for lunches and parties next week and that your child has a Christmas jumper to wear on Friday. The donation link for Save the Children is below. The year 6 children will be hosting the Christmas market for the rest of the school on Friday. This is a token only event and all of the tokens have now been allocated to the children.
As you know, we enjoy sharing events with parents such as assemblies and showcases but I'd like to remind you that coffee cups should not be brought into school.
The Spring term is just around the corner and the Curriculum Maps for spring term are linked below.
Finally, this is the final edition of the Buzz for 2023. It is now one year old and has been a real success. Thanks to Mrs McLachlan who ensures it goes out each week and is always full of information and pictures of the children.
Have a restful Christmas and I look forward to seeing you and the children on Tuesday 9th January 2024.
Ms H Lockey
Stars of the Week
3D - Lucas T
3G - Charlie R
3M - Freddie B
3S - Milan S
4P - Kristian H
4C - Misha R
4S - Connie C
4B - Shelby B
5D - Oliver M
5C - Zahra J
5A - Eva A
5S - Luke B
6W - Harriet U
6L - Emma J
6B - Jake R
6GB - Akaal B
We will be focusing on a particular challenge per week. This week is Computing and Maths
Computing Challenge
4P - Tabby & Nicholas C
Maths Challenge
3S - Magnus K
3M - Alex L
3G - Younus A
4P - Safa and Amelie
4P - Aida
4C - Idris O
Autumn Term Attendance Information
The class with the best attendance last week was 6B
The class with the least numbers of lates last week was 3M
HJS Achiever
Congratulations to Idris in 4C who was shortlisted in the 2023 Young Muslim Writers competition for submitting a story called "The Haunted House". The entry was selected as one of the top 5 entries in the Key Stage 2 Short Story category and was read by an expert panel of judges. Idris had lots of fun attending the award ceremony and was presented with a certificate for his story.
Year 6 News
As part of the design process in their DT project, 6W were investigating truss bridges. They used card and spaghetti to make the horizontal beams which were strengthened with diagonal beams called trusses.
Yr5 and Yr6 Author Visit - Benjamin Dean
Helpful Links
(Not to be used if requesting time off to visit secondary schools or medical appointments)
Virtual Tour
Contact Details
Location: Hampton Junior School, Percy Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 020 8979 2545