Anton Grdina Family Newsletter
February 2nd, 2024
What's Happening this month
Welcome to the Anton Grdina January 2024 Family Newsletter!
Hello to the parents (guardians), community stakeholders, Anton Grdina staff, and scholars!
The word of the month for February is RESPECT. Respect is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. It also means due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.
"Knowledge will give you power, but character respect" - Bruce Lee
Inquiry Based Learning
Ms. Muhammad's classes have been developing their questioning skills with the Question Formulation Technique
The QFT builds the skill of asking questions, an essential — yet often overlooked — lifelong learning skill that allows people to think critically, feel greater power and self-efficacy, and become more confident and ready to participate in civic life.
The steps of the QFT are designed to stimulate three types of thinking: divergent thinking, convergent thinking, and metacognitive thinking.
Important Dates
- February 7th - Parent Teacher Conferences (Early Dismissal)
- February 13th - Progress Reports are sent home with scholars
- February 14th - Valentine's Day
- February 15th - School VS. SQUAD - PBIS School-Wide Monthly Incentive
- February 16th - CMSD District PD (No Scholars)
- February 19th - President's Day - No School
- Breakfast 7:15 am -7:35 am
- School Starts at 7:35 am
- No early student dismissal from 1:30 pm -2:05 pm
- Good Attendance is directly related to success!
Contact Info
Anton Grdina Elementary School
Principal: Vassimo Dillard 216-838-1154
Asst. Principal: Jesse Winston 216-838-1172
Asst. Principal: Clarence Griffin 216-838-1150
Location: 2955 East 71st St
Cleveland, Ohio 44104
Phone: (216)-838-1150