Fife High News
2020-21 School Year: Remote Learning Schedule Edition
August 2020
Important 1st Week Events and Dates
Tues Sept 1
- 9-11am- New to Fife School District Students: Chromebook pickup in library
Wed Sept 2
- 12-2pm- New to Fife School District Students: Chromebook pickup in library
- Family Teacher send email to their students with 1st day info
Thurs Sept 3
- New Student Orientation (on zoom) 1PM (see below for info)
- Family teachers call their students
Fri Sept 4
- 1st day of zoom class: 9:30-12PM Family Class
Mon Sept 7
- No Class: Labor Day
Tues Sept 8
- Regular schedule begins: 1st period 8:30AM, 2nd Period 10:15AM, 3rd Period: 12:15PM
FHS Remote Learning... we are NOT an online school.
I observed my son a year ago taking on-line classes through the community college he was attending. The one person visible on the screen during class time was the teacher, who was talking “at” the students the entire class period. It was a one-way communication push, students would log on to watch the lecture, do reading, take tests and submit homework. That was the extent of his engagement. The teacher did not know his name or anything about him. He hated it, and he really struggled with the class. "Online class" can have many different meanings, and while traditional online programs do have some benefits for certain students and certain circumstances, they also often have characteristics that can contribute to struggles for students like my son.
Fife High School is NOT an on-line program, many of which fit the description from above. At Fife High School...
Teachers are working hard to create engaging lessons in this online platform
Student leaders will be working hard to keep our student body informed and connected
Daily time will be spent by our teachers getting to know and encourage our students, and allow for our students to know each other.
We will intentionally be working to provide connection to our school community while addressing the ever taxing stress that comes alongside the COVID pandemic.
Although we are relegated to an online mode of communication, we will do our very best to still be Fife High School, just in remote learning.
Brandon Bakke
What can you expect from school communication?
- Weekly communication from the school in our newsletter: Fife High News
- Students who subscribe to our remind system will get reminder texts
- Occasional dial out phone calls for more critical updates
- Students need to be checking their school email accounts daily for google classroom updates
- Visit our teacher hub to get quick links to every teachers google classroom
- Visit our website: fhs.fifeschools.com
- Follow us on twitter @FifeHSTrojans
Understanding your schedule- click image below
Sept 3rd: Getting Connected
Students will receive an email from their family teacher on September 1st or 2nd with instructions about class Friday. Students who do not reply to their teacher's email will get a phone call on Thursday 9/3 from their Family teacher following up on the email to make sure everyone knows what they are doing for our first class day Friday.
Wed Sept 2- Email from your Family Teacher
Thurs Sept 3- Call from your teacher if you didn't respond to the email
Sept 4th: 1st Day of Class... Family
Using the info sent to you from your Family Class teacher, Friday you will attend just 1 class...Family. This is from 10AM-12PM. This will be your welcome back orientation, it is critically important that you attend so you can understand all the important logistics associated with remote learning.
- Teachers will help you to make sure you are connected to all your google classrooms
- Make sure you understand the daily schedule
- Get connected with classmates and your teacher, and hear from FHS staff and student leaders.
- BE SURE to you are logging in with your Fife google account or you will not be able to enter the zoom classroom!
What is Family Class?
How do I know where to access my class zoom links?
How do I get to my Family class on Friday for the first day?
- Your Family teacher will be sending you an email on Tuesday (9/1) or Wednesday (9/2) to your Fife School District Gmail Account.
- In the email they will provide a link to their Family Zoom Class on Friday (9/4)
Teacher Hub/Splash Pages
- You can also visit your Family teacher's splash page which can be found on the Fife High School website by clicking the Staff button followed by Teacher Hub
- Look for your Family teacher's name (found on Skyward). Teachers will provide directions on how to reach their Family Zoom classes (and all other classes)
How Do I see what classes I have on my schedule?
New to Fife School District? We got you!
Attend our virtual New Student Orientation September 3rd from 1-2PM. The zoom link information will be provided when you pick up your chromebook.
Expectations for Students in Zoom Classrooms
Understand that the first couple of times video conferencing will be awkward for all of us. We will get through it together. Be respectful and kind.
Be kind to each other... and be a pro
Attendance and Learning Environment
Arrive on time and stay until you are dismissed by the Teacher.
(Absences and Tardies will be recorded, however, late is better than not showing at all).
Must be logged in with your FSD student google account.
Choose a quiet location in your home, not laying in your bed. Sit up and be attentive.
Make sure the light in front of you is brighter than the light behind you.
Be aware of what is behind you (make sure it is school appropriate) and use a wall for your background if possible.
Limit distractions. Eating or drinking during class is at Teacher discretion.
Video Etiquette
Do NOT take video or pictures.
Keep the audio muted unless directed differently from the teacher.
Dress appropriately for school.
Video must be enabled during class. Your entire face should be shown at all times.
Use the Chat feature to ask questions or make a comment, and be patient for the response. You will be called upon to speak.
The chat feature should only be used as directed by the teacher.
Do not use the reactions button unless asked to by the teacher.
Use school appropriate language at all times.
Anyone showing any inappropriate behavior will face disciplinary action.
Senior Only Parking Info: Painting your spot
The Fife HS ASB and the building leadership are excited to announce that our tradition of parking space painting for Seniors - the class of 2021-- will continue!
If you are a senior and want to paint a parking spot in the student parking lot, please fill out this Senior Parking Spot Painting Request to be put on the list (be sure to use your Fife HS account when logging in). There will be a maximum limit to the number of spots available to paint, so if the limit is exceeded, we will draw names for those that are interested. Click here to read the guidelines and parking permit for painting. Applicants still must fill out a parking permit form and provide proof of license and insurance.
Need support?
Need to reach a counselor? email for appointment.
Need to speak to someone? Call FHS Office between 7:30-3:00 253-517-1100
Need to speak to the nurse? Call FHS 253-517-1100 ext. 24573
FHS Office Hours for phone: 7:30-3PM
Need to come to the school? xxxx
How do you get Breakfast and Lunch?
Fife Public Schools will be providing our regular lunch program for the 2020-2021 school year. During remote learning, meals will be provided at several locations throughout the district delivered by our transportation department.
Transportation routes and times will be available on our website by August 28th. (Routes may be modified throughout the first few weeks to adjust for delivery.)
USDA Guidelines require meals to be delivered to students who are enrolled in Fife School District or to a supervising adult.
Families who are not on the free and reduce meal plans, can prepay for meals using the districts’ online payment system. See below for more info!
We encourage families to prepay for the food program as account transactions will not be available on the buses.
For further information about the Free & Reduced Food Program contact Toni Barnett @ tbarnett@fifeschools.com or call (253) 517-1000 ext. 25121.
For information regarding bus routes, contact the Transportation Department at (253) 517-1060.
Catherine Bowman Director of Transportation @ cbowman@fifeschools.com
Elaine Lee Assistant Director @ elee@fifeschools.com
Updates and Info
Free & Reduced Meal Application Information
Both new and returning students who wish to apply for free and/or reduced meals should click the link to the application below. Completed applications must be either scanned and emailed back to Toni Barnett at tbarnett@fifeschools.com or mailed or delivered to Fife School District office.
The English & Spanish version of the Food Program application and the household letter can be found @ Fifeschools.com, Departments, Food Service, Free and Reduced Lunch Info
Returning Students
Returning students maintain their prior year’s free or reduced eligibility for the first 30 school days, or until a new application is processed. If a returning student does not have a new application processed by October 15, 2020, they will automatically be transferred to a paid account on the next school day. Families are responsible for any charges incurred.
Please notify Toni Barnett, Manager of Food Services (253.517.1000) if a returning student has a newly enrolled sibling so that we may extend the 30 school day eligibility to the new student. Families will still need to complete a new application to avoid any unnecessary charges.
Chromebook Support
To be sure your Chromebook is ready to go for classes students should make sure their Chromebook is working asap by charging it, turning it on, and logging in. If you have any issues you should take the Chromebook to the district office Monday through Thursday between 9am-1pm for repair. The Fife School District Tech Services department will try to have it ready by the next day but they will contact the student/family when it is ready for pick up.
Click here for more information on tech assistance during Covid-19 distance learning.
Athletics--COVID Update
In July and August, the WIAA gave some clarity on the season plan for the 2020-21 school year with an adjusted and abbreviated sports schedule. With those adjustments, the 2A SPSL has opted to use Season 3 for all of the Season 1 sports due to league schools starting school virtually this fall. What this means for Fife High School is there will not be sports until December 28th, the tentative start to Season 2. The graphic below shows the sports and start dates for the 20-21 sports seasons. Starting in November, FamilyID registrations will open for Season 2. Use this time to update physicals as they will be required for eligibility (We are currently working on making the last physical date viewable in Skyward). ASB card purchases will still be required for participation, but the sale for cards will be put on hold until a later date.
General Parking & ASB Info
Due to school beginning virtually and the postponement of athletics for the fall season the sale of ASB Cards and Parking Passes for juniors and sophomores will be delayed.
If you have been by the school, you will notice there are new portable classrooms where last years seniors used to park. There is also construction that will take up a portion of the staff parking lot. When we are able to return to school in person we will have limited parking in both lots which will affect the number of parking passes we will be able to sell.
Skyward Update, We Need your updated info!
Your child's school will use the current information on their info screen to send mailings home, email notifications regarding school events & information, or in the event of an emergency situation call parents or emergency contacts.
If you do not have one already families should sign up for their Skyward account to have access to school communication and student information: skyward.fifeschools.com
Update your contact information (ie; home address, Email address, cell phone number, emergency contact numbers).
To look at the information in Skyward log into your Skyward account, then go to Family Access, scroll down to the Student Info tab and look over ALL your information.
Make sure your student's name is spelled correctly. The way your child's name appears on this screen should be their legal name as this is used to print their high school diploma. (The middle name will only appear as the first letter of the name so you'll want to make sure that the full middle name is spelled correctly before diplomas are printed.)
Contact Mrs. Kilcup, FHS Registrar, to request changes to your student's contact information. pkilcup@fifeschools.com or 253.517.1100 x24569
For more information click on the Family Access Toolkit link below or visit skyward.fifeschools.com
Construction Update
Steam Center: Opening Winter 2021/22
1st Floor
New portables
Good To Know Info
World Language Proficiency Testing for Credit
Students can earn up to a maximum of 4 high school World Language credits. These credits will apply toward World Language high school graduation credits. Two (2) or more credits earned meet the college entrance requirement of most universities for the two years of world language.
Registration form due to counselor: November 2, 2020
Testing date: November 23 with the time & location to be determined.
Tests are provided during the school day and may take up to 3 hours to complete.
Put the following link in your browser for registration & testing info: https://sites.google.com/a/fifeschools.com/world-language-testing/
Helpful Info and Links
Fife Transportation
For any questions regarding bus routes, bus stops, etc. please contact Fife Transportation at 253.517.1060.
Student Accident & Sickness Insurance Plans
Fife High School
Email: tgieck@fifeschools.com
Website: https://fhs.fifeschools.com/
Location: 5616 20th St E, Fife, WA, USA
Phone: 253-891-5500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fifehigh/
Twitter: @fifeHSTrojans