December 13th, 2023 www.briarwoodpta.org
Join the Strategic Planning Process in January 2024
Shawnee Mission School District will begin updating its Strategic Plan in early 2024 and the entire community is invited to engage in the process. This plan will serve and guide Shawnee Mission for 2024-2029. Click here to see a video.
The success of this plan depends on broad community input, as well as individuals willing to serve on committees and action teams. Here are ways community members, family members, educators, staff, and students can prepare to engage in the process:
- Consider applying for the Steering Committee or an Action Team. Applications to serve on the Steering Committee will be open on January 4, 2024 and remain open through January 12, 2024. Action Teams will be established in early March 2024. The Steering Committee represents school and district communities, oversees the strategic plan work, and develops the core elements of the Plan. Action Teams will develop action plans to support district strategies and objectives.
- Provide your input in a ThoughtExchange. ThoughtExchange provides you with a chance to respond to an open-ended question, consider and assign stars to ideas shared by others, and learn what is important to those contributing input. The ThoughtExchange opportunity will be provided in January.
- Watch for Strategic Plan information and updates on www.smsd.org.
Shawnee Mission’s Strategic Plan work reflects an ongoing commitment by our community to support student success. The plan serves as a road map, giving clarity to our destination and the pathway to get there.
“I thank everyone for thinking about how they might contribute to our next Strategic Plan update, and for their ongoing commitment to our schools,” Superintendent Dr. Michelle Hubbard expressed.
Click here for more information on the Strategic Plan update process.
Friday, December 15th
Family Traditions and Holiday Posters due to teachers- see flyer below for details
Wednesday, December 20th
12:30 Early Dismissal
December 21st-January 5th
Winter Break
Wednesday, January 17th
Peter Piper Pizzeria
Tuesday, January 23rd
Briarwood Auction tickets go on sale- see details below
Tuesday, January 30th
Skate Party 4:00-6:00pm
Thursday, February 1st @ 7pm in the Briarwood Cafeteria
General PTA Meeting
Thursday, February 15th
Science Night- more details to come
Full BW PTA Calendar is available here
Volunteers Needed- Comanche Holiday Mart
Thank you for all the wonderful donations towards the Comanche Holiday Mart!
Volunteers are needed to help run the Holiday Mart. We're looking for help with the Set-up (Wed 12/13) and Shopping Helpers & Wrappers (Thurs 12/14 and Fri 12/15). Please consider signing-up if you can assist with this amazing program. You do not need to be MVP trained to volunteer.
Volunteers needed- Comanche Mobile Food Pantry
2024 dates: January 13, February 10, March 9, April 13 and May 11
Grad your family & friends and help our friends in the Comanche community. The Mobile Food Pantry distributes food primarily and is intended for families in need of emergency food assistance.
Yearbooks are on sale NOW- orders due by March 2024- don't wait!
Help us fill the yearbook with your school event pictures! We'd love to see your pictures of class parties, field trips & community events (Movie Night, Bulldog jog) etc. See QR code below!
Makerspace Donations
Ms Martens is in need of supplies for the Makerspace. Below are items we need. Donations can be sent in with your student.
Pipe cleaners
Colorful duct tape
Cotton balls
Q Tips
Scotch tape
Googly eyes
Markers-washable any size
Washi tape
Popsicle sticks
Nurse Needs!!
Nurse Blizzard has asked for donations of gently used clothing of all sizes for the nurses office. If you have anything to donate, please drop it off in the office!
Auction Donations Needed!!
The Briarwood PTA auction committee is reaching out to our dedicated parent community to find volunteers who would be willing to help secure donations from local organizations. This work can be done from home or work, all virtually. These volunteers are not engaged as part of the official auction committee, but extra hands are needed to ensure we can cover the most ground. The auction committee will provide you with everything you need in order to contact organizations. We are looking for people who would be assigned 5-10 organizations (one to three hours of total time is estimated for this) and would conduct outreach by January 31st.
This is a low-commitment way to contribute to Briarwood PTA's largest fundraiser. If this is something you are willing to help with, please contact Jessica Becker at jessica.becker85@gmail.com by January 5th.
Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to working with you to make our 2024 auction a tremendous success!
Auction Tickets on sale soon!
Tickets go on sale soon! For more information about the Briarwood Auction, check out our website for all the details.
Are you still not sure what the auction is all about? What are we fundraising for? Stay tuned to your inbox where we will answer all of your questions and more with regular newsletters that will have information specially about this very important fundraising event!
Did you know that by simply purchasing a PTA membership, you are providing immediate financial support for our students and the Briarwood staff? Your membership helps fund additional activities and programs not covered by SMSD. Join now by clicking here!
The simple act of joining the PTA does NOT mean you are automatically registered to volunteer for any activities or programs. The PTA welcomes ALL volunteers, but we do not require anything of you. If you are interested in helping, we'd love to hear from you- Volunteer Interest Form.
Get started today by visiting https://www.briarwoodpta.org, select “Directory”
- Update or create an account through Membership Toolkit. Once you update/create your account, you can decide what information is shared in the online directory, which is ONLY accessible to other BW registrants.
- Our directory will only be as useful as YOU make it. Please register to help us build a stronger community network for parents/caregivers and students.
- Download the Membership Toolkit app from the App Store or Google Play for on-the-go access.
Questions? Contact Karen Moore: karen.jeanne.moore@gmail.com
December Celebrations & Recognitions
December 7th – December 15th - Hanukkah
December 18th – World Arabic Language Day
December 31st – New Year’s Eve
Celebrate Diversity: Inclusion & Equity, Representation, Self-identity
Great Reads & Recipes
Great Reads
8 Picture Books to Celebrate the Eight Nights of Hanukkah
30 Classic Christmas Books for Kids
Around the World Recipes
Amy Kritzer – What Jew Wanna Eat Food Blog
Author/food blogger Amy creates modern
interpretations of classic recipes to bring new light to old favorites!
Briarwood Hat & Glove Drive
- The Stay Warm Campaign for the Shawnee Mission Clothing Closet starts Monday, December 11 and runs through Friday, December 15.
- We are collecting winter hats, gloves, earmuffs, and money donations (to be used to purchase hats/gloves) for students in our district.
- Our goal is to collect 125 hats/earmuffs and 125 pairs of gloves before winter break for a school-wide hat day!
Please help Briarwood students get to school safely! The intersection at 86th and Juniper does not have a SMSD-staffed crossing guard; the school relies on volunteers. All volunteers are welcome, but if your student uses this intersection, please consider signing up once per month.
- 7:50 - 8:10 am (school starts at 8:10 a.m. for all grades)
- 3:05 - 3:20 (dismissal at 3:10 p.m. for all grades)
- 12:25 - 12:40 p.m. on half days (half-day dismissal is at 12:30 for all grades; half days are indicated on the sign-up calendar)
- Cars are not permitted to turn LEFT off 86th Street onto Juniper (you may have to remind drivers)
- Students must walk themselves and/or their bikes/scooters across the crosswalk
- Manage pedestrian and vehicle traffic for safe street crossing
- Remind students to follow street crossing rules
- Help control car and pedestrian traffic conditions
Thank you!
Read Across SMSD
Middle Grade
Young Adult
- On the right side of the newsletter, a bar will appear with the Translation feature.
- Click on the Translation bar then click on the Select Language button.
- Choose your language of choice from the drop-down menu of languages and click close. The newsletter will now be translated.
En el lado derecho de la pagina, aparecerá una barra con la función de traducción. Haga clic en la barra de traducción y luego haga clic en el botón Seleccionar idioma. Elija español en el menú desplegable de idiomas y haga clic en cerrar. El boletín ahora se traducirá.
GET SOCIAL - Connect With Us Online!
Website: https://www.briarwoodpta.org/
Twitter: @BriarwoodElem
Instagram: @BriarwoodBulldogs
Facebook: facebook.com/BriarwoodBulldogs
Grade-level Facebook Groups (private):
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2030 (6th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2031 (5th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2032 (4th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2033 (3rd grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2034 (2nd Grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2035 (1st Grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2036 (Kindergarten)
Deana Curtin • deanacurtin@gmail.com
Ashley Hunt • ashleyhunt910@gmail.com
Rachel Wymore • rla08@hotmail.com
VP Administration:
Heather Rowe • hgreenlaw_01@yahoo.com
VP Communications:
Terra Snyder • walker_terra@hotmail.com
VP Community Events:
Kristin McClasky • Kdp1202@gmail.com
VP Student Services:
Susan Jarrold • susan.jarrold@gmail.com
VP Funding:
Jessica Becker • jessica.becker85@gmail.com
VP Finance:
Denise Wheeler • denisetompkins@mac.com
Michelle Wiens mwiens678@gmail.com
Diana Beckman • dianalbeckman@gmail.com
Briarwood Foundation:
Valerie Moeder • ValerieLMoeder@gmail.com
Diversity & Inclusion Chair:
Craig Dawson • craigdawson@icloud.com