Take 5 for SEL
Whole Child, Whole Community Learning
April 2023 - Active April ~ Poetry Month ~ Positive Self Talk
Dates to remember
April 1st, Saturday ~ April Fool's Day
April 1st, City of Buda's Birthday Celebration
April 5th, Sundown, Passover begins
April 7th, Good Friday: STUDENT/STAFF HOLIDAY.
April 9th, Easter Sunday
April 22nd, Earth Day
April 26th, Administrative Professionals Day
Approach test-taking with a mindset for success.
Putting Positive Self-Talk into Action
- Make a habit of using positive self-talk. Place your list of positive statements where you'll regularly see it - on a mirror, nightstand or desk.
- Link statements to physical cues. Say a positive statement whenever you pick up your backpack, or put on headphones. Over time, the association will automatically activate a positive thought.
- Use positive self-talk while test-taking. Positive self-talk can counteract negative thinking and increase self-confidence.
Source: Therapist Aid
Look at the research confirming SEL's positive impact on academic performance!
The colors of our EMOTIONS
Our emotion regulation ability predicts academic success, the quality of our interpersonal relationships, and our overall well-being. The way we engage with our emotions shapes our actions, relationships, families and health outcomes. Using a color-based emotion visualization tool can help us to think of our emotions more concretely. When we honor our feelings and listen to what they can teach us, we can take steps to address underlying issues. Naming feelings and talking about emotions doesn't mean they run the show. Instead, feelings serve as helpful data signaling what matters most to us and that knowledge helps us move forward with meaning and purpose.
Mood Walk - Learn Emotions | Activities For Kids | Dance Along | GoNoodle
Coping Skills For Kids - Managing Feelings & Emotions For Elementary-Middle School | Self-Regulation
Newsletter Designed by Tracy Mayhue, Hays CISD ESSER SEL Specialist
Look for the May Issue of Take 5 For SEL on May 1st. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the newsletter will be dedicated to the connection between social and emotional learning principles and practices that promote mental well-being.