Normandy Park School
Week of June 5th
I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Monday, June 5th is a D Day.
Reminder: School is closed Tuesday (6/6) for voting.
Last week was a lot of fun at NPS! A special thanks to Mrs. Schwam and Ms. Carroll for hosting wonderful concerts. Our students did an incredible job! In addition, on Friday, Mrs. E ran Field Day for the K/1 and 2/3 students. Mrs. E created fun and engaging stations that promoted meaningful movement for all! Thank you to Mrs. E, as well as our parent and student volunteers, for making such a fun day possible! The Senior Unit (4/5) will have their Field Day on Monday!
This week, our 5th graders will visit FMS! On Thursday, NPS will host incoming Ks from MSD partner preschools for a NPS visit! On Friday, we will celebrate our 5th graders at the Moving Up Ceremony (additional information below). In addition, the Intermediate unit will be visiting Grow It Green!
Spring Concert
Through music, the K/1 students celebrated their love of animals. The 2/3 students showed their patriotic pride through song (a special shout-out to Mrs. Summa for helping the 2/3 unit create patriotic artwork for the concert!). The 4/5 students brought the audience back to the 80s with some fun 80s pop and rock tunes!
5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony
Where: NPS Gym/Auditorium
When: June 9th
Time: 9:45am to 10:45am
Students are encouraged to come back to class following the Moving Up Ceremony. However, if you plan to take your child home directly after the ceremony, please complete a blue note by June 8th. Thank you!
Congratulations 5th Graders!
The Morris Educational Foundation is incredibly proud of the Morris School District’s hardworking 5th graders. To celebrate their achievements in elementary school, the MEF is honored to gift each of the four elementary schools with congratulatory banners to display in the month of June when so many end-of-school events are celebrated. We wish each 5th grader the best of luck at Frelinghuysen Middle School!
Senior Field Day
For Field Day, students bring a towel and water bottle to school that day. There are 3 stations involving water this year- so it may be helpful to wear quick drying clothes! Students should also apply sunscreen at home before school. Students should not bring sunscreen to school.
Lets hope the weather stays this nice and we won't have use rain dates!
June 5th: Senior Field Day @ 1-2:50pm
Please send your child in with a towel on Field Day. If you are interested in volunteering please click the link below.
Senior Field Day Sign up Link:
*If you are volunteering and picking your child up after Field Day, please note that your child will be brought back to class and dismissed to the office. Following clean up for Field Day, you can pick up your child(ren) at the main office doors!
If your child has medication in the health office, it must be picked up by an adult before the last day of school (6/16). If a parent is unavailable, you can have another adult come
as long as you give him/her a note granting permission to take the medication. As per
District policy, all unclaimed medication will be discarded.
Summer Learning Session for MSD K-5 Parents/Guardians
FMS Upcoming 6th Grade Athletics
Registration for fall 2023 sports will open on Monday, May 15, 2023. If your child is interested in playing boys soccer, girls soccer, field hockey, or cross country they can pick up forms at the FMS health office or visit our FMS Athletics website: to print out the forms at home. Please note: boys and girls soccer are cut sports.
Primary and Intermediate Field Day
5th Grade Fun Day
Bowling Party!
Thank you to 5th Grade Quest and the HSA for hosting wonderful family outing.
Students had a blast bowling with their families and friends!
HSA: NPS School Spirit Gear
Create a profile on our NPS HSA Membership Toolkit to enable your participation in the school directory (grade/teacher), sign up to receive the Home and School Association's weekly newsletter, submit club forms, volunteer and more!
It’s hard to believe that this is the last Counselor Corner of the year. I want to thank everyone for your support and ongoing collaboration. I also want to wish our 5th graders much success as they move up to the middle school. If you are a parent of a 5th grader, take some deep breaths as you transition as well from being a parent of an elementary schooler to a parent of a middle schooler. Remember, you can always reach out to your child’s counselor anytime you or your child need support.
This month is PRIDE month. Over the course of this year I have written about many celebrations and Pride celebrates members of the LGBTQ+ community. No matter the family grouping, one common thread is the love a family has for one another. Now I know that not everyone feels comfortable with this, but one thing I have always tried to stress in my newsletters is kindness, respect and empathy. It is my hope that you will continue to teach these to your children in the way you feel is best. We live in a society with a multitude of cultures, religions, political ideologies and sexual orientations. Over the summer continue to read diverse books with your children and have conversations about what you read. You are constantly molding and shaping your child and helping them develop kindness, respect and empathy.
Here is one of many good articles to help explain Pride month to your child if you are interested to do so:
There are so many wonderful books available as well. Make sure to read any book before reading it to or with your child so that you are prepared to talk about the topic and themes in the book!
Wishing you all a happy, healthy and restful summer!
Your School Counselor,
Cheryl Cohen
iReady Diagnostic
This week, our school will continue administering the Spring i-Ready® Diagnostic assessment. i-Ready Diagnostic helps teachers to effectively assess their students and then provide individualized instruction based on each student’s unique needs. i-Ready Diagnostic assesses the following skill areas:
• Phonological Awareness
• Phonics
• High-Frequency Words
• Vocabulary
• Comprehension
• Number and Operations
• Algebra and Algebraic Thinking
• Measurement and Data
• Geometry
i-Ready Diagnostic begins by giving students an adaptive assessment in reading and math. An adaptive assessment is a test that automatically adjusts the difficulty of the questions according to each student’s performance in order to determine his or her abilities in reading or math. i-Ready is a very different kind of test that presents students with questions that can be both too easy and too hard. It is designed to do this until the assessment finds exactly the level at which the student is performing. Therefore, your child will certainly see some items above his or her level. Your child will be encouraged to independently complete the test to the best of his or her ability, and know that it is okay to get questions wrong.
Each time a student gets an item incorrect, he or she will be presented with a simpler question until the diagnostic finds the grade level at which the student is performing. The assessment efficiently assesses students across multiple grade levels, allowing for identification of root causes of students’ struggles or for identification of areas where a student is ready for further challenge. This information will then provide the teacher with a “road map” to instructional remediation.
Once your child completes the test, he or she will be assigned online instruction to support his or her progress in mastering each skill. i-Ready Diagnostic supports the teachers and administrators at your child’s school. The program provides a series of comprehensive reports designed to make classroom instruction more effective. These reports include data about student performance as well as detailed teaching suggestions. They help educators make informed decisions about the instruction that is right for your child.
Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or your child’s teacher. For more information on i-Ready Diagnostic, please visit the Morris School District website:
What can I do to help?
To help prepare your child for the i-Ready Diagnostic, encourage them to:
Get a good night’s sleep and eat a full breakfast the day of the assessment.
Try their best on each question and try not to rush.
Try not to worry about questions they do not know—remind them that it is expected they will only get about half of the questions correct.
Be respectful of other students who take longer to finish
This is the third iReady diagnostic assessment of the year for Gr. 1st through 5th. This is the second iReady diagnostic assessment of the year for our Kindergarten students.
Daily Attendance Procedures
If you know that you child will be tardy or absent from school, it is requested that you notify the nurse in advance. This can be done by phone at 973-889-7960 x 6152. Voicemail is operational 24 hours daily.
You may also contact her office by email at:
Students who arrive tardy (after 8:55am) must report immediately to the Health Office upon arrival to school for a late pass
The local libraries, including Normandy Park’s own library has some of these and others as well.
If you have any concerns about your child being anxious or any other concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, pediatrician or me.
Stay Awesome!
Cheryl Cohen, School Counselor
SEL Survey
Dismissal Changes
If a situation arises that requires you to pick your child up during the school day, a note must be sent to the office specifying the pick-up time. Students being picked up early are asked to be picked up before 2:30 p.m.
Breakfast and Lunch
Click here for Breakfast and Lunch Menus.
For additional information on MSD Breakfast and Lunch, please click here to visit the district's website.
Students can bring and/or purchase lunch. Free and reduced meals are provided to families who qualify for support. To fill out the Free and Reduced Meals application, please click here.
Look Ahead:
- June 5th- 4/5 Field Day (Rain Date June 8th or 13th)
- June 9th- Moving Up Ceremony for 5th Graders
- June 12th- 5th Grade Fun Day
- June 14th-16th: Early Dismissal (1:15)
- June 16th- Last Day of School