Spring State Testing
7th Grade
MODA Spring Testing Begins Soon!
*Note: Testing dates and times are different for MODA students than in person students. Please take note of the dates and times outlined below. Check the schedule carefully because there are various times and locations for testing.
Testing Begins on Friday, April 23 for 7th grade MODA students.
- Friday, April 23: ELA Parts 1 & 2
- Monday May 3: Math Parts 1 & 2
Please read below for important testing information for your child.
Testing Locations and Times
Students are permitted 1 hr 45 mins for the ELA test and 1 hr 30 mins for the math test. To provide sufficient time for arrival, directions, testing time, breaks, and dismissal, you will note that the testing sessions are several hours in either the morning or afternoon based on your child's home building (Claggett or Root).
Friday, April 23 (ELA):
Claggett and Root 7th grade: Students report to MHS Media Center from 7:30AM-12:00PM for ELA testing.
Monday, May 3 (Math):
Claggett 7th grade: Students report to Claggett Room 308 from 8:00AM-12:00PM for math testing. *See information below on where to enter the building.
Root 7th grade: Students report to the Medina High School Professional Development Center (PDC) from 8:00AM-12:00PM for math testing.
Claggett Students
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Friday, April 23 (ELA): Drop students off at the Medina High School (MHS) B1 entrance between 7:30AM and 7:45AM. The B1 entrance is in front of the football stadium and is the closest entrance to E. Union St. An adult will greet students at the door and will direct them to the Media Center to sign-in and prepare for testing. Pick-up students at the same location (B1 entrance) at 12:00PM.
Monday, May 3 (Math): Drop students off at the Claggett Cafeteria Zone Entrance (B4 Hall Entrance) located on the east side of the building between 8:00AM and 12:00PM. Students will enter the cafeteria and will be greeted by an adult. Students will be directed to room to sign-in and prepare for testing. Pick-up students at the same location Cafeteria Zone Entrance (SE) at 12:00PM.
Root Students
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Friday, April 23 (ELA): Drop students off at the MHS B1 entrance between 7:30AM and 7:45AM. The B1 entrance is in front of the football stadium and is the closest entrance to E. Union St. An adult will greet students at the door and will direct them to the Media Center to sign-in and prepare for testing. Pick-up students at the same location (B1 entrance) at 12:00PM.
Monday, May 3 (Math): Drop students off at Medina High School D2 Doors near the D Parking Lot between 8:00AM and 8:15AM. The D2 entrance is past the Medina Recreation Center in the back of MHS adjacent to the football stadium. See the Professional Development Center (PDC) Drop-Off Map linked below. Students will enter the D2 doors and will be greeted by an adult. Students will be directed to the Professional Development Center (PDC) to sign-in and prepare for testing. Pick-up students in the same location (D2 entrance) at 12:00PM.
What should students bring on testing days?
*Remember to eat a healthy breakfast and get a good night’s sleep!
Chromebook (w/charger)
Book to read (if student completes test early)
Face Mask
Healthy Snack
Water bottle
Multiple pencils
Calculator (for math) -Calculator Guidelines
Headphones (math and science)
Health and Safety Procedures
Please contact Mr. Mattie with any questions.